Microphis lineatus

6. July 2007

Microphis lineatus

The species Microphis lineatus inhabits the (sub) tropical coastal waters of the American continent. This pelagic pipefish grows up to 22 cm lengths and has a very long slender snout with red spots and blotches. The body is brown or greenish above and pale below. There are very small white spots on the body and a dark line through both eyes. The brood care is practised by the males. Mature male Short-tail River Pipefish carry the eggs in a brood pouch on the ventral surface of the body. Large males can carry several hundred eggs. The breeding takes place in freshwater meanwhile they live most of the year in estuaries and coastal waters. Therefore salt should be added to the water. This pipefish takes only life food. Freshly hatched brine shrimps are taken eagerly. Flake or tablet food is generally not accepted.(Photo: Erwin Schraml, Text: Klaus Diehl)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Tropisches Amerika