Tag Archives: rungthipae

Acantopsis rungthipae

29. November 2017

You don´t know that name? We didn´t either, until some days ago a taxonomical revision of the horseface loaches of the genus Acantopsis was published. All loaches of the genus used to be named Acantopsis dialuzona in the trade (sometimes the synonym A. choirorhynchos was also used). Currently seven different species are considered to be valid. The different species can be recognized not only by anatomical structures, but also by the colour pattern. Although it will stay very difficult in some cases to determine a single specimen, it is more than likely that the common species in the trade is A. rungthipae. The species A. dialuzona (= A. choiorhynchos) ist still valid; it occurs in Indonesia, Malaysia, and southern Thailand, but is only rarely seen in the trade.

For our customers: we currently received very nice, young A. rungthipae from Thailand; they have code 361103 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer