Only in the transit…

14. February 2017

There are not many species of fish in which the demand is greater than the number of offered animals. The Rainbow Darter (Etheostoma caeruleum) from North America belongs to these exceptional species. The pretty, small species – it attains a maximum length of 7-8 cm –  has been imported as early as 1899, but it always stayed rare.

Now we obtained 10 adult bred specimens, which are, however, not for sale, but which will go to another breeder. We hope the new breeder will be able to produce a good number of offspring for us.

Although the Rainbow Darter inhabits cool, fast running watter in the wild it is all but demanding. The species deposits the eggs in the ground. Hopefully they will do it in great numbers in their new home and then we will be able to offer the pretty fish to all who are interested in it.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer