Tag Archives: L128

L128 Blue Phantom

3. February 2020

There is no „official“ paper that states in which genus this popular species from Venezuela should be placed in, but the catfish community agrees that it most probably is a member of the genus Hemiancistrus. Currently we have very nice youngsters of 3-4 cm length in stock, and some smaller as well as some larger specimens, too. The species attains a length over 25 cm. The fish have an individually differing pattern.

Keeping L128 is not difficult at all. However, one should use not too small tanks, as the fish attains a respecatble length. It is important to keep these suckers at comparatively high temperatures. The Orinoco river always has 28-33°C where they are collected. So water temperature should not fall below 25°C for longer periods.

For our customers: the fish have code 26480-L 128-1 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer