25. Perchlike fishes (890)

  • Brachygobius doriae

    2. September 2019

    Brachygobius doriae has been confused with B. xanthozonus for decades. We also received the fish under that name and stocked it so, because almost all aquarium books and websites depict B. doriae, but name it B. xanthozonus. However, B. xanthozonus has more than 50 scales in the horizontal row (our fish have somewhat more than […]

  • Nimbochromis venustus

    30. August 2019

    The genus Nimbochromis is probably best known to the aquarists through the “sleeper”, N. livingstonii. All species of Nimbochromis have a Camouflage pattern from irregular, brown spots. N. livingstonii uses this to mimic a decomposing fish, because fish carrion looks very similarly patchy. So the sleeper lies on his side on the ground and plays […]

  • Symphysodon discus

    23. August 2019

    The real or Heckel discus is maintained considerably more rarely in the aquarium than brown, blue or green discus and their sports and becomes as good as not at all bred. It is therefore only regularly available as a wild collected fish. At the moment we have some very nice, well-adjusted Heckel varieties in our […]

  • Amatitlania sajica

    23. August 2019

    From the many Central American cichlids, that were grouped in the gigantic collective-genus Cichlasoma earlier, most species are cared for only by the experienced “old hares” among the aquarists, who don’t want any more a colorful  community aquarium but prefer a preferably big aquarium with few, characterful fishes. The Central American cichlids are perfect for […]

  • Giuris margaritacea

    19. August 2019

    When one sees these sleeper gobies from the Indo-West Pacific region, where they are very common, for the first time, one spontaneously thinks of an oversized Australian spotted goby (Mogurnda). The main difference between Giuris and Mogurnda is – aquaristically speaking – that the tiny larvae of Giuris develop in the sea, while the much […]

  • Macropodus spechti

    13. August 2019

    Once again we managed to import a Macropodus form from Vietnam which cannot be clearly assigned. Unfortunately nothing can be found out about the original location. Some years ago we had been able to import similar animals, also from Vietnam, but they had a strong bronze shine on their body, which is missing in the […]

  • Macropodus opercularis Albino

    9. August 2019

    About 80 years ago, a German breeder found by chance an albinotic paradise fish among  a brood of normal siblings. The breeder was successful in rearing the fish and this animal became the ancestor of all albinotic paradise fish known today. However, breeding albinotic paradise fish is not that easy and so they always were […]

  • Etroplus suratensis

    2. August 2019

    After a quite long time we were able to import the Indian Pearl Spot, Etroplus suratensis, once again. Of the three species of Indian cichlids this one is the largest. Record dimensions of up to 40 cm were reported. But normally this fish becomes only about 15 cm long, it is sexually mature from about […]

  • “Cichlasoma” loisellei

    26. July 2019

    In their Central American home countries, the predatory colorful cichlids, that are classified currently in the genus Parachromis – before this, they were placed in Cichlasoma or Nandopsis – are called “Guapotes“. That means “the big pretty ones”. And actually, these species, some of which can reach up to 50 cm in length, are very […]

  • Apistogramma iniridae

    19. July 2019

    Sadly this beautiful dwarf cichlid is only occasionally available, but currently we were able to import once more beautiful, fully grown specimens. The fish display all the behaviour that makes the keeping of these fish so desirable. Like its close relative A. uaupesi, which differs from A. iniridae mainly due to the lyra-shaped caudal fin […]

  • Tropheus sp. “Phoenix”

    28. June 2019

    The cichlids of the genus Tropheus are widespread around the gigantic Lake Tanganyika in numerous locality-variants. The sometimes very different looking animals testify to rising and sinking water levels over the millennia. As strict Aufwuchs eaters, Tropheus cichlids are not able to migrate over larger sandy areas and so the stone reefs of the lake […]

  • Trichogaster leerii

    26. June 2019

    The Pearl Gourami (Trichogaster leerii) is an absolute classic among the ornamental fish. The species is always available in the petshops all over the world and they are usually quite cheap. These traded fish are bred ones. Wild collected ones are hardly ever offered; the species is endangered in the wild, because the habitats become […]

  • Colisa fasciata wild

    13. June 2019

    Actually, nobody knows exactly what Colisa fasciata is; because the specimen on which the first description is based was lost in the turmoil of the French Revolution and where it is supposed to come from (Tranquebar in the south of India) there are no gourami at all. That’s why everything that isn’t Colisa lalia, C. […]

  • Apistogramma pantalone

    29. May 2019

    Two species of so-called Lyratail-Apistogramma come from Peru, which are very similar to each other: A. martini and A. pantalone. Both are among the most delicate and difficult Apistogramma species ever, but this is not a law of nature, but depends on circumstances in nature that have not yet been understood. At the beginning of […]

  • New Bettas (1): Spade Tail

    24. May 2019

    Once again Kamphol has provided us with very special breeding fighting fish, which currently enjoy particular popularity among the breeders of these fish jewels in Thailand. The “Spade Tail” is one of them. Basically there are different possibilities in animal breeding to get to new forms. One way is to inbreed as closely as possible, […]

  • New Bettas (2): “Alien Blue”, “Alien Steel Blue” and “Alien Green”

    24. May 2019

    These new Betta types were certainly also bred by crossing in wild species, in this case Betta stiktos seems to have been involved; “Alien Green” looks de facto like a B. stiktos. They are all very slender Bettas, they have much more of the heritage of the Betta smaragdina alike forms to which B. stiktos […]

  • Pseudotropheus sp. “Acei”

    22. May 2019

    It is hard to understand why such a well-defined and unique species has not yet been scientifically described, although the animals have been kept and bred in the aquarium for decades. And yet it is; “Acei” is a pure popular name and not a scientific name. The species can be found in several different coloured […]

  • Channa melasoma

    20. May 2019

    From the mountainous part in the north of Thailand, the legendary Golden Triangle between Thailand, Burma and Laos, we received two pairs of Channa melasoma. Originally this species, which inhabits clear forest streams, was described from Borneo. With approx. 30-40 cm of final-length (our animals are, including tail fin, approximately 20-25 cm long), C. melasoma […]

  • Callochromis pleurospilus “Kigoma”

    15. May 2019

    This sand cichlid originates from Lake Tanganyika, where it is found almost all over the lake with the exception of the extreme south. Our animals are descendands from fish that were collected at Kigoma Bay; fully coloured males (unfortunately our quite young, 4-6 cm long animals do not show this yet) of this local variant […]

  • Haplochromis sp. “Thick Skin” (CH44)

    3. May 2019

    Unfortunately many Haplochromis-like cichlids of Lake Victoria are threatened by extinction due to profound environmental changes. The giant perch (Lates niloticus) introduced there, the turbidity of the water due to eutrophication and the resulting mass growth of the water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) are the best known causes. For this reason, a conservation breeding programme is […]

  • Betta splendens “Black Samurai”

    25. April 2019

    Once again we have received a beautiful fighting fish breeding form, this time even in pairs: the animals are called “Black Samurai” in a melodious way. They are very lively fish, true temperament bolts, which actually deserve the name “fighting fish”. Excited males make little difference between males and females, both are heavily turned on. […]

  • Trichogaster trichopterus „Golden Red Eye“

    18. April 2019

    The Spotted Gourami, Trichogaster trichopterus, is one of most widespread species of fish in Southeast Asia. Its range starts in the west at the burmese/thai border, it contents the Sunda islands and reaches in the East to China. Additionally the species has been introduced almost worldwide as a food fish in tropical climates. Crossing of […]

  • Apistogramma borellii “Opal”

    12. April 2019

    We have received from a German breeder wonderful, fully grown Apistogramma borellii in two selections, “Opal” with red pattern on the head and “Reitzigi” with bright yellow head. With both forms, the males have dorsal fins of almost body height – fantastic animals! All photos of this post show animals of the “Opal”-form. For general […]

  • Betta pi

    25. March 2019

    Why is an endangered, mouth-breeding fighting fish called like the mathematical circle number? Not so long ago, in 1986, the first of the these big fighting fishes was discovered in Malaysia by travelling labyrinth fish enthusiasts and described as Betta waseri in honour of Alfred Waser, a primordial rock of the labyrinth fish scene. These […]

  • Andinoacara rivulatus

    22. March 2019

    Once colourful large cichlids were so popular that imports from Ecuador were organised mainly because of them. On the pacific side of the country live the “Green Terror”, so the then still Aequidens rivulatus named gold seam cichlids were called, and the “Red Terror”, then Cichlasoma festae, today Mesoheros festae. Both species become easily over […]

  • Apistogramma cf. taeniata

    20. March 2019

    Nobody knows exactly what Apistogramma taeniata is, because the species was described in 1862 after a specimen, which is today in a very bad condition and the verbal description is more than scarce. At the time of the description, the genus Apistogramma did not yet exist, no one had any idea of its variety of […]

  • Toxotes siamensis

    8. March 2019

    We obtain some years already the very nice Toxotes sp. „Marble“ from Thailand, where it inhabits the Chao Phraya river. The up to 15-20 cm long species is a pure freshwater fish. It was very recently scientifically described as Toxotes siamensis now. During their research the authors found that only 2-3 of the currently 10 […]

  • Red Texas Cichlid

    6. March 2019

    You may wonder why the title does not contain a scientific name. The reason for this is that the fish we are presenting to you was born from a crossbreed and crossbreeds do not have their own scientific name in zoological naming (unlike in botanical naming). The Red Texas Cichlid, which we offer as B-grade, […]

  • Apistogramma regani

    1. March 2019

    This dwarf cichlid was scientifically described in 1980, long before it was recognized how enormously species-rich the genus Apistogramma is. The exact determination of this species is correspondingly tricky. It is essentially based on the pronounced zebra crossing, which the animals show above all when they are worried. The species is little known in the […]

  • Aequidens sp. Ventuari/Moriche

    22. February 2019

    This beautiful and peaceful, somewhat reserved cichlid comes from Venezuela. It was collected in the Rio Ventuari, at a place where the river has to avoid the mountain Moriche. Mount Moriche is 1216 m high. Aequidens sp. Ventuari/Moriche is undoubtedly closely related to A. metae and becomes about 20 cm long. They are open breeders […]

  • Mesonauta sp. Manapiare

    20. February 2019

    This beautiful flag cichlid (Mesonauta) comes from the Venezuelan federal state of Amazonas and there again from the administrative district Manapiare. Since it cannot be assigned without doubt to one of the Mesonauta species already described, the cichlid enthusiasts currently call it Mesonauta sp. Manapiare.  As far as the care is concerned, this fish shows […]

  • Pterophyllum scalare “Guyana Red Dragon”

    15. February 2019

    The wild forms of the angel (Pterophyllum scalare) are enjoying increasing popularity, particularly the variants with locality information. Surely they are also cultivated; so come (or came, because there are currently hardly any exports from there) e.g. in wild catches from Guyana again and again especially many red spotted specimens. And who would blame the […]

  • Heros notatus BRAZIL WILD

    4. February 2019

    We have received wonderful Heros notatus from Brazil. A typical feature of this species are the dark spots in the lower half of the body. As with all Heros the sexes differ by the head colouring, however, it is not always easy to distinguish a strongly coloured female from a male standing far below in […]

  • Brachygobius sp. Ocelot

    1. February 2019

    Again we could import this new species of dwarf bumble-bee goby. This tiny fish becomes only 2 cm long. It cannot be applied to any described species so far. The fish have been collected in Indonesia. In Brachygobius, one very important feature for determination is the question wether the predorsal region is scaled or naked. […]

  • Colisa lalia

    28. January 2019

    The dwarf gourami is the perfect ornamental fish. It unites magnificent coloration, a peaceful mind and an interesting behaviour. It becomes only 3 cm (wild caughts) or 6 cm (artifical bred sports) long and due to its calm habit it can be kept even in smaller tanks. And if it comes to feeding: the dwarf […]

  • Betta splendens “Pla Kat Hellboy” and “Giant Halfmoon”

    25. January 2019

    Again our proven supplier from Thailand sent us some special Betta delicatessen. The Pla Kat Hellboy is a velvet red, short-finned fighting fish, very often with blue scales (there are also plain red ones). The very special thing about it: the also deep red colored pectoral fins.  The Giant Halfmoon are real giants and have […]

  • Krobia xinguensis

    22. January 2019

    This pretty cichlid has been described scientifically only in 2012. Up to that time it was known among hobbyists under the name of Krobia sp. “Xingu Red Head”. This nice relative of Aequidens is the ideal cichlid species for beginners, because it is one of the most peaceful species of cichlid at all. Besides this […]

  • Apistogramma uaupesi

    14. January 2019

    Apistogramma uaupesi is certainly one of the most beautiful dwarf cichlids. Adult males can be very variable colored, therefore A. uaupesi got several German popular names, like “Rotkeil-Apistogramma” or “Blutkehl-Apistogramma” (= Red Wedge and Blood Throat). In nature, however, all color variants occur together, so it is not a matter of locality forms, but of […]

  • Neolamprologus marunguensis

    8. January 2019

    Currently we can once again offer the little blue-eyed sister of the Princess of Burundi: Neolamprologus marunguensis. The beautiful dwarf cichlid from Lake Tanganyika belongs to the problem-free ornamental fish. As with all princesses, one can frequently observe  multiple broods, with what the older siblings take part in keeping of the small young animals. Therefore, […]

  • Aulonocranus dewindti

    28. December 2018

    This interesting cichlid, the genus is monotypic with Aulonocanus dewindti, so currently only this one species is assigned to it, originates from Lake Tanganyika. The up to 14 cm long species is a mouth-breeder in the female sex and lives in the lake over sandy areas. Here the males dig pits in the sand, that […]

  • Betta foerschi bred

    19. December 2018

    The fighting fish of the Betta foerschi relationship – there are several very similar species, which are considered by some specialists to be only local varieties of the same species, namely Betta foerschi – are not only particularly beautiful, but also particularly interesting. They are mouth breeders, but they are, so to speak, at an […]

  • Pterophyllum „Santa Isabel“

    14. December 2018

    We can offer just wonderful, young adult German bred offspring of the famous Santa-Isabel-Angel, which differs clearly from other wild collected angels by its attractive red coloration at the front-back. The animals are descendants of fish that we were able to import as wild catches some years ago (see: https://www.aquariumglaser.de/en/fish-archives/fantastic_pterophyllum_scalare_santa_isabel_arrived__en/). Especially worth mentioning is – […]

  • Dario kajal

    7. December 2018

    The first reports of a new dwarf badis appeared in June 2004. Nonn Panitvong, an enthusiastic Thai aquarist, had found the animals in Bangladesh. Panitvong did not announce a more precise location, but said he caught the animals in a pond near a rice field, together with Danio rerio, Oryzias sp., Channa sp., Colisa chuna […]

  • Ctenopoma breviventrale

    3. December 2018

    Why should one keep grey fish? Some may ask themselves this question when looking at the pictures of this bushfish from the Congo. The answer is: the urge to explore! Unfortunately, many animal and plant species die out every day. Also many freshwater fish are strongly threatened by environmental changes – other factors such as […]

  • Betta splendens “Crown Tail Thai Flag”

    28. November 2018

    Three-coloured fighting fish have been around for many decades, they are usually called “Butterfly Bettas”. At the moment we have some specimens of a not only beautiful, but also symbolic Betta breed in stock, which are dyed in the national colours of Thailand! According to Wikipedia, the current flag of Thailand, a tricolour with five […]

  • Betta macrostoma

    16. November 2018

    For sure Betta macrostoma is one of the most beautiful species of fighting fish – and the most sensitive! There is hardly another known species of fish that becomes that easily infested by bacteria of any kind. Many breeders of Betta macrostoma use UV filters the whole year through to avoid bacterial development in the […]

  • Pseudosphromenus dayi

    14. November 2018

    The red spike-tail is a classic among the aquarium fish and is and is not missing in any manual of ornamental fish science before the Second World War. But its origin was always mysterious, the original description from the year 1909 was based on aquarium imports. Today it has become quiet around him and his […]

  • Betta splendens „Emerald Candy“

    9. November 2018

    This is the latest Betta creation from Southeast Asian breeders. A multicoloured short fin, where matte scales and emerald green shining body and fin parts contrast wonderfully with each other. For the first time we have received a hand-picked selection of this new breed from Betta splendens „Emerald Candy“. For our customers: the fish have […]

  • Badis badis

    5. November 2018

    The blue perch is a classic among aquarium fish and has been in the hobby for over 100 years. The maximum length of the peaceful animal is 5 cm. Males in courtship display are almost black with sometimes blue shimmering fins, in neutral colouring the animals are reddish brown with vertical black bandages (which can […]

  • Parosphromenus linkei

    29. October 2018

    The magnificent licorice guramis (Parosphromenus) have experienced a species explosion in recent years. Until 1979 only three species were known, today there are 20 scientifically described species and some more undescribed ones are already known in the hobby. Unfortunately, many are threatened with extinction because they live in peat swamps and these habitats are drained […]

  • Sphaerichthys osphromenoides

    12. October 2018

    From Indonesia we received beautiful, very large and strong chocolate Guramis (Sphaerichthys osphromenoides). Unfortunately the exact place of origin is not known, but we suspect that they come from the Indonesian part of Central Borneo, Kalimantan. Particularly noticeable in the animals is their high red portion in the coloration, which is however somewhat different with […]

  • Bostrychus zonatus

    4. October 2018

    Bostrychus zonatus is a sleeper goby and becomes about 15 cm long. They are predatory fish, which should therefore only be kept together with species that have at least half the body length of the gobies, larger is safer. The beautiful animal is widespread in fresh and brackish water in New Guinea and northern Australia. […]

  • Betta splendens Black Knight Pla Kat

    28. September 2018

    Black knights – that’s what Thai breeders call this beautiful, short-finned fighting fish, which we can offer at the moment. The animals are colored so intensively black that you can’t see any detail on normal exposed photos, they just look like a black surface. But if you overexpose strongly, you can see that the black […]

  • Pelvicachromis pulcher Albino

    14. September 2018

    Breeding forms are like certain foods: you like them – or not. But it is a fact that the aquarium hobby, like all other areas of domestic animal and plant care, cannot get along without breeding forms.   The albino of the krib, Pelvicachromis pulcher, is a breeding form whose charm is not obvious at […]

  • Astronotus ocellatus Colombia

    24. August 2018

    We obtained very nice juveniles of the Oscar from Colombia. In contrast to the adults the juveniles are strictly schooling fish. In case of a real or imaginary danger the fish school performs a kind of globe. This behaviour also explains the otherwise illogical attractive pattern. In a school this pattern works as a camouflage, […]

  • Telmatochromis vittatus

    8. August 2018

    Only comparatively rarely Telmatochromis vittatus from Lake Tanganyika can be found in the trade, despite the fact that this dwarf cichlid – it becomes only about 8.5 cm long – is perfectly suited for keeping and breeding in home aquaria. Maybe this is due to the fact that the fish look somewhat similar but not […]

  • Channa sp. New Mimetic Orange Blotch

    3. August 2018

    Along with the yellow-lipped variety of Channa ornatipinnis this undescribed dwarf snakehead was collected. Currently the fish are about 12-15 cm long and seem to be fully grown; however, this cannot be said without some questionmarks. The whole habit and the coloration of the fish reminds one strongly in Channa andrao from North Bengal, but […]

  • Channa ornatipinnis

    30. July 2018

    When in 2007 the comparatibly small (about 20-25 cm) and very colourful species Channa ornatipinnis was described from the Rakhine State in Burma the fans of snakeheads were really enthusiastic. Soon after the first specimens appeared in the ornamental fish market. Since then the fish were offered regulary, but only from time to time.  But: […]

  • Pseudocrenilabrus philander dispersus

    20. July 2018

    When in 1902 the Dwarf Egyptian Mouthbrooder (Pseudocrenilabrus multicolor) was imported for the very first time hobbyists were really enthusiastic about it. The mouthbrooding behaviour which lasts in that species a good time longer than the first release from the maternal mouth was simply fascinating for our ancestors to observe. Some years later – 1911 […]

  • Pterophyllum scalare Santa Isabel

    20. July 2018

    We received wonderful wild collected angelfish from the municipality of the city Santa Isabel at the Rio Negro. Like many other fishes from that area – mainly discus and Apistogramma – the angels show a high degree of red coloration on the body. The reason for that phenomenon is unknown to us. The water in […]

  • Apistogramma mendezi Santa Isabel

    22. June 2018

    Apistogramma mendezi belongs without any doubt to the most attractive members of the genus, but the animals we currently obtained from around Santa Isabel are even more attractive than usual. Of course the males of that population are as polychromatic as all Apistogramma males are, which means that hardly two males are looking identical, but […]

  • Neolamprologus tetracanthus

    13. June 2018

    This species of cichlid from Lake Tanganyika lives in two different worlds. The fish attains a maximum length of about 20 cm; however, in the wild hardly ever specimens larger than 10-12 cm can be found. On the one hand this fish is a typical inhabitant of sandy areas. Here it feeds on small invertebrates. […]

  • Neolamprologus cylindricus

    8. June 2018

    Among the small species of cichlid from Lake Tanganyika Neolamprologus cylindricus is one of the prettiest. The very obvious ringed pattern makes it unmistakable. In respect of behaviour N. cylindricus is best comparable with the species of the genus Julidochromis. Like these N. cylindricus form fixed pairs (in large aquaria a male may pair with […]

  • Ctenopoma acutirostre

    6. June 2018

    Among the most beautiful anabantoids or labyrinth fish from Africa is Ctenopoma acutirostre, the Leopard bushfish. It can become 15-20 cm long. Its natural habitat is the Congo. It is collected there for the ornamental fish trade in the Stanley Pool region. Here the fish live under the swimming meadows of the water hyacinth (Eichhornia […]

  • Pterophyllum scalare „Belem Sky Blue“

    30. May 2018

    In the year 2015 along with an import of stingrays from Belem, Para, Brazil an angelfish was imported that was unknown to us until then. Already in 2016, in the F1 generation, a few blue mutants with a red iris could be selected. These blue angels from wild parents formed the basis of the selective […]

  • Periophthalmus barbarus

    16. May 2018

    The mudskippers (Periophthalmus) are among the most fascinating fishes at all. One can observe mother nature´s laboratory and how an aquatic animal becomes a landdwelling animal based on the observation of these fishes. The Atlantic Mudskipper (P. barbarus) attains a maximum length of about 15 cm and is one of the larger species of the […]

  • Sciaenochromis fryeri „Iceberg“

    7. May 2018

    Many species of rock-dwelling cichlids from Lake Malawi – the so-called Mbuna – live on isolated places. These place are often many miles away from other suitable habitats. This geografic isolation leads comparatively fast to local colour morphs. Other species of cichlid from Lake Malawi are not that much specialized and can live in a […]

  • Sphaerichthys osphromenoides

    4. May 2018

    Sphaerichthys osphromenoides is the most famous representative of the in southeast Asia indigenous chocolate gouramis. Like other chocolate gouramis Sphaerichthys osphromenoides is a delicate and at least while settling down a sensitive fish.  It’s natural biotope are shore areas of small, still and slow-moving black water on the Malayan peninsula and Sumatra. As a typical […]

  • Channa sp. 5-stripe

    2. May 2018

    This comparatively small species of snakehead originates from the north of India (Assam, North-Bengal). The species is not described scientifically yet. Initially it was erranously reported to originate from Kerala (which is in the south of India). The species is a mouthbrooder and attains a maximum size of 15-20 cm. Due to the origin in […]

  • Apistogramma trifasciata

    6. April 2018

    In case this dwarf cichlid would not exist it would be necessary to invent it for the aquarium hobby. Apistogramma trifasciata is an ideal aquarium inhabitant. The species stays small – males around 5 cm, females around 4 cm. It is completely undemanding regarding water chemistry – keeping and breeding is possible even in medium […]

  • Sicyopus rubicundus

    4. April 2018

    We received from Indonesia once more a nice shipment containing pretty Sicyopus gobies. These gobies are – despite the external similarity – not feeding on Aufwuchs and microfilm like Stiphodon and Sicyopterus, but are little predators that feed on quite large food items. These include also very small fish and shrimps up to a length […]

  • Symphysodon discus Blue Head Tumbira

    29. March 2018

    Here, as promised, another remarkable Heckel variety we currently have in stock: Blue Head Tumbira. One should not think that every specimen of that variety has a solid blue opercle; Tumbira (the name refers to a Tukano community at the bank of the Rio Negro, below Sao Gabriel de Cachoeira) are still wild collected discus […]

  • Odonteleotris macrodon

    23. March 2018

    We obtained from Thailand five specimens of that odd goby which are about 15 cm long. Our first idea was that they would belong to the species Oxyeleotris urophthalmus. The genus Oxyeleotris is repersented by three species in Thailand, two of them with an ocellus in the upper part of the caudal peduncle. Both are […]

  • Apistogramma gephyra wild

    22. March 2018

    Since its scientific description in 1980 this dwarf cichlid is subject of an ongoing debate among keepers and breeders of Apistogramma. Some think that A. gephyra is a mere variety of A. agassizii, others defend its status quo as a separate species. Most likely both parties are right. There can be no doubt that A. […]

  • Symphysodon discus „Heckel Nova Olinda“

    16. March 2018

    We are now in the last third of the current discus season. A particular charakter of this season is the comparably great number of extremely beautiful Heckel discus. We currently have a number of varieties in stock and want to feature them for you. But of course it is not that easy to take pictures […]

  • Pterophyllum scalare „Bicolor Blue“

    12. March 2018

    We can offer this brandnew sport of the Angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare „Bicolor Blue“) for the very first time now. The animals still differ individually in respect of pattern, but especially the front back of all specimens is already blue. The breeder guaranteed us that the parents are full blue bicolor with a real intensive colour.  […]

  • Sphaerichtys vaillanti

    28. February 2018

    Finally we can offer again the most beautiful species of Chocolate Gourami: Sphaerichtys vaillanti. The species originates from the Kapuas basin in the Indonesian part of the island of Borneo. S. vaillanti is not only the most beautiful, but also the hardiest species of all Chocolate Gouramis. However, it is nevertheless by no means an […]

  • Geophagus cf. abalios

    16. February 2018

    Currently we have as well larger wild collected specimens and bred ones in stock. G. cf. abalios is a beautful, ovophilous mouthbrooider and originates from Venezuela. The fish have bred in our showroom. At that time they had a total length of about 8 cm, so we initially thought they would represent a dwarf variety. […]

  • Danakilia sp. Sukoray

    31. January 2018

    Danakilia are very strange cichlids that were described scientifically only very recently and were – of course – totally unknown in the hobby, until Anton Lamboj was able to bring some specimens alive back to Austria from Etritrea. He made this expedition together with Giorgio Chiozzi from the Milan Museum. One of the new discovered […]

  • Hemichromis exsul

    26. January 2018

    Red jewel cichlids are wonderful aquariumfishes despite the fact that sometimes very quarrelsome individuals appear. For scientists the complex of species of red jewel cichlids remains a mess. Many meristic features overlap and additionally many species are highly polychromatic. Hemichromis exsul has been described scientifically already in 1933 under the name of Pelmatochromis exsul. Type […]

  • Dimidiochromis compressiceps Albino

    19. January 2018

    There is no consensus among aquarists regarding albino sports. One part of the hobbyists find them awkward, the other part simply wonderful. Readers belonging to the first group: please accept our excuse, next week a different fish will be subject of the post again. For all the others: The Malawi-Eyebiter (Dimidiochromis compressiceps) has a bad […]

  • Thorichthys meeki

    15. December 2017

    The Firemouth (Thorichthys meeki, formerly Cichlasoma meeki) originates from Mexico and belongs to the most popular cichlids at all. This popularity is not at least due to the impressive face mask of the species. No other species of cichlid shows in such perfectness the bottom of the mouth and the deep red skin that covers […]

  • Madeira-Discus arrived!

    11. December 2017

    There are so many varieties of discus known, but none of the wild collected fish are as variable as the ones from the Rio Madeira. Basically speaking, the Madeira discus is a brown-blue one. The brown morphs of that variety very often exhibit a high degree of red and/or yellow colour on the body, while […]

  • The total ban of Channa in the EU is off the table!

    8. December 2017

    According to our very well informed sources the application to ban the trade and keeping of all species of snakehead (Channa) in the EU has been refused. Obviously just in time the contradiction could be submitted that the ban of a complete genus is not according to the law, but that in any case for […]

  • Apistogramma gibbiceps

    24. November 2017

    Currently we received once more this pretty dwarf cichlid from the Ro Negro basin. It is a typical company of the cardinal tetra in the wild. The species Apistogramma gibbceps cannot be confused with any other species of Apistogramma when it shows the species-specific vertical bars on the belly. Sadly these bars are not visible […]

  • Etroplus maculatus

    22. November 2017

    The Indian cichlid, Etroplus maculatus, is a very popular aquarium fish and never disappeared after its first importation again. Recent research suggests that Etroplus is not a close relative of the cichlid family, but rather of the damselfishes (Pomacentridae). However that does not mean anything for the hobby. Etroplus maculatus can be kept and bred […]

  • Taeniacara candidi

    17. November 2017

    This dwarf cichlid from Brazil is a very pretty species. Currently we have charming wild collected specimens in a good number in stock. Principically speaking Taeniacara – there is only one known species, T. candidi – is a very elongated Apistogramma. So the aquarium biology is quite comparable in both genera. That means the fish […]

  • Maylandia greshakei

    10. November 2017

    The zebra cichlids fro  Lake Malawi are very popular aquarium fishes. Among them is Maylandia greshakei, which looks very special due to its bright orange dorsal fin. In the wild – the fish is endemic to Lake Malawi – it is restricted to only two comparatively small areas, eg Crocdile Rocks and Makokola Reef, both […]

  • Tilapia buettikoferi

    8. November 2017

    There are several species of cichlid termed „zebra cichlid“ in the aquarium hobby. However, none of the has a black-and-white pattern like the wild horse, but a green or blue basic colour. Examples are „Zebra cichlid“ from Central America (Amatilania nigrofasciata, formerly placed in Cichlasoma) or the „zebras“ from Lake Malawi (genus Maylandia). A real […]

  • A little sensation: the first documented OB discus!

    27. October 2017

    A few weeks ago we received a shipment of hald grown wild collected discus via Manaus. The animals acclimatised very well. As soon as they showed the normal coloration we found that there was one very special animal among them. It was blotched. Initially we thought that the animal would be sick, but it feeds […]

  • Etroplus canarensis

    13. October 2017

    Only three species of cichlid are found in Asia, all of them belong to the genus Etroplus. But many scientists believe that Etroplus are closer to damsels than to cichlids. Anyway, all three species are marvelous aquarium fish. Two of them, E. maculatus and E. suratensis are wide spread.   There was no trace of […]

  • Betta splendens Wild

    6. October 2017

    The wild forms of the Betta splendens-group are very difficult to determinate, even for specialists and in some cases a safe determination will fail at all. Currently these species are placed in the group: Betta imbellis, B. mahachaiensis, B. siamorientalis, B. smaragdina, B. splendens, and B. stiktos. Inside this group one can differentiate two subgroups, […]

  • Gymnogeophagus caaguazuensis

    29. September 2017

    We received wonderful wild collected specimens of this mouthbrooding cichlid (the females orally broods the larvae and young fry) from Paraguay. This species attains a maximum length of about 9 cm only (standard length, with the caudal fin the maximum length is around 12 cm) and thus is one of the smallest members of the […]

  • Congochromis sabinae and C. sp. „Green Speckle“

    29. September 2017

    We obtained these beautiful and extremely rarely offered dwarf cichlids as bycatches with other fishes from the Congo. Congochromis sabinae was prior to its scientific description known under a number of trade names: C. sp. „Bloody Mary“, C. sp. „Gemena“, C. sp. „Bamanja“ or C. sp. „Makoua, all of them also in the combination with […]

  • Nandus nebulosus

    28. September 2017

    We received from Thailand the only rarely offered Nandus nebulosus. There are two, pretty similar species of Nandus occuring in Thailand: thre deep-bodied N. oxyrhynchus from the basins of the large rivers Mekong and Mae Klong and the somewhat more slender, short nosed species N. nebulosus from the south of the country. However, regions are […]

  • Osphronemus exodon

    20. September 2017

    Until the end of the 20th century it was believed that the giant gouramies would be represented only by one single species. But then a number of additional species was recognized, among them Osphronemus exodon from the Mekong river. Juveniles look very much alike common giant gouramies (O. goramy), only educated people note the higher […]

  • Scatophagus tetracanthus

    13. September 2017

    We received this top rarity from the Pacific coast of Eastern Africa. For the first time ever we can offer 27 specimens. Like all scats this species is completely euryhalin, this means it can change freely between the sea and freshwater; this is their typical behaviour in the wild. Much more important than the salt […]

  • Otopharynx lithobates

    11. September 2017

    Today we took the photo equipment in our fishhouse (instead of taking fish from the fishhouse in the phototank), for here in one of our tanks a great show is presented: 50 sexually ripe (7-10 cm long) Otopharynx lithobates, more than half of them males in breeding mood. Wow. In the natural habitat, males of […]

  • Luciocephalus pulcher

    28. August 2017

    The pikehead, Luciocephalus pulcher, is a highly specialized anabantoid, a relative of the chocolate gouramies. Like the latter the pikehead is a mouthbrooder. Luciocephalus is the only true predator among the various anabantoids; in its natural habitat it feeds preferably on shrimps. The calm, beautiful animal (Latin pulcher = beautiful) would for sure be a […]

  • Badis autumnum

    21. August 2017

    The number of species of chameleon fish has increased drastically in the past years. Until the year 2002 only one genus and ones species with four subspecies were accepted, now there are two genera (Badis and Dario) with 23 species in Badis and 6 in Dario. One of the latest described species is Badis autumnum, […]