Pterophyllum “Rio Nanay Type3”

4. December 2024

The systematics of the angelfish (Pterophyllum) is poorly understood. Only three species are generally recognized, namely P. altum, P. leopoldi and P. scalare, but there are undoubtedly many more. The “field-forest-and-meadow” scalar of the aquarium hobby in its countless breeding forms is a hybrid for which it makes no sense to give it a scientific name.

There are several species of Pterophyllum in the Rio Nanay in Peru; the best known is the “Peru-Altum”, a pointed-headed, tall form (see; the “honey-spotted” scalar of the Rio Nanay is very popular among aquarists: However, there is also the small, round-headed angelfish in the Rio Nanay, which used to be called “eimekei”. It is very typical for this species that the males are larger and more hump-headed than the females, meaning that the sexes can be easily distinguished in sexually mature animals. This is not the case with the other Pterophyllum species.

We have now received the “eimekei” from the Rio Nanay as beautifully colored German offspring. To distinguish them from the “Peru-Altum” and the “honey-spotted”, they are referred to as “Type3”.

For our customers: the animals have code 699746 on our stocklist. Please note that we only supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer