10. Catfishes (740)

  • Ancistomus sp. L387 – beautiful bred ones available!

    25. January 2011

    The loricariid catfish L387 is imported only occasionally and in small numbers from Colombia and Venezuela. This is due to the fact that obviously another, easily available and (at least in juvenile stages and fright coloration) very similar species occurs where L387 lives: L147. So we get wild collected L387 only as so-called by-catches. Initially […]

  • Schizolecis guntheri and LG4

    7. December 2010

    The coastal rainforests of southeastern Brazil are the home of a good number of unusual aquarium fish. One of the most popular and most attractive species from that region is for sure Scleromystax barbatus, the Bearded cory (formerly known as Corydoras b.). Sadly the natural habitats in that region are much affected by the growing […]

  • Corydoras gossei

    10. September 2010

    Currently we have beautiful German bred specimens of Corydoras gossei in stock. This is a very lively species of Corydoras. It originates from the Rio Mamoré in Brazil. Wild collected specimens are hardly ever available. Corydoras gossei is a close relative of C. sterbai. However, due to the dark basic coloration in C. gossei the […]

  • Pseudeutropius – the mini shark cats

    3. September 2010

    The shark cats belonging to the genera Pangasius and Pangasianodon are very popular. The reason is their interesting swimming behaviour which reminds one in sharks. However, these fish have one big disadvantage: they grow to a very large size. Even the smallest of them, the common Siamese shark Pangasianodon hypophthalmus, becomes at least 30 – […]

  • Corydoras serratus

    3. September 2010

    The saddle-nosed Corydoras serratus from the upper Rio Negro in Brazil belongs to the most wanted species of Corydoras. Due to the fact that the saddle-nosed species of Corydoras are in general no schooling fish it is not possible to collect larger numbers of them in an economically senseful way. This and the fact that […]

  • Trachycorystes sp. WHITE SPOTS

    31. August 2010

    The genus Trachycorystes currently comprises three described species. In the aquarium hobby so far only T. trachycorystes appeared. For this up to 45 cm long species, please see http://www.aquariumglaser.de/en/news/Trachycorystes_trachycorystes_en/ Recently we received a 25-30 cm long specimen from Peru with an unique coloration: white, irregular spots on both sides of the body! It is unknown […]

  • Hemiloricaria sp. Golden (Lutino)

    23. August 2010

    This wild collected specimen from Peru has a very unique colour aberration. Usually such specimens cannot survive in the wild, but this fish is a healthy, adult animal. For our customers: the fish has code 257924 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Lexicon: Hemiloricaria: ancient Greek, means “half loricaria”; […]

  • Ernstichthys megistus

    16. August 2010

    For the first time we were able to import a very astonishing species of catfish, which was known until 1985 from 3 specimens only. At the first glimpse the small animals – they are hardly 2 cm long – remind one on the Asian catfishes of the genus Akysis. Actually they are relatives of the […]

  • Pinirampus sp. Paraguay

    16. August 2010

    The catfish family Pimelodidae is restricted to South America. It is a quite diverse family. Although only about 90 species are known they could hardly be more contrasting. The smallest species (a still undescribed one from the Amazon river) becomes only 2.5 cm long, the largest (Brachyplatystoma filamentosum) becomes 2 metres long. Most species, however, […]

  • Corydoras sp. Neon Goldstripe, CW 10

    11. August 2010

    There are many attractive and desirable species of Corydoras, but one would hardly describe many of the about 300 species known so far as colourful. One of the very few really colourful Corydoras is the scientifically still undescribed species Corydoras sp. Neon Goldstripe, that we were able to import again in larger numbers now from […]

  • Parotocinclus jumbo, LDA 25, Pitbull Pleco

    5. August 2010

    The import season for this charming algae killer has started. Parotocinclus jumbo is both one of the largest species of the genus (maximum size is reported to be around 6-7 cm!) and one of the prettiest. Astonishingly there is so far no report in the aquarium literature on the very obvious sexual dichromatism found in […]

  • Panaqolus sp. PUCALLPA

    30. July 2010

    Once more we were able to import another quite cute suckermouth catfish from Peru – from Pucallpa to be more precise. Again, this species belongs to the closer Panaqolus changae relationship (LDA 26, L206, L226), as it does the “New Zebra Pleco” we introduced to you last week (http://www.aquariumglaser.de/en/news/Panaqolus_sp_NEW_ZEBRA_JUTAI_en/). Especially the young ones are colored […]

  • Tatia dunni

    30. July 2010

    Once more we were able to be the first who imported this pretty driftwood cat. The identification of Tatia species is not that easy. Although there is a very recent revision of the genus available, the species concept used there reflects only few aspects of coloration. So currently fish of very different coloration are lumped […]

  • Otocinclus vestitus PARAGUAY

    26. July 2010

    The season for this popular Otocinclus has started now. Otocinclus vestitus has a very large distribution. It is found in Peru, Bolivia, and Paraguay. The species can be easily identified by the typical pattern in the caudal fin. Among the O. vestitus we received this week from Paraguay was one very unusual xanthoristic specimen. It […]

  • Panaqolus sp. NEW ZEBRA JUTAI

    15. July 2010

    This extremely attractive new suckermouth cat was sent to us from Peru with the name of a collecting site “Jutai”. Currently the fish are around 4-6 cm long. There is no doubt that they belong to the Panaqolus changae group (LDA 26, L206, L226). A very astonishing matter in these fish is the fact that […]

  • Corydoras sp. “New Panda” CW51

    15. July 2010

    Corydoras sp. “New Panda” from Colombia is so far the most spectacular new importation of the year. Hans-Georg Evers, expert for Corydoras, guesses that the species may be found in the Rio Vaupes system, but still no assured information on that topic is available. It is very conspicious that the spot below the dorsal fin […]

  • Otocinclus mimulus

    6. July 2010

    For the first time ever we are now able to offer a very rare Otocinclus species, namely O. mimulus. Besides all the well known good characteristics that it shares with other members of the genus – small size, peacefulness, cleaning of plant leaves, day activity – this species also has to offer a very special […]

  • Corydoras diphyes

    22. June 2010

    This Corydoras is available irregularly in Germany and has been recently described by Axenrot and Kullander (2003). C.dyphyes originates from the tributary of the Rio Monday, a river flowing into the Rio Parana in Paraguay. This species was described, for a long time, as Corydoras flaveolus which comes however from the Brazilian state of Sao […]

  • Corydoras diphyes

    22. June 2010

    It has been quite a long time since we were able to import this pretty species from Paraguay, but now we managed it! Please click here for further information: http://www.aquariumglaser.de/en/fish-archive/corydoras-en/Corydoras_diphyes_en/ Text & photo: Frank Schäfer

  • Ancistrus sp. 2-color

    1. June 2010

    Ancistrus sp. 2-color The origin of our “common” aquarium-Ancistrus is not recorded. Since the very first importation to Europe – around the year 1911 – in all probability several similar species have been crossed accidentally. In the wild, these species obviously have no contact to each other. So there was no necessity during their evolution […]

  • Pseudobunocephalus sp. White Peru

    27. May 2010

    The genus Pseudobunocephalus has been erected quite recently (2008). It is distinguished from the other banjo cat genera by externally invisible characters of the teeth and bone structures. As aquarists are more interested in fish than in technical definitions of genera it may be mentioned that nevertheless there are some external features that allow to […]

  • Corydoras orcesi

    26. May 2010

    This beautifully marked species appeared only very occasionally in the aquarium hobby. The fish has been described from the Rio Tigre system in Ecuador. Initially it was described as a subspecies of the similar Corydoras pastazensis. However, so far no intergrades have been found and this makes it very likely that both are seperate species. […]

  • Lamontichthys llanero

    Lamontichthys llanero

    24. May 2010

    This beautiful catfish comes from Venezuela. Lamontichthys are very sensitive and need extremely clean water. Another problem is that they often refuse food. This is obviously a problem due to the shyness of the fish. Even relatively small disturbances let them stop feeding for hours. This is the reason why Lamontichthys are kept best in […]

  • Corydoras sp. aff. reynoldsi CW12

    20. April 2010

    Repeatedly we were able to import the longnosed Corydoras from Colombia that resembles the shortnosed C. reynoldsi. For the latter please check http://www.aquariumglaser.de/en/corydoras-reynoldsi–corydoras-tukano_en_1074.html. The longnosed species represents a species undescribed by science so far. Like all longnosed Corydoras this fish is somewhat variable regarding coloration. In contrast to the shortnosed species, longnosed Corydoras live more […]

  • Corydoras sp. NEW PANDA

    20. April 2010

    Last week we received for the first time ever this beautiful new Cory. Its fantastic black-and-white-coloration will make it without any doubts to one of the favorite species for Corydoras enthusiasts. Specialized aquarists already know the fish under the code CW51. More about this new entry here: http://www.aquariumglaser.de/en/fish-archive/corydoras-en/Corydoras_sp_New_Panda_CW51_en/ Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

  • Centromochlus sp. Ninja (= C. orca)

    11. March 2010

    A small sensation reached us recently from Brazil. Already when the small (4-6 cm long) catfish were unpacked their brillant black-and-white-pattern was a real eyecatcher. The fish definetely belong to the genus Centromochlus, which currently comprises 11 species in South America. These fish are close relatives of the better known genus Tatia and belong (like […]

  • Hemiloricaria beni

    17. February 2010

    Now we can offer the smallest known species of whiptail catfish: Hemiloricaria beni. It hardly becomes longer than 8 cm. As this species occurs only in Bolivia and no commercal exportations from Bolivia appear, we offer only bred ones. Initially Swiss aquarists collected this species on a private collecting trip in 1997. Since then a […]

  • Parauchenoglanis punctatus

    4. February 2010

    Parauchenoglanis punctatus: Among the imports from central Africa this beautiful catfish is a real rarity. It is known so far only from the central Congo basin. From that region only few fish are imported regulary. The species attains a length of approximately 40 cm. Thus it is a perfect tankmate for show aquaria with larger […]

  • Corydoras sp. C40

    20. January 2010

    This pretty cory comes from the Brazilian state of Rondonia. It is not possible to distinguish the fish from Corydoras griseus externally. However, Corydoras griseus comes from Guyana and between the collecting sites of both species are serveral thoundands of kilometers. So it was decided to wait until a scientist has researched the identity of […]

  • Pseudomystus siamensis (= Leiocassis siamensis)

    15. January 2010

    It has been some time that we had this good old fashioned classic from Southeast Asia in our fishhouse. Pseudomystus siamensis originates from Thailand, Cambodia, and Laos and is a smaller species of catfish. Maximum length given in literature is 15 cm, but this length is hardly ever reached. Against congeneers and other species of […]

  • Just in: Bred Hypancistrus sp. L399

    12. January 2010


    Hypancistrus sp. L399 is one of the smaller species of the genus. The maximum length reported is approx. 8 cm. Like so many of its congeneers this fish is highly variable regarding the pattern. We have received right now a few specimens of this rare beauty from a German breeder, which are currently 4-5 cm long. The photo depicts one of the parent fish.



    For our customers: the fish have code 26480-L399x-2 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale market.

    Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

  • Corydoras sp. aff. armatus

    9. December 2009

    Some weeks ago we proudly presented to you this Corydoras species, which we were able to import for the first time ever (http://www.aquariumglaser.de/en/fish-archive/corydoras-en/Corydoras_sp_aff_armatus_CW45_en/ ). Now the fish haved settled and developed such a nice coloration that we feel you will enjoy another photo.Text & photo: Frank Schäfer

  • Panaque L90a Ojo Chico

    3. December 2009

    L90 is a very variably colored species. This year we received very nice animals which have the bright halfmoon in the caudal fin orange red instead of white. The Spanish name (ojo = eye, chico = boy) does not emphasize on the coloration, but on the small eye which distinguishes L90 from other members of […]

  • Spatuloricaria sp. Black-White Peru

    18. November 2009

    The genus Spatuloricaria comprises currently 11 accepted species. Members of this genus are large, splendid whiptail cats. There is probably no species that stays smaller than 30 cm in length, some become definitely larger. This means that the fish have to be kept in large aquaria. Spatuloricaria are sensitive against poor water quality. Thus a […]

  • Akysis vespa

    10. November 2009

    Among the catfishes are several species that are able to take revenge for being caught by giving a poisonous sting. Although the venom has only mild effects on most people (burning, local swelling, pain) it might be even fatal for allergy sufferers. You should always keep in mind that our beloved honey bee is the […]

  • Corydoras sp. aff. armatus CW45

    4. November 2009

    For the first time ever we were able to import another species of Corydoras. This species is for sure scientifically undescribed. It reminds one a bit on C. armatus due to the extremely long dorsal spine, but C. armatus never has the golden spot on the back which is present in our new species. The […]

  • Corydoras eques, C. sp. aff. armatus and Corydoras duplicareus

    4. November 2009

      From the Brazilian state of Amazonas we received a species of Corydoras, which is long known to science but almost unknown in the hobby: Corydoras eques. This unique and extremely colourful species was collected near Anori. For the first time ever we were able to import another species of Corydoras. This species is for […]

  • Pseudorinelepis sp. L95

    16. October 2009

    Last week we were able to import another catfish gem: L95, a scientifically undescribed species of the genus Pseudorinelepis, which is very closely related to P. genibarbis. Our specimens come from the Takutu river in the upper Rio Branco basin. These gorgeous fishes are collected mostly in relative large specimens, because the juveniles are not […]

  • Pseudacanthicus leopardus

    13. October 2009

    The genus Pseudacanthicus currently comprises five described species. Three of them are known as aquarium fish. Additionally there are 16 L-numbers given for species of Pseudacanthicus which represent either species new for science or have a doubtful identity. Species of Pseudacanthicus are also known under their popular name “cactus catfish”, for the species are very […]

  • Phractocephalus hemiliopterus

    12. October 2009

    At Aquarium Glaser not only small fish for private community tanks are stocked, but also real rarities for scientific institutions and large fish for public aquaria and zoos. A specimen for the latter category reached us now: a gigantic Phractocephalus hemiliopterus, more than 80 cm long. We stocked the fish for a Russian customer. The […]

  • Synodontis lucipinna (= dwarf petricola)

    7. October 2009

    This beautiful Synodontis is a real dwarf compared with its numerous congeneers: it reaches only 8-10 cm (very old specimens in extreme spacy aquaria may reach 15 cm). In the hobby it became popular under the name “dwarf petricola”. Some species of Synodontis occuring in Lake Tanganyika (where S. lucipinnis is an endemic species) have […]

  • Hoplosternum punctatum

    29. September 2009

    Plated catfish from the genus Hoplosternum are known in the hobby mainly from relatively large growing species, which can reach 15 to 20 cm in length. However, there also exist small species, like H. punctatum, which hardly grows larger than 7 cm. The natural distribution of this species is in Panama and in the rivers […]

  • Corydoras from the Rio Jamanxim – C. bifasciatus?

    25. September 2009

    From the Rio Jamanxim in the state of Pará, Brazil, we received for the second time now beautiful Corydoras catfish.  The Rio Jamanxim is a tribute to the Rio Tapajós. The first shipment of corys from there contained only long snouted animals, whereas the second shipment contained the shortsnouted counterpart. The new corys remind one […]

  • A new L-catfish!

    18. September 2009

    Last week we were able to import a new yellow seam pleco belonging to the genus Baryancistrus. The fish originate from Sao Felix at the Rio Xingu. They differ from all other members of the genus from there (L18, L47, L81, L85, L177) by the almost black ground colour of the body. Almost no spots […]

  • Trachycorystes trachycorystes

    26. August 2009

    This bizarre species has been described scientifically already in 1840. It is widely distributed in the whole Amazon basin. Nevertheless it becomes only rarely imported and so it is highly demanded by fans of predatory catfish who pay quite high prices for them. The species can attain a total length of about 45 cm. We […]

  • Pangasius bocourti

    15. July 2009

    Shark catfishes have received their common name according to their swimming behaviour, which is very similar to the way several species of shark do swim. Similar to sharks is also that the fishes do permanently swim and only seldom take a rest.Nowadays they are also well known by their scientific genus name, eg Pangasius, because […]

  • Lampiella gibbosa

    2. July 2009

    This charming little catfish species was described as early as 1908 by Miranda Ribeiro under the name Otocinclus gibbosus. But only when a group of reseaching aquarists (H.-G. Evers, M. Lacerda, and M. Beyer) managed to cellect the fish alive it became clear, how distinct from all other Otocinlus-like fishes this species really is. There […]

  • Loricaria lentiginosa

    2. July 2009

    For the first time ever we were able to import one of the largest species of Loricarai, namely L. lentiginosa. The magnificent animals are about 40 cm long and thus fully grown. Like in all species of Loricaria they are paternal mouthbrooders. The male transports the eggs that stick together with its moutn until they […]

  • Corydoras longipinnis

    12. June 2009

    We were able to import a new Corydoras species from Argentina, namely Corydoras longipinnis. This species has been scientifically described as recently as 2007 by Joachim Knaack. The new species is a close relative to the well known Corydoars paleatus and reminds one somewhat of the longfinned sport of that species. In Corydoras longipinnis only […]

  • Trachelyopterus galeatus

    28. May 2009

    Already in 1766 this species was described under the name Silurus galeatus by the founder of the zoological nomenclature, Carl von Linné. It is extremely widespread in South America. Today this fish is classified in the family Auchenipteridae, and within this family in the subfamily Auchenipterinae. The species in Auchenipterinae share a very special feature: […]

  • Opsodoras stuebelii

    22. May 2009

    The Doradidae family contains around 90 species in about 35 genera. Thus they represent only a minority among the huge number of catfishes existing in South America. But all dordadid catfishes are really bizzarre and desirable creatures for catfish enthusiasts. There are dordaid catfishes that reach around one metre in length, but for Opsodoras stuebelii […]

  • Hypancistrus L236xx

    21. April 2009

    The Brazilian species of the genus Hypancistrus are currently not allowed to be exported from the country. Thus L-numbers of this genus, like L236 from the Rio Iriri, are available as bred specimens only. Among the last brood we received was one extraordinary specimen, which is depicted here. Text & Photo: Frank Schäfer

  • A new pleco from the Rio Sao Francisco

    1. April 2009

    The Rio Sao Francisco is a large river in southern Brazil. It´s length is around 3.200 km. The ichthyofauna of the Sao Francisco is comparably  good explored, as there plans for an irrigation project. So the environment has to be explored and there were and are several studies on the fish fauna. We currently received […]

  • Just in: L114

    17. March 2009

    After some time we were able now to import again L114. It is a member of the beautiful Pseudacanthicus-leopardus species group. The members of this species group can reach 25-30 cm total length, some sources give even 40 cm. They originate from the Rio Negro basin near Barcelos in Brazil. They are omnivorous, but prefer […]

  • Trichomycterus alternatus: In the shadow of the vampire

    13. March 2009

    female Sometimes fishes have the same problems as human beings: one cannot choose his relatives! And so the good reputation of a small fish sometimes is destroyed due to the bad one of a cousin. The most by far feared species of fish in South America is the so-called candiru. In fact, the name candiru […]

  • Import season for Orinoco-Plecos has startet!

    18. February 2009

    The Rio Orinoco is with more than 2.000 km length one of the biggest rivers of South America. About 3/4 of it´s length it runs through Venezuela, the remaining 1/4 belong to the territory of Colombia. The Brazo Casiquiare connects during high water levels the Orinoco-sytem with the Amazon-sytem via the Rio Negro. The import […]

  • Brachyplatystoma

    6. February 2009

    The catfishes of the genus Brachyplatystoma are some of the most important foodfish in the basins of the Amazon, the Orinoco and the countries of the Guiana shield. Some of them may reach a length of 360 cm and a weight of 200 kg. Many thousand tons are landed each year, which led to local […]

  • Baryancistrus L18, L81, L81n, L177

    26. January 2009

    The main collecting season of the beautiful gold seam sucker cats of the genus Baryancistrus starts around end of may and lasts until the end of september. Although these fishes are common in the wild, live in shallow waters and are traditionally used as food fish, they cannot be connected with one of the about […]

  • Auchenipterus nigripinnis

    21. January 2009

    For the first time ever we were able now to import a catfish from Argentina which is new for the hobby. It looks amazingly similar to the Asian shark, Pangasianodon hypophthalmus (a well known synonym of that species is Pangasius sutchi). The identification of the new fish wasn´t easy, but thanks to Ingo Seidel from […]

  • Corydoras sp. „Uruara“ CW037

    13. November 2008

    (Nov.13th 2008) This beautiful Corydoras is from Brasil, from Rio Uruara , which flows into Rio Curua Una south of the Amazonas to be exact. It was imported to Germany only in very small numbers. The more pleasant it is that bred ones are available for the first time. The catfish recall very much of […]

  • Big from Peru!

    24. September 2008

    As last week 2 very huge boxes arrived from Peru the whole Aquarium Glaser team was full of excitement to their content. Then two giant specimens of the giant Panaques LDA 65 appeared in the best condition. With a length of about 60 cm, they should be mature, for “normal” tanks they are obviously not suitable. In very large tanks, they are certainly interesting fish, and could be for example socialized with stingrays or large predatory characins or catfishes.

  • L90 Panaque var.JUANJUI

    19. September 2008

    Last week this very attractive variant of L 90 arrived from the vicinity of Juanjui (Peru). They are very intense light-dark patterned fishes with glowing red eyes . The white filaments of their caudal fin give them an additional elegance. Feeding with special food (shrimps, or red discus food)can change fin colors to a strong […]

  • Synodontis granulosus

    6. June 2008

    (June 6th 2008) Actually we are able to supply one of the most beautiful member of the Synodontis family. They come from the Lake Tanganjika so they need harder water with a higher pH. These are extremely active fishes which grow up to 25cm, so they should only be kept in bigger tanks. Adults are aggressive […]

  • Glanidium melanopterum

    9. May 2008

    (09.May 2008) A real strange fish was now imported by us from the south of Brasil. This fish belongs to the Glanidium family and shows a size of about 40cm, which is really big for such an fish. They look very calm, but during the night they start to eat….everything what they can get into their big […]

  • Oreoglanis siamensis

    21. April 2008

    (21.April 2008)…and again we got something very rare: Oreoglanis siamensis. But only a very few pieces. They live in the Mekong area and the Chao Phyraya basins. In the northern part of Thailand you can find them in the mountain area of Mae Nam Ping and Doi Chiang Dow. They are found in fast floating […]

  • Hypancistrus spec. L 173b

    1. February 2008

    (19.Feb.2008) After a long break back in our stock: German offspring of L 173. This very rare Hypancistrus is probably the most closely with L 46 related species. As juveniles they look like zebras with an irregular stripe pattern. Their final size is a little larger than L 46 L also their clutches are larger. […]

  • Corydoras sp. C 115/116

    16. January 2008

    (16.Jan.2008) This Longnose armored catfish was caught by Hoffmann & Hoffmann in Peru in a small canyon 50km away from Puerto Maldonado toward Boliva in 2004 and brought along legally. The very variable drawing, from monochromatically grey to big black spots on the sides of body (hence C115 and 116) is interesting. The breeding is […]

  • Hypostomus isbrueckeri

    27. November 2007

    (28.Nov.2007)At the moment we have a group of nearly full-grown Hypostomus isbrueckeri in stock. The here pictured male is easily distinguishable from its partners by the bright colors of the caudal fin. This is probably the only Loricariid species which shows such a pronounced gender difference. Their origin is the border region Brazil, Argentina, and […]

  • Pseudacanthicus spec. Typhoon

    2. November 2007

    (2nd.Nov.2007) For the first time we can offer Pseudacanthicus spec. Typhoon. This extremely attractive Cactus Pleco comes from Brazil, its origin is kept as a secret, so that no information concerning the river were they have been caught can be made. In the appearance they reminiscent of Pseudacanthicus spec. “Titanic” L 273, the colour (black […]

  • Hypostomus sp. „Chaco“

    Hypostomus sp. „Chaco“

    6. July 2007

    A close relative of the well known common plecos, is shown at the time of the importation not fully grown yet. This fish can easily grow up to 30 cm in length. This pleco is a harmless solitude fish, very well suited for the cichlid aquarium. It is an animal who has a nocturnal way […]

  • Panaque spec. „Papa Ojo Chico“ L 90a

    Panaque spec. „Papa Ojo Chico“ L 90a

    6. July 2007

    With L 90a we can offer at present one of the most beautiful Panaque species. Especially the extremely long, orange colored filaments of the caudal fin are remarkable. In addition, the discrete black markings on the noble-grey colored body let them appear very elegant. With the purchase of these fishes their final size (over 30cm) […]

  • Phyllonemus typus

    Phyllonemus typus

    6. July 2007

    The Spatula-barbeled Catfish, endemic for Lake Tanganyika, has a very special way of reproduction for catfish: they are biparental mouthbreeder. This small catfish is the only representative of its genus and can be easily distinguished by the long barbels on both sides of the upper jaw, which are ending into a spatula form. The total […]

  • Ancistrinae spec. L 189

    6. July 2007

    Several adult specimen of L 189 the wormline – Orinko catfish arrived with an import of L 257 Pseudolithoxus tigris. On this shown male, the odontodes on the head, breast and ventral fin are clearly visible, that absolutely states a belonging in the Pseudolithoxus group. Puberty is approximately reached at 7 cm, it’s end size […]

  • Hypancistrus spec. Xingu

    6. July 2007

    From lower parts of the Rio Xingu we received very high-contrasted Hypancistrus spec. Xingu. In their appearance they arrange between L 333 and fishes of the L 66 group. But they are clearly more flattened and stretched than L 333. From L 66 and their relatives (e.g. L 236) they can be distinguished by the […]

  • Peckoltia. spec. L 134

    Peckoltia. spec. L 134

    6. July 2007

    From the Rio Jamanxim (Brazil) comes one of the most attractive members of the genus Peckoltia. L 134 is very variably marked: as well as individuals with stripes there are also specimens with large round spots on the body. It is not known whether this difference in colouration denotes sex, but in at least one […]

  • Pseudohemiodon thorectes

    Pseudohemiodon thorectes

    6. July 2007

    This catfish coming from Bolivia, belongs to the smallest of his relatives, measuring 13 cm maximum. It is mostly getting imported by travelling aquarium hobbyists. Regarding the water condition this kind is rather adaptable, as guide values of up to 400 µS/cm and a pH-value of 7.6 were measured. Approx. 25°C are quite enough for […]

  • Pareiodon cf. microps

    6. July 2007

    This pencil catfish, a relative of parasitic the urethra of humans entering catfishes, is very rarely traded. The affiliation to the genus Pareiodon is rather clear, the species classification however is yet not clarifyed. As predators they should not be socialized with to small fishes. Due to their rarity no reports about their maintenance in […]

  • Callichthys spec. NEW

    6. July 2007

    From southern Brazil we could import a probably new Callichthyid catfish species. The sexes can be easily differentiated on the basis the dark pattern at the head of the females. In their homeland they inhabit diverse waters types. As accessory air-breathers they can move over land if it gets necessary to reach other waters. Their […]

  • Hypancistrus spec. L 173

    6. July 2007

    March 2005: Freshly arrived: Beautiful German breds of L 173. For the first time we can offer thereby more than a “handful” of these wonderful rare pieces. The large variability of their pattern is remarkable. The bluish glow is common in all the white of their fins. (Photo & Text K. Diehl)

  • Pterosturiosoma microps

    Pterosturiosoma microps

    6. July 2007

    Pterosturiosoma microps is one of the regularly imported Loricariidae from Peru, although not in bigger quantities. Even though it is more impressing in colour by its soft black-grey, it can still arouse enthusiasm by its remarkable appearance and its impressive but graceful fins. But its steady nursing is not quite easy. Whereas the acclimatization probably […]

  • Corydoras sp. aff. kanei

    Corydoras sp. aff. kanei

    6. July 2007

    This new and undescribed true mailed catfish differs from C. kanei by a golden band on the shoulder. The very attractive fish originate from the Rio Jamaxin (Brazil). Their final length is 5 cm. C. kanei has been bred successfully on several occasions and Seuß (Die faszinierende Welt der Corydoras, Landbuch Verlag Germany, 1997) reports […]

  • Hypancistrus spec. L 173 Bred

    6. July 2007

    March 2007: Freshly arrived: Beautiful German breds of L 173. For the first time we can offer thereby more than a “handful” of these wonderful rare pieces. The large variability of their pattern is remarkable. The bluish glow is common in all the white of their fins. (Photo F. Schäfer, Text K. Diehl)

  • Pseudancistrus spec. L 259

    6. July 2007

    Pseudancistrus spec. L 259 originates from the surrounding of the city Pimental at the Rio Tapajos. As all Pseudancistrus species the males of L 259 show a characteristic “beard” of Odontodes (dermal teeth) during the spawning season. Contrary to the popular Hypancistrus species L 259 are vegetarians. Therefore Zucchini, cucumbers and further vegetables should be […]

  • Rineloricaria melini

    6. July 2007

    As a further german bred rarity we can offer Rineloricaria melini at present. Our specimen of the probably most attractive Rineloricaria species have with 9 – 12 cm length already attained full growth and are of outstanding quality. Their origin is the area of the Rio Negro where they live in black water biotopes. Like […]

  • Microsynodontis polli

    6. July 2007

    Microsynodontis polli is one of three poorly documented pygmy Synodontis species, the other two being M. lamberti and M. batesii. They origin from Western to Central Africa, M. polli is reported for the upper Niger in Guinea and Liberia. Their maintenance is no problem as long as the water is soft and slightly acidic, although […]

  • Corydoras sp. BLACK VENEZUELA

    Corydoras sp. BLACK VENEZUELA

    6. July 2007

    A very beautiful colour morph bred in Germany and a true addition to our fascinating hobby. Corydoras aeneus (this fish probably belong to this family) is one of the most common true mailed catfish in the aquaristical hobby. Originally this cory species has a large distribution in nature which ranges from Trinidad, Venezuela, Surinam, Colombia, […]

  • Ancistrus spec. L 111

    6. July 2007

    This ancistrus, which supposedly originates from Colombia, exhibits similarities to L 89, but like L 156 has round spots arranged in a honeycomb pattern. Unlike these other two L-numbers, L 111 has a uniformly marked iris ring and light/dark grey striped pectoral fin spines. This catfish is said to grow to about 10 cm, and […]

  • Pseudoacanthicus spec. „Albino Titanic“ L 273

    Pseudoacanthicus spec. „Albino Titanic“ L 273

    6. July 2007

    April 2005: Only one fish of the albino form of the well-known „Titanic Catfish“ was imported from Belem (Brazil). L 273 is normally extremely variably coloured from fish to fish. As well as splendid specimens with contrasting dark grey/yellow plus orange colouration there are also individuals that are predominantly mouse grey with black dots and […]

  • Hisonotus notatus

    Hisonotus notatus

    6. July 2007

    July 2006 From southeast Brazil we could import some rare pieces from the relationship of the popular Otocinclus species. In its homeland Hisonotus ornatus inhabits with weeds infested waters. It may not be kept too warm. 24°C probably represents the reasonable upper limit. The requirements for their maintenance do not differ from those of the […]

  • Rineloricaria sp. „Kolombien“

    Rineloricaria sp. „Colombia“

    6. July 2007

    A remarkable species which came in in one of our import from Colombia. These fishes also originate from the Rio Chacu in the northern tip of the country. Because of the many bristles of the male this species has been falsely determined as Rineloricaria latirostris. A comparison with the pictures (see Mergus Catfish Atlas Part […]

  • Trichomycterus alternatus

    6. July 2007

    One of the in the aquarium most easy to keep pencil catfishes is Trichomycterus alternatus. This species, originating from the Rio de Janeiro region, reaches an overall length of for 10cm and can be maintained in aquaria starting from 60cm length. These very shy fish, reminding in their appearance of our in Europe native Stone […]

  • Synodontis angelicus

    6. July 2007

    From the Katanga province of the Congo we could import some partly striped specimen of Synodontis angelicus. Formerly these forms were regarded as the subspecies Synodontis angelicus zonatus, today they are considered however as a color variant of the species. In any case they are very decorative and should not be missing in Congo basins […]

  • Ancistrus spec. L 352

    Ancistrus spec. L 352

    6. July 2007

    Our photo shows a pair of Ancistrus spec. L 352, one with 6 – 7 cm very small remaining loricariid from the Rio Iriri. In the view from above the different body forms can easily be be recognized. This and the characteristic beard of the males makes a differentiating of the sexes quite easy. As […]

  • Hypancistrus spec. L 236

    Hypancistrus spec. L 236

    6. July 2007

    „Simply the Best “: Some days ago we could import some of this beauties. With a size of approx. 10cm the white of the here illustrated male shows a fantastic intensity. It seems that one of imported fishes is a not less beautiful female, and so we hope to be able to offer some days […]

  • Corydoras armatus „spotted“

    Corydoras armatus „spotted“

    6. July 2007

    April 2005: These beautiful animals where imported from Columbia. The literature however give Peru and Brazil as their place of origin. For more then 125 years ago these fish were described by Günther and since then hardly ever imported. The characteristic features of this catfish is the extreme long dorsal fin of which the first […]