Oligolepis acutipennis

31. March 2021

Oligolepis acutipennis is one of the most widespread gobies of the Indo-West Pacific. The species, which can grow up to 15 cm long, is distributed from South Africa via East Africa, the Persian Gulf, Madagascar, Indonesia and along the entire coast of Southeast Asia to Japan. From this wide distribution one can easily conclude that the larvae of this goby develop in the sea. However, the goby itself is euryhalin, so it can tolerate both pure freshwater and pure seawater (and any salt content in between). Only the pH-value must never drop below 7, just above 8 is better. Our specimens come from Indonesia, are 4-6 cm long and sexually fully developed. We maintain them in pH-stabilized fresh water.

When the males bicker – and they love to bicker – it is a fantastic sight. With their mouths wide open and their fins literally stretched to breaking, the males circle around each other until one of them gives up. Females are similar in colour to the males, but have less strongly developed fins. The fish are cave spawners, the male guards – as far as we know – the spawning until the hatching of the young. 

The whole colouring of the fish indicates that sandy bottom is their preferred habitat. On the sand, which should be as fine as possible, a few flat stones of about 6-8 cm diameter are placed, which become the centre of the males’ territory and are undermined. Everything that fits into the (big!) mouth is eaten, even small fish, but actually the big drawer is used to chew through the sand for small food particles.

For our customers: the animals have code 439722 on our stocklist. Please note that we only supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer