Xiphophorus maculatus Platy Sunset Comet

24. January 2025

The breeding forms of Xiphophorus species – almost exclusively the species X. hellerii, X. variatus and X. maculatus are involved – are a never-ending story. What is confusing are the very inconsistent names. 

In X. maculatus it has actually proved useful to include the caudal root and caudal fin pattern in the name, if it is present. Tail fins in body color or if the tail root pattern is missing are not particularly considered by name. A red platy with a red caudal fin is therefore simply a red platy. If it has a dark spot with two smaller satellite spots on the tail root, then it is a Mickey Mouse or Moon Platy. If it has black lines on the top and bottom of the caudal fin, it is a comet platy. If it has a black caudal fin, it is a wagtail platy. If it has an enlarged dorsal fin, it is a Simpson’s platy; if the middle caudal fin rays are elongated, it is a pointed tail. And finally: there are particularly stocky, high-backed platies that are called “corals”. All these names can be combined in any way you like. However, this results in real word monsters, such as “Red Wagtail Mickey Mouse Pointed tail”. Nobody wants that and so breeders like to invent catchy new names for unusual combinations in order to be able to market them better. In principle, there is nothing to be said against this, except that it is easy to lose track.

A color factor that has been known for decades and is popular with X. maculatus and X. hellerii is the “caudal red”. In principle, this coloration, in which the caudal peduncle is red against the rest of the body coloration, can be bred on several body colors, but the most popular is the combination with a yellow body. Through breeding selection, the caudal red can be extended to the middle of the body. The fish is then yellow at the front and red at the back – très chic! These animals are traditionally known as Marygold. However, if something else is added, e.g. a comet or wagtail pattern, Marygold becomes Sunset. Why? Nobody knows. Very beautiful Marygold/Sunset platies with comet markings are currently on offer. A good opportunity to get into platy breeding! Large aquaria, temperatures not permanently above 24°C, diligent water changes and varied feeding: if you stick to these basic rules, you will have a lot of fun with these always lively platies.

For our customers: the animals have code 443423 on our stock list. Please note that we only supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer