10d. Catfishes from Africa (36)

  • Synodontis polli “White”

    25. February 2022

    Some time ago a small Synodontis appeared in the hobby, which is called “White Polli”. But the “White” has little in common with the actual Synodontis polli. The dorsal fin spine of “White” is bicolor, black in the lower half, white in the upper half. This species is distributed in the hobby almost exclusively as […]

  • Clarotes laticeps

    24. March 2021

    This is one of the large river catfishes of Africa. We were able to import some specimens once more from Nigeria. However, the species has a very far distribution and is found in the Nile, most parts of West Africa and also in the rivers that flow through the savannahs and riparian forests of East […]

  • Microsynodontis batesii

    22. January 2021

    Squeakers or upside-down catfishes are a fish family occurring exclusively in Africa. The best known genus is Synodontis, which comprises over 130 species. Closely related to this genus is the genus Microsynodontis. The genus name means “small Synodontis” and is program, because these fish already become sexually mature with 3-4 cm of length, are thus […]

  • Synodontis nigriventris

    10. July 2020

    The most popular squeaker catfish (Synodontis) by far is the upside-down catfish (Synodontis nigriventris) from the Congo. It is not the only species of the genus that often (by no means always) swims on its back, but it remains small (under 10 cm) by squeaker catfish standards and is one of the most peaceful representatives […]

  • Synodontis decorus

    3. June 2020

    One of the most beautiful squeaker catfish (Synodontis) comes from the Congo: Synodontis decorus. The slender species grows about 20-30 cm long and is relatively peaceful. One must always consider that all squeaker catfish have a hierarchy among each other, where “social biting” is absolutely necessary and not alarming, since it only comes to superficial, […]

  • Malapterurus beninensis – Electric catfish

    29. April 2020

    For a long time it was believed that there were only two species of electric catfish, namely the widespread Malapterurus electricus and the Congolese M. microstoma. Then two independent revisions of the genus appeared practically at the same time, one by Roberts (2000) and one by Norris (2002), which drastically increased the number of species, […]

  • Malapterurus microstoma 50 cm!

    27. February 2019

    We usually get electric catfish from Nigeria in the form of the species Malapterurus beninensis. This is a medium sized species that grows to 20-30 cm in length. In April 2017 we received electric catfish from the Congo. From there 4 species are registered: Malapterurus monsembeensis (Syn: M. gossei), M. melanochir, M. microstoma and M. […]

  • Microsynodontis batesii

    16. January 2019

    Squeakers or upside-down catfishes are a fish family occurring exclusively in Africa. The best known genus is Synodontis, which comprises over 130 species. Closely related to this genus is the genus Microsynodontis. The genus name means “small Synodontis” and is program, because these fish already become sexually mature with 3-4 cm of length, are thus […]

  • Auchenoglanis sp. Niger (A. biscutatus)

    17. December 2018

    Until recently only two species of Auchenoglanis were recognized as vaild: A. biscutatus from the Nile and the whole of West Africa and A. occidentalis from Central Africa. But in 2010 the genus was revised by Retzer, who accepted a total of 8 different species, 7 already described formerly and one new species, namely A. […]

  • Clarias gariepinus

    3. September 2018

    The airbreathing catfishes of the genus Clarias are among the most important food fishes that are bred in aqua culture in the tropics. They are absolutely undemanding in respect of water quality and the fact that they readily accept any food as long as it contains enough protein makes them ideal candidates for aqua culture. […]

  • Synodontis soloni

    23. February 2018

    We obtained a very rarely offered squeaker catfish from the Congo: Synodontis soloni. The species is medium sized (for squeakers): 20-25 cm long specimens can be called real big ones. The large caudal fin and the slender body give hints that this is a rheophilic species. Against conspecifics our specimens, which are currently 12-15 cm […]

  • Parauchenoglanis punctatus

    17. November 2017

    Among the imports from central Africa this beautiful catfish is a real rarity. It is known so far only from the central Congo basin. From that region only few fish are imported regulary. The species attains a length of approximately 40 cm. Thus it is a perfect tankmate for show aquaria with larger species of […]

  • Gymnallabes typus

    9. October 2017

    We obtain a very strange catfish on a regular basis from Nigeria: Gymnallabes typus. Sadly the fish has been given the name Channalabes apus in the hobby; this is a different species from the Congo. The catfish has an eel-like body, becomes 20-30 cm long, has an impressive mustache and tiny little eyes. In the […]

  • Synodontis batensoda

    26. June 2017

    There does exist a good number of species of Synodontis that tend to swim upside down. The best known species is without any doubt the upside down cat, Synodontis nigriventris from the Congo. Now we were able to import the very rarely offered Synodontis batensoda from Nigeria, which shows a similar behaviour. It seems to […]

  • Auchenoglanis wittei

    10. February 2016

    Until recently only two species of Auchenoglanis were commonly accepted, namely A. biscutatus and A. occidentalis. This changed with the revision of Retzer (2010), who recognizes eight different species. In the Congo the genus is represented by Auchenoglanis wittei, which can be easily identified by the “reticulated giraffe”-pattern of the body. However, this is the […]

  • Synodontis ocellifer

    3. March 2015

    This is another catfish-beauty originating from Nigeria. Someone once said that this species of Synodontis can be characterized by three adjectives: peaceful, beautiful, and hardy. In fact S. ocellifer is one of the most peaceful species of Synodontis at all. The maximum length of S. ocellifer is about 20 cm. When they get older they […]

  • Synodontis sorex

    Synodontis sorex

    16. January 2015

    Two weeks ago we presented to you some species of catfish we imported from Nigeria. This wonderful shipment contained also some by-catches, which are species that were send erroneously along with the ordered specimens. One of these by-catches came with Synodontis clarias. It was the extremely rarely imported species Synodontis sorex. This “Scissortail-Squeaker” has a […]

  • Parailia pellucida

    Parailia pellucida

    10. December 2014

    The species in our small series on catfishes from Nigeria is – in contrast to the species described so far – always available and it fits perfectly in any community tank: the African Glass Catfish, Parailia pellucida. The maximum length is given with 15 cm in literature; however, we see only very rarely specimens larger […]

  • Bagrus filamentosus

    4. December 2014

    The African genus Bagrus contains large, predatory catfish. The maximum size of the different species is between 30 cm and more than one meter! Sadly the determination of the species is rather difficult, because most of the 11 species that are regarded as valid currently have been described before WW2. A modern revision does not […]

  • Synodontis clarias

    4. December 2014

    This week we want to focus on unusual species of catfish from Nigeria. Today: Synodontis clarias. This is the first species of Synodontis that became known by scientists. The original scientific description dates back to 1758 and was done by Linnaeus. Nevertheless the species is exported only very occasionally for aquaristic purposes. The fish attains […]

  • Synodontis batensoda

    Synodontis batensoda

    1. December 2014

    There does exist a good number of species of Synodontis that tend to swim upside down. The best known species is without any doubt the upside down cat, Synodontis nigriventris from the Congo. Now we were able to import the very rarely offered Synodontis batensoda from Nigeria, which shows a similar behaviour. It seems to […]

  • Clarias gariepinus marbled

    Clarias gariepinus marbled

    20. October 2014

    Sometimes it is almost impossible to distinguish between a food fish and an ornamental fish. The marbled Clarias is, however, bred in Southeast Asia as a food fish for human consumption. It grows extremely fast, is very hardy and can survive on the market without water for many hours, because it has an accessory breathing […]

  • Synodontis notatus

    7. October 2014

    We were able to import a pretty species of squeaker from the Congo: Synodotis notatus. The species attains a maximum length of about 25 cm and is worth mentioning for at least two reasons: first, the number of spots on the flanks varies a lot individually. Most specimens have only one spot, but there are […]

  • Synodontis robertsi

    18. August 2014

    The squeakers (Synodontis) are a very species-rich genus. More than 130 species are known, all of them originate from Africa. In the countries of their origin most species are used for food. In the aquarium hobby most species are unknown with a few exceptions. Among the most pretty, smallest and rarest species of Synodontis is […]

  • Synodontis bastiani

    Synodontis bastiani

    7. March 2014

    The squeakers (Synodontis) are a species-rich genus of catfish from Africa. Currently 131 accepted species are known. The maximum size of these fish lies between 8 cm and 60 cm. Most species attain a maximum length of 15-20 cm in the aquarium. In their home-countries these fish are very common and heavily used as food […]

  • Synodontis pardalis

    20. January 2014

    We received with the current Cameroon importation this beautiful squeaker, which can attain a maximum length of about 20 cm. The species is known only from the river Dja and its affluent Libi. This is the reason why the fish is considered an endangered species, for the Dja is heavily destroyed and polluted due to […]

  • Synodontis nigriventris – finally available again!

    28. May 2013

    This species represents without any doubt the most popular African catfish at all. The Upside Down Cat (Synodontis nigriventris) has reached us in good numbers and a perfect size again. Currently the fish are 3-4 cm long. For our customers: the fish have code 183402 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the […]

  • Synodontis sp. aff. nigriventris ZEBRA

    27. September 2011

    We currently have a limited number of the very pretty and rare Synodontis sp. aff. nigriventris ZEBRA in stock. The species differs from the “common” Upside Down Catfish by the extremely contrasting pattern. The species is – as far as it is known – restricted to the Mai Ndome region in the DR Congo. Size […]

  • Parauchenoglanis punctatus

    4. February 2010

    Parauchenoglanis punctatus: Among the imports from central Africa this beautiful catfish is a real rarity. It is known so far only from the central Congo basin. From that region only few fish are imported regulary. The species attains a length of approximately 40 cm. Thus it is a perfect tankmate for show aquaria with larger […]

  • Synodontis lucipinna (= dwarf petricola)

    7. October 2009

    This beautiful Synodontis is a real dwarf compared with its numerous congeneers: it reaches only 8-10 cm (very old specimens in extreme spacy aquaria may reach 15 cm). In the hobby it became popular under the name “dwarf petricola”. Some species of Synodontis occuring in Lake Tanganyika (where S. lucipinnis is an endemic species) have […]

  • Synodontis granulosus

    6. June 2008

    (June 6th 2008) Actually we are able to supply one of the most beautiful member of the Synodontis family. They come from the Lake Tanganjika so they need harder water with a higher pH. These are extremely active fishes which grow up to 25cm, so they should only be kept in bigger tanks. Adults are aggressive […]

  • Synodontis angelicus

    6. July 2007

    From the Katanga province of the Congo we could import some partly striped specimen of Synodontis angelicus. Formerly these forms were regarded as the subspecies Synodontis angelicus zonatus, today they are considered however as a color variant of the species. In any case they are very decorative and should not be missing in Congo basins […]

  • Phyllonemus typus

    Phyllonemus typus

    6. July 2007

    The Spatula-barbeled Catfish, endemic for Lake Tanganyika, has a very special way of reproduction for catfish: they are biparental mouthbreeder. This small catfish is the only representative of its genus and can be easily distinguished by the long barbels on both sides of the upper jaw, which are ending into a spatula form. The total […]

  • Microsynodontis polli

    6. July 2007

    Microsynodontis polli is one of three poorly documented pygmy Synodontis species, the other two being M. lamberti and M. batesii. They origin from Western to Central Africa, M. polli is reported for the upper Niger in Guinea and Liberia. Their maintenance is no problem as long as the water is soft and slightly acidic, although […]