Tag Archives: Leporacanthicus

Leporacanthicus triactis VARIETIES

8. July 2019

Currently we received an import from Venezuela, which included small, only 3-4 cm long specimens of Leporacanthicus triactis, also known as L91. Among them are an unusually large number (approx. 10) of unusually beautifully drawn variants. 

Normally small L91 do not look much different than the adults, only a little lighter in basic tone. But the color variations are really a show in bright orange and black. Such colour variations of L. triactis have been known for a long time, but are only rarely available and therefore highly sought after. At least we haven’t seen so many at once.

For our customers: the animals have code 26480-L 091Y-1 on our stocklist. Please note that we only supply wholesalers.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

L264 Leporacanthicus joselimai German bred

26. September 2018

Leporacanthicus joselimai (L264) comes from the Rio Tapajós in Brazil and grows 15-20 cm long. It belongs to the carnivorous species of suckermouth catfish and should therefore be fed with a wide range of feed, such as frozen food, granules, flakes, etc.. Since most of the food is eaten at night, it is necessary to plan feeding accordingly.

In the group maintained L. joselimai are very lively and tolerable, while individually kept animals are very shy and often react aggressively to other tankmates. 

The breeding of these beautiful catfish is not yet an everyday event and so we are pleased to be able to offer very pretty offspring of currently 4-6 cm length as German bred ones.

For our customers: the animals have code 26480-L 264X-1 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Leporacanthicus triactis L91 Variety

27. April 2018

The tooth-nose Leporacanthicus triactis from Venezuela s a beautiful aquarium fish that has a number of advantages. Besides the very nice coloration it does not become too big (maximum size reported is about 30 cm, but most specimens in the wild stay much smaller) and it is an omnivorous fish that readily accepts all types of usual fish food.

From time to time very attractive individuals appear in the trade that show a reticulated to spotted pattern. We currently received only the seventh specimen in 20 years, so one can really call it a rarity!

For our customers: the fish has code 26480-L091Y-4 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Leporacanthicus sp. L326

15. December 2017

This unusual Leporacanthicus originates from the Orinoco. The L-number was given already back in 2002. Initially the fish was imported from Colombia. It is said that these fish were collected in the area around Puerto Carreño. We currently received this fish for the first time ever; our specimens come from Venezuela. L326 differs from all other species of Leporacanthicus with a similar coloration by the shape of the caudal fin, which has two well developed tips. Since the original introduction of the species in the DATZ magazine nothing was heard of the fish anymore; indeed we thought initially that our importation would belong to an absolute new species. Ingo Seidel gave us the hint where to reasearch for – thanks for that!

It is said that this Leporacanthicus can reach a size of about 25 cm. The shape of the mouth – the upper lip has extensions like barbels – and the long, fang-like teeth are typical for the genus. Most probably these fish use their teeth to draw snails out of their shell. In any case L326 is a carnivorous fish that prefers to feed on frozen food items and usually refuses plant material in the aquarium.

The shape and number of the white spots differ individually a lot, but besides the already mentioned shape of the caudal fin the whitish borders of the dorsal and the caudal fin seem to be species-specific.

For our customers: the fish have code 26480-L 326-1 (4-6 cm) and 26480-L 326-3 (8-10 cm) on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Available in small numbers only!

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer