Cryptoheros myrnae “Rio Sarapiqui”.

24. February 2023

Central American cichlids often require large aquariums. Not so much because of their swimming needs, but because they form territories and are often unbearably aggressive in aquariums that are too small. In large aquariums, on the other hand, this is hardly a problem. But there are also dwarf cichlids among the Central Americans, which – according to the definition of the word dwarf cichlid – do not grow larger than 10 cm. The beautiful Cryptoheros species belong to them, also C. myrnae.

So even owners of medium (standard) aquariums can enjoy Central American cichlids and their varied, interesting behavior and fiery colors. Unfortunately, nowadays it cannot be assumed that regular fishing trips to the countries of origin – in this case Costa Rica, where C. myrnae occurs in rivers on the atlantic side – are possible. Commercial imports from there never existed anyway. Therefore the conservation of species in the aquarium is of special importance and for this purpose it is important to breed “true to species”, i.e. on a population basis, wherever possible. Therefore we are very pleased to be able to offer C. myrnae offspring even with locality designation. However, the animals are German offspring.

The sexes of this peaceful, hardly burrowing and also for suitably furnished and occupied community aquariums suitable species, are to be distinguished well starting from a size of approximately 3 cm. Then the females develop a black and white spot in the dorsal fin. The water values are unimportant for care and breeding, any drinking water is suitable. The temperature can be between 22 and 28°C, medium values have proven. Every usual ornamental fish food is eaten. It is very interesting if the animals have territorial differences. Then they color themselves within seconds in the face and on the chest deep black!

For our customers: the animals from Rio Sarapiqui have code 674432 on our stocklist. Furthermore we have very nice “no name” C. myrnae, code 674402 in our stock.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer