Parotocinclus cf. variola

14. October 2015

the first time ever we were able to import this interesting dwarf
suckermouth catfish. It originates from a only recently discovered
region, namely the waterfalls of Cachoeira do el Dorado in the far
northern parts of Brazil, almost at the border to Venezuela. This area
has not been explored ichthyologically yet. Of all the different species
of Paraotocinclus described so far our new importations are most
similar to P. variola, a species described only this year on the basis
of specimens collected near Leticia in Colombia.

our fish differ from P. variola in some details. Currently we cannot
say if these differences are of any importance, because our fish are
very variable in respect of coloration (all specimens on the photos have
the same size, eg about 3 cm total length (inclusive caudal fin)). In
contrast to many other Parotocinclus of this relationship our new
importations are quite hardy fish. Besides this the liveliness of the
fish is worth mentioning.

For our customers: the fish have code 276543 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer