Tag Archives: Nematobrycon

Nematobrycon lacortei

21. January 2022

The Rainbow Emperor Tetra (Nematobrycon lacortei) is certainly one of the most attractive tetras in South America. Its home is in western Colombia where it is caught in the catchment area of the Rio San Juan. Males and females can be easily distinguished by the color of the iris. Already in small juveniles the males have a red, the females a blue iris.

To the same genus belongs the usually better known emperor tetra Nematobrycon palmeri. Nematobrycon can only be described as schooling fish to a limited extent, since the males at least occasionally defend territories against conspecifics – and this can happen quite violently. Your aquarium should therefore contain structure-forming elements such as roots and large plants.

Emperor tetras can be kept in medium hard water, but for breeding it should be soft and acidic. They will eat almost all offered foods, for a good spawning it is recommended to feed black mosquito larvae (Culex) regularly.

For our customers: the fish have code 272504 on our stocklist. Please note that we supply exclusively to wholesalers.

Photos F. Schäfer, Text K. Diehl

Hasemania nambiquara

16. June 2018

This is a very unusual species of tetra. For sure the placement in the genus Hasemania is only tentatively and needs further investigations, as is explicitly pointed out already by the describers (Bertaco and Malabarba, 2007). It was the combination of lacking adipose fin (very unusual in tetras) and certain features of the dentation that led to the decision to place them in Hasemania. However, the living fish reminds one much more in emperor tetras (Nematobrycon). H. nambiquara originates from the upper Rio Tapajós system.

We can offer currently for the first time ever some German bred ones. The species has been introduced to the aquarium hobby by an article of Peter and Martin Hoffmann in the German magazine DATZ 11/2017. During the photo session we observed that there are bright blue scales along the body sides in both sexes, but these are only visible in certain angles of light. If flashed directly the longitudinal band on the flanks looks uniformly dark.

For our customers: the fish have code 255442 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusiveyl supply the wholesale trade. Available in small numbers only!

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer