Tag Archives: Desmopuntius

Striuntius lineatus

7. February 2022

Only in very few cases is such confusion around fish names as there is around the horizontically striped barbels of Southeast Asia. The beautiful animals belong according to current opinion to two genera: the species with clearly visible, long barbels belong to the genus Desmopuntius with currently seven accepted species and the form without (or very short) barbels and a fleshy upper lip is in the genus Striuntius, to which according to molecular data otherwise only the aquaristically well known species S. lateristrigata should belong. However, the latter must be based on a mistake, these two species have not much in common. Further information concerning the name confusion around these barbs can be found here: https://www.aqualog.de/blog/namen-dramen-die-linienbarbe/ (unfortunately only in German).

Because of the many confusions it is not clear how big Striuntius lineatus gets. The largest scientifically determined animal was 5-6 cm long (exactly 5.3 cm without caudal fin). Striuntius lineatus is a peaceful, somewhat shy fish, which especially appreciates water enriched with humic substances (dead leaves, peat, alder cones). The species is best kept in a group in a community tank. Other, more impudent, but peaceful fish (e.g. harlequin barbs) take away their shyness there. 

Striuntius lineatus is widely distributed in Malaysia and Indonesia, but is only very rarely imported.

For our customers: the fish have code 369873 on our stocklist. Please note that we supply exclusively to wholesalers.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Desmopuntius rhomboocellatus

24. December 2021

Once again we have been able to import beautiful, fully grown specimens of the Orange Barb; unfortunately they are already sold out, but we want to use this opportunity to point out another of the numerous name changes of the Asian small barbs.

Desmopuntius – the name means “convict barb” and refers to the striped pattern reminiscent of convict clothing, which all species show at least as juveniles – currently includes the following eight species:

Desmopuntius endecanalis (Kapuas River basin, Indonesian part of Borneo), D. foerschi (Kalimantan, Indonesian part of Borneo), D. gemellus (Jambi, Sumatra, Indonesia), D. hexazona (Central Sumatra, Indonesia), D. johorensis (Johore, Malaysia), D. pentazona (Sarawak, part of Borneo belonging to Malaysia), D. rhomboocellatus (Kalimantan, Indonesian part of Borneo), and D. trifasciatus (Kapuas River basin, Indonesian part of Borneo).

Due to their coloration D. rhomboocellatus is unmistakable within the genus.

For our customers: the animals have code 370923 on our stocklist. Please note that we supply exclusively to wholesalers.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Desmopuntius pentazona

6. May 2019

The five banded barb is one of the most beautiful small barbs. Originally it comes from the river Baram on Borneo, which flows through the Malaysian part (Sarawak) of the big island. Once the black water species was regarded as delicate, its breeding as a high school, but these problems have long since been solved. Nowadays, D. pentazona, which was formerly assigned to the genera Barbus or Puntius, is sold almost exclusively as bred ones. 

Five banded barbs are always beautiful, but the most beautiful they are in soft, slightly acidic water, which is equipped with dark ground (a layer of peat) and abundantly planted. When taking care of these animals, it is important to note that they are distinct schooling fish. 20-30 animals are a fascinating sight and delight the keeper with their interesting and varied behaviour. The females lack the red in their fins, which makes them easy to recognize. The gender ratio is irrelevant for the composition of the swarm, but more males mean more action.

For our customers: the animals have code 370702 on our stocklist. Please note that we only supply wholesalers.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer