Tag Archives: Pelvicachromis

Pelvicachromis pulcher Albino

14. September 2018

Breeding forms are like certain foods: you like them – or not. But it is a fact that the aquarium hobby, like all other areas of domestic animal and plant care, cannot get along without breeding forms.


The albino of the krib, Pelvicachromis pulcher, is a breeding form whose charm is not obvious at first sight. The animals come mostly adolescent into the trade and are then simply white kribs. Well. Now we have full-grown animals in our stock. And the situation is very different. The red and yellow colour elements remain in the albino, only the black colours have been genetically lost. In reproductive mood, both the males and the females of the albino krib look quite wonderfully!

For our customers: the fish have code 559703 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusiveky supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Pelvicachromis roloffi

1. June 2017

The maybe rarest of all dwarf cichlids of the genus Pelvicachromis is P. roloffi. So we are very glad that in our current import from Guinea some specimens were included. This species depicts in almost all different moods a clearly visible, horizontal band. The females are – as usual in Pelvicachromis – the more colorful fishes. P. roloffi is a small species. Males hardly grow larger than 8.5 cm, femals always stay smaller.

For our customers: the fish have code 560303 on our stocklist. Please note the we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Available in small numbers only!

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Wallaceochromis humilis „Kasewe“

30. May 2017

Finally we were able again to organize an import of – inter alia – dwarf cichlids from Guinea. Formerly all these fish were placed in the genus Pelvicachromis, but the species humilis, signatus, and rubrolabiatus have been transferred to the newly described genus Wallaceochromis in 2016. The naming of the different local populations of these fish is somewhat confusing, as by far not all specimens collected together look the same phenotypically. This time we mainly obtained the local variety „Kasewe“. The photos show specimens from our current stock. But we also received other varieties which we plan to show you in the next days.

For our customers: the fish have code 559523 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Pelvicachromis pulcher wild Yellow

6. March 2017

The yellow sport of Pelvicachromis pulcher originates from southwest Nigeria. Here they are collected west of the Niger delta in the area of the Ethiop river. The names Yellow, Red or Green for the different sports of P. pulcher refers to the colour of the opercles; all of them get a red belly at times. In all Pelvicachromis the females are the more attractive fish, P. pulcher is no exception from that rule. One can study in wild collected fish the variation of the eye-spots in die dorsal fin of the females, which can differ individually from zero to five.

For our customers: the fish have code 560202 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer