Geophagus sp. „Tananaco“

6. July 2007

Geophagus sp. „Tananaco“

This very beautiful representative of the surinamensis complex comes from Venezuela. These are very large animals of approximately 25 cm TL. The requirements of keeping, this species is not much different then the other members of its family. A sandy substrate, lots of shady hiding places like bogwood and round eroded stones, are basic requirements, which make feel these fish at home. They also prefer dimmed lights. If you would like plants in the aquarium as well, we would recommend hardy plants which do not require lots of light. Cryptocoryne aponogetofolia is very well suited for the cichlid aquarium, because it is apparently bitter in taste, does not need much light and the leaves can grow up to one meter in length.(Text: I. den Daas, Photo: F. Schäfer)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Venezuela