In recent years many highly interesting catfish species ideally suited for aquaristics have been discovered from Asia and imported for aquarists.
The first species of the genus Pseudolaguvia were described already in 1927, but only recently it was recognized that this is a very species-rich genus of dwarf catfishes, which usually grow only about 2-3 cm long. Thus, from 1927 until 2013 only four species were described, since then 21 (!) new species were added!

Typical for Pseudolaguvia is a sucking apparatus on the ventral side. The species live in streams and small rivers, which usually have fine sand as substrate. Here the dwarf catfishes can be found among decaying plant remains (detritus).
Once again we could import Pseudolaguvia muricata from North Bengal in India. These cute animals grow to a length of about 2.5-3 cm and are thus perfectly suited for keeping in small aquariums, especially since they are not very fond of swimming. The aquarium for Pseudolaguvia should have a fine sandy bottom. Additionally, add some dead leaves to the aquarium. They eat all common fish food, as long as it fits into their mouth. Pseudolaguvia are completely peaceful towards conspecifics and alien fish, also plants are not damaged.
There are rather dark, slender fish and somewhat lighter colored, stronger specimens. Perhaps this is a sex difference. Nothing is known about reproduction, but it can be assumed that the little animals attach their eggs, similar to armored catfishes, to plants etc. without further brood care. Care is best at room temperature, the water in their natural habitat is soft and neutral. Especially important are two things: low germ water and low food competition, because the Pseudolaguvia are slow eaters and easily get short.
For our customers. the animals have code 445425 on our stock list. Please note that we only supply wholesale.
Lexicon: Pseudolaguvia: means “false Laguvia”: Laguvia is another genus of catfish. muricata: means “spiny like a murex snail”.
Text & Photos: Frank Schäfer