At the moment we have one of the most beautiful corydoras from Peru in our stock, which contributed with the number “C4” more than 25 years ago to create a real corydoras boom.

The species is one of the distinct schooling fishes within the genus Corydoras. In addition, C. virginiae is a very lively species, which brings a lot of movement into the aquarium. The animals look most beautiful when kept in black water on a light, fine sandy bottom. Overall, the species is as beautiful as it is easy to care for. The maximum length is about 6 cm.
For our customers: the animals have code 240604 on our stocklist. Please note that we only supply to wholesalers.
Lexicon: Corydoras: from ancient Greek, means “with helmet and lance”, referring to the outer bony armor and the powerful fin spines. virginiae: dedication name for Virginia Schwartz.
Common name: Cory Miguelito
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer