A brandnew Corydoras – Corydoras sp. aff. potaroensis

26. August 2015

Ein brandneuer Panzerwels – Corydoras sp. aff. potaroensis Ein brandneuer Panzerwels – Corydoras sp. aff. potaroensis Ein brandneuer Panzerwels – Corydoras sp. aff. potaroensis Ein brandneuer Panzerwels – Corydoras sp. aff. potaroensis

Sometimes it’s hard to believe. If one reminds that currently 160 species of Corydoras are scientifically accepted, plus 159 C-numbers, plus 107 CW-numbers, it is more than likely that every newly imported Corydoras could be applied to at least one of these fish. But far from that! Last week we obtained Corydoras under the name of “Corydoras potaroensis”. Our new fish is very similar to C. potaroensis, but differs from it by many black dots all over the body and the fins. In the original description of C. potaroensis, Myers writes: “There are no spots on the body or fins, the only markings being faint lines running parallel to the vertical plate-sutures.” This is meant with the exception of the large black spot in the dorsal fin and the black eye-band. So we stocked the new fish under the provisional name Corydoras sp. aff. potaroensis “Spotted”.

For our customers: the animals have code 225753 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Brasilien / Brazil
Verfügbare Größe in cm 4-6