Yellow or gold coloration is generally widespread in fish and, although the animals affected by the corresponding mutation are very conspicuous and can therefore be easily preyed upon by predators, they also occur from time to time in nature. The goldfish is such a xanthorist (xanthorism is the technical term for this mutation). Among cichlids, xanthorists are often found in Lake Malawi (so-called O-morphs) and in the large lakes of Central America (e.g. the Midas cichlids). There have long been golden breeding forms of the Indian cichlid (Pseudetroplus maculatus) and the eyespot cichlid (Heros serverus). However, xanthorists of the humphead cichlid (Steatocranus casuarius) were previously unknown to us.
We have received a few adult specimens of this color variant, but they will immediately be passed on to a breeder who wants to breed them for us; the animals are already captive-bred specimens. We are not yet able to supply any golden humphead cichlids at this time, but we find the fish so interesting that we would like to present a few pictures to you now.
You can find more information about keeping humphead cichlids here:
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer