Hoplisoma cf. axelrodi CW169

31. January 2025

A whole range of armored catfish species are exported from Colombia under the fantasy name “Corydoras deckeri”. They all originate from the large Rio Meta system, but more precise information is rarely available. One of the most frequently offered “deckeri” species is Hoplisoma axelrodi. This beautiful armored catfish has been very popular for decades and has proven to be very easy to keep and breed.

Until now, two species were known as Hoplisoma axelrodi. One is the “true” H. axelrodi. In this species, the broad black body band runs diagonally downwards and continues in the caudal fin as a band on the lower edge of the fin. And then there is another extremely similar species, although it has not yet been scientifically described: CW21. In this species, the broad black band ends in the middle of the caudal peduncle and does not continue into the caudal fin. You can find pictures of both species here: https://www.aquariumglaser.de/en/10-catfishes/corydoras-axelrodi-deckeri-2/

A third form is new, which was given the code number CW169 by Ian Fuller (www.corydorasworld.com). It has the same prominent upper band as CW21, but the band is much wider. There is even a locality for this form: Granada in the department of Meta. These are very attractive fish that are only supplied in small numbers and are considerably more expensive than “normal” deckeri. We received a shipment of these fish mixed with Hoplisoma loxozonus (see https://www.aquariumglaser.de/en/10-catfishes/corydoras-loxozonus/)

For our customers: CW169 has code 223523 on our stocklist. Please note that we only supply wholesale.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer