Rhinogobius zhoui

5. January 2024

This freshwater goby, which attains a maximum length of 4-5 cm, is one of the most attractive discoveries of ornamental fish of the last years. However, in the beginning the fish were extremely expensive. Currently we can offer them for a comparably moderate price.

Rhinogobius zhoui originates from China. In the natural habitat – brooks – it lives along with the well known goby Rhinogobius duospilus (often better known under the synonymous name R. wui) and other species. R. zhoui is a pure freshwater goby. One should keep them in unheated aquaria (16-22°C) due to the subtropical region the fish come from. The water should be clean and have some current. Keeping and feeding the fish is otherwise unproblematical.

Males are distinguished from the females by the broad white seams in the fins and the more intensive colours. The small fish change their coloration quite often and quick. It is a lot of fun to observe an aquarium that contains these tiny gobies that are always in the mood for a harmless quarrel.

For our customers: the fish have code 453497 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Available in limited numbers only!

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer