Tag Archives: headstander

Synaptolaemus latofasciatus

1. October 2024

Finally we managed to import again some specimens of this unusual “striped sock” from Venezuela. The species – there is just the one in the genus Synaptolaemus – was long known under the name S. cingulatus, until Britzki et al. discovered that the species described as Leporinus latofasciatus by Steindachner in 1910 was identical with S. cingulatus. Because S. cingulatus was described about 40 years later, the principle of priority applies and the older name must be used.

S. latofasciatus is found in the Orinoco, the Casiquiare, the Rio Negro, the drainage of the Rio Tapajos, and the upper Rio Xingu, but it is thought that the species is frequently overlooked and has an even wider distribution. The individual populations may differ somewhat in coloration – the Ventuari fishes have the highest percentage of red in the body rings, those from the Xingu are more yellow – but in general Britski et al. were unable to find any differences that would justify the description of new species or subspecies.

This extraordinary headstander grows to around 10-12 cm long. It is specialized in grazing the undersides of pieces of wood. A quite unusual characteristic of the type is the “frayed” lower lip. Like all headstanders the species is somewhat aggressive towards conspecifics, but several specimens can generally be maintained together. We think on the basis of our observations that males are somewhat smaller and daintier than females. These fishes have proved to not be particularly delicate, though the species needs to be kept somewhat warmer than usual, with 24 °C the lower limit of the recommended temperature range.

For our customers: the fish have code 294883 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Available in limited numbers only!

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Pseudanos winterbottomi

8. May 2019

In the past years we received this rare headstander, scientifically described only in 2005, which is known from the Orinoco in Venezuela and the Tapajós in Brazil, only very occasionally as a by-catch from Venezuela. Mostly the animals were found among Anostomus ternetzi or Pseudanos trimaculatus. Now we could finally import some specimens of this beautiful species.

Pseudanos winterbottomi becomes about 15 cm long, so it belongs to the medium-sized headstanders. The color change ability is amazing. Above all young animals are brightly ochre colored and have a dark vertical stripe. This remains lifelong, however, is not clearly recognizable in all mood-colorings. A golden shine, that becomes visible with frontlight, lies over everything. In the age, the fish become darker altogether, the tail fin turns deep orange, the golden shine shimmering in the reflected light is present above all on the back scales. The entire colour scheme is reminiscent of delicacies and fruit offered at Christmas, which is why we propose the popular name “Chocolate Headstander”.

This fish has to be cared for like all other headstanders, i.e. in large aquariums rich in cover and planted as well as possible. For headstander conditions, the species should be classified as peaceful. Both conspecifics and other fish are usually left alone. The best company are other headstanders, e.g. the already mentioned species, but also other, peaceful tetra, cichlids and catfish. 

The chemical composition of the water is insignificant, the animals should be cared for at 26-28°C. When feeding, pay attention to the need for vegetable food, otherwise aquarium plants will be eaten. P. winterbottomi eats all common ornamental fish food.

For our customers: the species has code 283744 on our stocklist. Please note that we only supply wholesalers. Only available in limited quantities!

Lexicon: Pseudanos: means “false Anostomus”. winterbottomi: dedication name for Richard Winterbottom, curator emeritus for ichthyology at the Royal Ontario Museum, Canada.

Proposal of a common name: Chocolate Headstander

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Anostomus ternetzi

28. December 2018

The golden striped headstander, Anostomus tenetzi, has a very wide distribution in South America. It is recorded from Brazil, French Guyana, Guyana, Suriname, and Venezuela. The specimens on which the original descritption based, originated from Venezuela, and we were able to import them from there once more.

This beautiful fish is among the most peaceful species of headstander at all. It stay smaller than Anostomus anostomus. The latter can become more than 16 cm long, while A. ternetzi attains a maximum length of about 12 cm only.

In very young specimens of A. ternetzi the broad band along the body has wavy edges; it looks as if it would be composed of many, merged spots. Later these edges become straight in many specimens, but in others it stays wavy. Possibly this is a secondary sexual character. It is known from many species of fish that the female´s pattern is more similar to the juvenile pattern than in males.

For our customers: Anostomus ternetzi has code 206001 on our stocklist. Pleaee note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Anostomus: means “the one with the upturned mouth”. ternetzi: dedication name for Carl Ternetz (1870-1928). 

Common name: Golden Striped Headstander

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer