Tag Archives: Leiarius

Hey, hey, hey, hey, little pirate…

5. April 2019

This is the chorus of a Rodgau Monotones´ song about a small employee who breaks out of his hated everyday life and puts on an eye patch to continue living as a pirate in the future. We had to think of this song when a magnificent Leiarius pictus from Peru arrived on Wednesday. The animal is already a good 30-35 cm long, so it is certainly sexually mature (the maximum length for this species is 60 cm). Of course he will have a completely different and probably much longer and more pleasant life in the aquarium than in nature, but we were reminded of the little pirate when this beautiful fish calmly turned around and presented his side that had been turned away from us until then. Here the eye is missing! No question, the fish lost that in the hard fight for survival in nature. The wound has healed excellently and for fish the facial sense generally does not play such a big role, because they have numerous other sensory organs. So we hope that our little pirate will soon find a new home despite his physical blemish.

For our customers: the animal has code 265307 on our stocklist. Please note that we only supply wholesalers.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer