Geophagus sp. „Pindare“

6. July 2007

Geophagus sp. „Pindare“

Among the “Eartheaters”, species Geophagus, G. sp. “Pindare” is one of the most recommendable ones. Growing up to approx. 15cm only, it stays rather small and also shows a beautiful marking with red and blue lines on its flanks. The care of this species is really quite simple, because it does not care about the plants and it is easy to please with almost every water as long as it is biological clean. Of course it prefers frozen or live food, but it does not scorn dry food. It is only unsuitable for a Dutch plant tank, because being an “Eartheater” it needs sand to chew. Therefore a bigger zone of the aquarium should be covered with fine sand and the decorations should be roots, rocks and some deeply rooted plants. G. sp. “Pindare” is a larvophiler mouthbreeder, which puts its nest with eggs on a rock or root and only picks up the hatched larvas in its protecting mouth. (Photo & Text von T. Weidner)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Brasilien, Rio Pindare