Hillstream loach week at Aquarium Glaser! Part 2: Beaufortia leveretti

24. March 2009

This is by far the most often offered hillstream loach. It originates from China and Vietnam, but is currently imported from China only. The whole habitus is very similar to the Sewellia species we presented yesterday. The coloration is formed by pretty black spots on golden underground.

The most important fact one has to know about B. leveretti is that this is not a tropical fish at all, but comes from moderate climate zones. Thus it is impossible to keep it in a long time sight at water temperatures above 24°C. The ideal range is 12°C in winter and 21°C in summer. Avoid abrupt jumps in temperature!

B. leveretti is therefore an ideal inhabitant of unheatet aquaria and helps you to save energy costs. A perfect tankmate for B. leveretti is the White cloud mountain minnow, Tanichthys albonubes. A school of that fish containing about 15-20 specimens in the water column and 10-12 Beaufortia form a very nice picture.

Text & photo: Frank Schäfer