The flood of newly discovered Badis species does not stop. It is astonishing that 23 new species of these fishes have been scientifically accepted in the last 20 years and only four in the 200 years before! Badis pallidus was only described in 2019; it belongs to the immediate relationship of Badis badis and cannot be distinguished from it without intensive research. The native country of B. pallidus is Bangladesh.

We can now offer German offspring of this pretty little chameleon fish for the first time. Because of the great similarity to Badis badis no great aquaristic career can be predicted for this animal, but who knows? After all, since there are no significant commercial ornamental fish exports from Bangladesh, the opportunity to get this fish in the future should be very rare.
For our customers: the animals have code 368382 on our stock list. Please note that we only supply wholesale.
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer