In 2010, we were able to import a new tetra from Brazil via Belem for the first time, which could not be clearly assigned to any scientifically described species. It was provisionally named Hyphessobrycon cf. stegemanni and Phoenix tetra. Today we know that the species originates from the Rio Araguaia. The maximum length is 3-4 cm. Males differ from females in that their fins are longer and the caudal fin is red in males and transparent in females.
Just one year later – in 2011 – the Phoenix tetra was scientifically described by Zarske as the new species Hemigrammus filamentosus. The scientific description is freely available here:
In the meantime, the species has become firmly established as an aquarium fish and is mainly offered in the form of captive-bred fish. From time to time, however, there are also wild catches. Golden Hemigrammus filamentosus are then also offered, which are very attractive. Golden forms are only available as wild-caught specimens, as the triggers for the golden coloration are transmitted via bird droppings. This does not occur in human care.
In terms of care, the species can be classified as undemanding. They are peaceful animals that are not dangerous to conspecifics, other fish or plants. From around 28°C the males start their wonderful courtship games and harmless chases, during which not even the long fin filaments are affected.
For our customers: the fish have code 256433 (captive bred), 256423 (wild, normal color) and 256424 (wild, gold form) on our stocklist. Please note that we only supply the wholesale trade.
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer