Rhinogobius maculafasciatus

3. November 2015

more we are able to offer a species of freshwater goby that was not
imported so far to Europe: Rhinogobius maculafasciatus. The species has
been described scientifically only in 1996 from Taiwan; our specimens
originate from Taiwan. So we are comparatively sure that the
determination is correct. Determination of a Rhinogobius is not that
easy usually, currently are not less than 116 species described

maculafasciatus becomes about 4-7 cm long. Males can be easily
recognized by the shape of the head and the yellow bands in the dorsal
fins. The intensity of the dark bands on the body depends very much on
the mood of the animals. In specimens in neutral mood or disturbed
individiuals the band can almost vanish. Only the red spots all over the
body always stay visible.

our customers: the animals have code 453473 on our stocklist. Please
note the we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Available in limited
numbers only!

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer