10. Catfishes (727)

  • Panaqolus albomaculatus LDA 31 Venezuela

    9. May 2018

    In one of the most current issue of the Datz magazine (Datz 3/2018) a new L-number has been published, namely L501. This is a Hypancistrus from Venezuela belonging in the closer relationship of Hypancistrus inspector/L201/L339. It differs from the so far known relatives by the almost unspotted fins and the rather pinkish/orange spots (instead of […]

  • Leporacanthicus triactis L91 Variety

    27. April 2018

    The tooth-nose Leporacanthicus triactis from Venezuela s a beautiful aquarium fish that has a number of advantages. Besides the very nice coloration it does not become too big (maximum size reported is about 30 cm, but most specimens in the wild stay much smaller) and it is an omnivorous fish that readily accepts all types […]

  • Micracanthicus vandragti L280

    20. April 2018

    One could think that this unusual suckermouth catfish – it originates from the Rio Ventuari in Venezuela – represents the juvenile form of a Leporacanthicus, for example L240 or L241. But in fact L280 is a dwarf species that hardly ever becomes bigger than 5 cm. Until now only single specimens appeared in the trade, […]

  • Akysis portellus

    13. April 2018

    The wasp catfishes (Akysis) become more and more popular in the aquarium hobby. Their common name refers to venomous glands these fishes have at the base of the dorsal and the pectoral fins. A sting by the spines of these fins is very painful, though it it is harmless; only allergy sufferers should be double […]

  • Guyanancistrus guahiborum L106

    11. April 2018

    Currently we have extremely nice youngsters of L106 in stock. They originate from Venezuela. There is a second, very similar L-number, L122. L106 has a deeper body. Maximum size reported for L106 is about 15 cm, recently our fish are 4-6 cm long. The species has been described scientifically in 2005 under the name of […]

  • Corydoras amapaensis

    6. April 2018

    The beautiful long snouted Corydoras amapaensis is a top rarity in the ornamental fish trade. Only very occisonally, every 5-6 years, some specimens can be imported. So we are very glad that we can offer now for the first time some bred ones. The fish are currently about 4 cm long and have just reached […]

  • Bagarius suchus

    9. March 2018

    There are currently four species placed in the genus Bagarius, which are called devil catfish. The biggest one, which grows up to 200 cm in length, is Bagarius yarelli. It can be found in many parts of south and south-east Asia. The smallest is Bagarius bagarius, which grows up to only 15-20 cm and comes […]

  • Synodontis soloni

    23. February 2018

    We obtained a very rarely offered squeaker catfish from the Congo: Synodontis soloni. The species is medium sized (for squeakers): 20-25 cm long specimens can be called real big ones. The large caudal fin and the slender body give hints that this is a rheophilic species. Against conspecifics our specimens, which are currently 12-15 cm […]

  • Corydoras longipinnis

    12. February 2018

    We were able to import an interesting Corydoras species from Paraguay, namely Corydoras longipinnis. This species has been scientifically described as recently as 2007 by Joachim Knaack. The new species is a close relative to the well known Corydoras paleatus and reminds one somewhat of the longfinned sport of that species. In Corydoras longipinnis only […]

  • Wallagonia micropogon

    7. February 2018

    This is a fish like an evening in a swamp: dark and spooky. Wallagonia micropogon is a predator, anyone can see. The validity of the species W. micropogon is the subject of controversial discussion, many scientists believe that it is a synonym of Wallagonia leerii. Our specimens originate from Thailand. Currently they are small, only […]

  • Brochiloricaria macrodon

    15. January 2018

    We received from Paraguay this wonderful mouthbrooding whiptail catfish. Once we had this species even as bred ones in stock – many years ago. In our recent import the prolongations of the fins are very obvious. This reminds a bit in Lamontichthys. However, Brochiloricaria has a completely different mouth structure and feeding habit. Brochiloricaria are […]

  • Hyalobagrus flavus

    22. December 2017

    Back in 1903 Georg Duncker from the Hamburg Museum described a small species of catfish from the Malay Peninsula under the name of Pseudobagrus ornatus. The description appeared in the same famous paper in which the harlequin barb (Trigonostigma heteromorpha) and the dwarf rasbora (Boraras maculatus) were described. In contrast to the two barbs, which […]

  • Leporacanthicus sp. L326

    15. December 2017

    This unusual Leporacanthicus originates from the Orinoco. The L-number was given already back in 2002. Initially the fish was imported from Colombia. It is said that these fish were collected in the area around Puerto Carreño. We currently received this fish for the first time ever; our specimens come from Venezuela. L326 differs from all […]

  • Brochis splendens and B. cf. splendens CW 35

    20. November 2017

    Currently is a top season for large, breathtaking Green Cats, Brochis splendens. We have two varieties in stock which are collected in areas that have roughly 1.200 km distance from each other. The one comes from Peru and represents the „typical“ B. splendens. The species has been described scientifically from the Rio Tocantins in Brazil; […]

  • Parauchenoglanis punctatus

    17. November 2017

    Among the imports from central Africa this beautiful catfish is a real rarity. It is known so far only from the central Congo basin. From that region only few fish are imported regulary. The species attains a length of approximately 40 cm. Thus it is a perfect tankmate for show aquaria with larger species of […]

  • Tatia dunni „White“

    13. November 2017

    We were able to import the wooddrift catfish Tatia dunni for the first time in 2010 (see http://www.aquariumglaser.de/en/fish-archives/tatia_dunni_en/). Animals from this stock were given to one of our breeders, Jürgen Hattenberger. Sadly he died unexpected a few weeks ago. Jürgen was able to establish a breeding stock from the first importation and since then we […]

  • Hemiloricaria melini

    10. November 2017

    Lately we introduced to you Hemiloricaria sp. „Puerto Ayacucho“, a species known so far from Venezuela only, which we could import along with Hemiloricaria melini from Brazil. This post led to a number of requests wether we could also depict the imported melini-Whiptails. Well, we can: here they are! Hemiloricaria melini forms along with H. […]

  • Hemiloricaria sp. „Puerto Ayacucho“

    27. October 2017

    Finally we were able again to import some of the beautiful Hemiloricaria melini from ´Brazil (Rio Negro basin). As usual this shipment contained several bycatches, like H. sp. Weißdorn and H. castroi (see our post http://www.aquariumglaser.de/en/fish-archives/hemiloricaria-bycatches/), but this time there were also some specimens we have never seen before. The most obvious feature of the […]

  • Corydoras pantanalensis

    25. October 2017

    Currently we can offer one of the most beautiful and most splendid species of Corydoras, namely C. pantanalensis. Before its scientific description it was known as C5. This species attains a body length of about 8 cm and is one of the largest species of Corydoras. Within the genus, C. pantanalensis belongs to a relationship […]

  • Corydoras orcesi and C. pastazensis

    20. October 2017

    These beautifully marked species appeared only very occasionally in the aquarium hobby. Corydoras orcesi has been described from the Rio Tigre system in Ecuador. Initially it was described as a subspecies of the similar Corydoras pastazensis. However, so far no intergrades have been found and this makes it very likely that both are seperate species. […]

  • L168 Zonancistrus brachyurus

    18. October 2017

    We obtained wonderful L168 from Brazil. In this case the L-number provides a safer information than the scientific name. Due to several misidentifications this fish was in the hobby initially named Peckoltia pulcher, then Dekeyseria pulcher, sometimes also Zonancistrus pictus. But the valid name (this is at least current state of the art) is Zonancistrus […]

  • Gymnallabes typus

    9. October 2017

    We obtain a very strange catfish on a regular basis from Nigeria: Gymnallabes typus. Sadly the fish has been given the name Channalabes apus in the hobby; this is a different species from the Congo. The catfish has an eel-like body, becomes 20-30 cm long, has an impressive mustache and tiny little eyes. In the […]

  • Peckoltia brevis / LDA 78

    18. September 2017

    We received this beautiful small pleco once more from Brazil. The species became popular in the hobby long time before any L-numbers were created. Peckoltia brevis attains a maximum length of about 12 cm. It originates from affluents of the Amzaon river, for example from the Rio Purus, the Rio Jurua, the Rio Manacapuru, and […]

  • Hypoptopoma psilogaster

    1. September 2017

    The genus Hypoptopoma comprises small to medium sized loricariids. The largest species known becomes about 10 cm long. At the first glimpse they look much alike a Otocinclus, but larger. Typical for members of Hypoptopoma is the position of the eyes. They are placed in way at the side of the head that the fish […]

  • Corydoras burgessi

    18. August 2017

    Now the season for the very beautiful and much beloved orange blotch corys has started. There does exist a good number of different species and varietoies, all have in common a brightly shining spot on the neck. Depending on light this glows from yellow to almost red. This glowing spot helps the fish in the […]

  • Glyptoperichthys scrophus

    4. August 2017

    The genus Glypterperichthys (Sailfin plecos) is represented in the hobby mainly by thetwo species G. gibbiceps and G. joselimaianus, because both species have a very attractive coloration. Both are bred in large numbers in Southeast Asia and so they are almost anytime available for moderate prices. A rarity is G. scrophus, the rhino sailfin pleco […]

  • L 128 Hemiancistrus sp. or Ancistrinae gen. sp.

    23. July 2017

    Many L-numbers have received correct scientific names in the meantime; not so the „Blue Phantom“, which ist stil undescribed. Currently most keepers tend to place the species in the genus Hemiancistrus, but this is not confirmed. It is also possible that the fish will have to be placed in a new genus (Ancistrinae gen.sp.). We […]

  • Synodontis batensoda

    26. June 2017

    There does exist a good number of species of Synodontis that tend to swim upside down. The best known species is without any doubt the upside down cat, Synodontis nigriventris from the Congo. Now we were able to import the very rarely offered Synodontis batensoda from Nigeria, which shows a similar behaviour. It seems to […]

  • Rhynchodoras woodsi

    9. June 2017

    Only very rarely members of the enigmatic genus Rhynchodoras (family Doradidae) appear in the ornamental fish trade. It is believed that these fish live in the very riverbed where collectors of ornamental fishes usually do not fish at all. All species of Rhynchodoras have a strange appendix on the jaw that looks like a share; […]

  • Corydoras elegans “Peru”

    7. June 2017

    We received a small number of this pretty cory from Peru. It was shipped under the nice name „Corydoras Brilliante“. In fact the dark longitudinal band of the fish shines in a bright emerald green when the reflecting light comes in the correct angle, but all in all the fish is „only“ a local variety […]

  • Corydoras sodalis

    3. April 2017

    We received beautiful coloured Netted Corys. The species Corydoras sodalis is quite often imported, but mostly under the completely wrong name of Corydoras punctatus. The real C. punctatus originates from Surinam, occurs hardly ever in the trade and looks very similar to the well known species C. julii and C. trilineatus. A cory that can […]

  • Extraordinary attractive Hypancistrus debilittera (L129) arrived!

    2. April 2017

    Currently is the best import season for plecos from the Rio Orinoco. So we have a large number of species in stock. Among them is of course Hypancistrus debilittera, which was called L129 before it became described scientifically. This is a pretty, small species with an enormous range of colour pattern. There hardly exist two […]

  • Hemiodontichthys acipenserinus

    28. March 2017

    This species has been named “Pinocchio cat” in the trade due to its funny looking nose. The species represents the smallest of all mouthbrooding whiptail cats – it usually grows only to 10 cm total length in aquaria – and is thus very well suited for keeping. We currently were able to import these beautiful […]

  • Megalechis thoracata „Albino“

    24. March 2017

    The Port Hoplo Megalechis thoracata – maybe the synonym (now invalid) name Hoplosternum thoracatum is more familar to some readers – is one of the earliest aquarium fish at all. The fish has only one real disadvantage: the maximum size, which is about 15 cm (or sometimes even larger). However, the species has a comparatively […]

  • Peckoltia sp. Red Tiger L209

    24. March 2017

    When we imported this beauty for the very first time it was not possible to identify it as a already known species. But now there is a consensus among hobbyists that it is identical with L209. L209 is a typical member of the genus Peckoltia. The omnivorous species attains a maximum length of about 15 […]

  • Corydoras fowleri / coriatae

    17. March 2017

    The very long snouted Corydoras fowleri has been described scientifically in 1950 on the basis of a single specimen. Since that it has not been seen for decades anymore. Only at the end of the 1990ies imports from Peru arrived. The imported fish proofed to be very variable in respect of coloration. It is still […]

  • Hemiloricaria teffeana

    6. March 2017

    The vicinity of Tefé (written Teffe in elder publications) in Brazil is a place of wonders in aquarists eyes. When the name Tefé is spoken everybody is reminded in beautiful Green Discus and gorgeous Apistogramma agassizii from that region. But ther also lives a very attractive whiptail catfish: Hemiloricaria teffeana. However, the species has a […]

  • Zonancistrus sp. L52

    15. February 2017

    The season for plecos from the rio Orinoko started very well. Many much sought for species are available in many different sizes. Most specimens of the Orinoco Butterfly Pleco (L52) we currently have in stock are charming and very pretty youngsters, but we also have a few large (9-11 cm) animals in our fishhouse. The […]

  • Centromochlus heckelii

    30. January 2017

    It is a pity that we can offer this interesting driftwood catfish only very rarely and in small numbers. The species has a wide distribution in the Amazon and Orinoco river basins. It attains a maximum length of about 14-15 cm. Our specimens originate from Peru; here is also the type locality for the species.Two […]

  • Hemiloricaria bycatches

    25. July 2016


    The past days were dominated by whiptail catfish. Along with our first importation of Pseudoloricaria sp. (see http://www.aquariumglaser.de/aktuelles/pseudoloricaria-sp-2/) came as bycatch not less than four different species of Hemiloricaria! This is extremely unusual, for all these species have a very similar way of life and so they stand in direct competetion to each other. The four species are Hemiloricaria fallax, H. teffeana, H. castroi, and H. sp. Barcelos.














    May this be as it is: we also obtained – from the very same area – even a fifth species, namely Hemilorcaria sp. Weißdorn, also known under the name H. sp. Amazonia. Raphael Covain, a French scientist that works a lot with Rineloricaria, informed us – based on his research on the genus – that the latter species is identical with Rineloricaria platyura.


    The generic names Hemiloricaria and Rineloricaria have both been established in 1862 by P. Bleeker. The validity of Hemiloricaria is reason for a debate among scientists. There are two basic opinions, the one is that both genera are valid, the other (i.a. the one of Covain) that Hemiloricaria is a synonym od Rineloricaria.



    We are not specialized in this group of fish and simply follow the opinion that is most commonly shared in the German speaking area. This is that Hemiloricaria is a valid genus. In any case we thank Raphael Covain sincerely for his help. Many thanks also to Ingo Seidel who helped us to identify the bycatches of Pseudoloricaria.

    For our customers: we currently have the following species that were mentioned above in stock: H. sp. Weißdorn/H. platyura (code 288965), H. fallax (code 287804) and one specimen of H. cf. castroi (code 287655). Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

    Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

  • Corydoras weitzmani WILD

    19. July 2016

    We received a shipment of beautiful, fully grown wild collected Corydoras weitzmani from Peru. The species is extremely rare in the trade. Our fish have a perfect condition! There were strong doubts not long ago that the species might not exist at all or that it has been extinct. This was due to the fact […]

  • Corydoras cf. semiaquilus Alto Blanco

    19. July 2016

    The number of Corydoras species can hardly be overlooked anymore. There are 218 species described scientifically, 159 C-numbers, and 122 CW-numbers currently known. However, some very distinct forms can be easily separated from this mass and for sure a new genus must be erected for these once a revision of the complete genus is made. […]

  • Ompok pinnatus

    12. July 2016

    For the first time ever we obtained this absolutely unusual glass catfish from Thailand. At the first glimpse the enormous long barbels take the attention of the observer. This catfish has been described only in 2003 as Ompok pinnatus. If one compares O. pinnatus with the other species of Ompok we imported recently (see http://www.aquariumglaser.de/en/ompok-cf-fumidus_en_1594.html […]

  • Xyliphius cf. lepturus

    23. June 2016

    For the first time ever we could import this extremely odd species of banjo catfish. The eyes are reduced to very small, black spots. This is a hint either to a strictly nocturnal way of life or that the fish live burried. We obtained our specimens from Venezuela. Most probably they belong to the species […]

  • Pseudoloricaria sp.

    21. June 2016

    Yesterday we introduced to you a brandnew „Hemiloricaria“ and mentioned that the determination of the species is very doubtful. Now we were able to take pictures of the ventral side of the animals and the enigma was solved: these fish are no Hemiloricaria at all, but members of the genus Pseudoloricaria! In Pseudoloricaria the lower […]

  • Chaetostoma L455 Tiger

    2. May 2016

    After quite a long time we were able again to import the pretty Chaetostoma sp. L455 Tiger from Peru. Generally speaking, species belonging to Chaetostoma do not attract by nice coloration, but this species is really an exception from the rule. This is true at least for the males, the females do not have the […]

  • Cephalosilurus apurensis

    26. April 2016

    A face that can be loved only by a mother? Far from that! Among the fans of large, predatory catfish Cephalosilurus apurensis is a much sought after species! The fish attains a maximum length of about 30 cm and appears endemic in Venezuela (this means the distribution is restricted to that country). We were able […]

  • Panaqolus albivermis, L204

    26. April 2016

    Currently we have all sizes of L204 in stock, among them fully grown specimens. They show impressively how different the individual pattern in loricariids can be. We have specimens with small spots, species-specificly banded animals and all thinkable intergrades. The photos were made from four fully grown specimens in our fishhouse, size-class 11-14 cm. Pictures […]

  • First import of Rhadinoloricaria macromystax

    20. April 2016


    Even keepers specialized in whiptail catfish will hardly know this fish. Until now only preserved specimens or pictures of animals photographed in the field were known. Now we were able for the first time ever to import some specimens alive from Venezuela. The species has been described in 1869 from Peru.



    These fish are extremely sensitive. Our supplier reports that he has big difficulties during the acclimatization of the fish. The reasons for these difficulties are unknown. The way the fish hold their pectoral and ventral fins (like spoilers) may be a hint that these whiptail cats are adopted to strong current (a so-called rheophilic species).


    The species is said to attain a length of about 15 cm. This means that our specimens are fully grown or at least sexually mature. If they represent the “real” Rh. macromystax or a close, still undescribed relative, cannot be decided by us. The genus is only insufficient researched.


    For our customers: the animals have code 287255 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Only very few specimens available!

    Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

    Another new Panda-Corydoras

    19. April 2016

    The “New Panda” from Colombia/Venezuela is a much sought for species by Corydoras enthusiats since the first importation in 2010 (see http://www.aquariumglaser.de/en/archiv.php?news_id=272). There have been given two CW numbers for the species (different species?), namely CW49 and CW51. Please see for discussion and additional pictures of both forms http://www.aquariumglaser.de/en/corydoras-sp-cw-49-and-cw-51_en_1694.html Now we were able to import again this beautiful species and this time – again – many of them look different: they have an enormous large black saddle spot compared with the varieties known already. So are these Corys another local variety or do these fish simply differ a bit in respect of coloration from year to year? Nobody knows… But one thing is for sure: the are real beauties! For our customers: the fish have code 240183 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

    Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

  • Amaralia hypsiura

    13. April 2016

    Banjo catfishes are subjects for lovers of calm fishes. One could also ay: for lovers of phlegmatic fishes. These creatures will not swim even an inch if it is not absolutely necessary. On the other hand they are really odd looking creatures. The strangest looking of this assemblage of strange-looking animals is without any doubt […]

  • Corydoras sp. C3

    13. April 2016

    Shipments declared as “Corydoras deckeri” from Colombia are always subject of surprise. There is no scientifically described species C. deckeri, this name is pure fantasy. So sometimes Corydoras axelrodi, sometimes C. loxozonus, and sometimes the scientifically undescribed C. sp. C3 are shipped under that flag. This time we received the pretty C3. However, all three […]

  • An enigmatic Corydoras

    9. March 2016

    obtained corys from Brazil, which had been collected in the upper
    Amazon. The exporter had identified them as Corydoras evelynae. Indeed
    the upper Amazon is type locality of C. evelynae; this species has a
    dark band over the back, which is broken in pieces; under the dorsal fin
    is a broad, rectangular spot that looks quadratic when watched from
    above; the dorsal spine is dark; on the flanks are two thin, parallel
    running horizontal bands; the species has a dark eye-band (this
    description bases on the holotype specimen). Since the first
    description, which was made in 1963 on the basis of only one specimen,
    Corydoras evelynae is subject of many speculations and has become
    imported only very rarely.

    new importations show some similarities with C. evelynae, but also many
    differences. They look most similar to the fish that have been named
    C20 in 1994. The number C20 has been eliminated later, because it is
    thought to represent only the juvenile of C. arcuatus.

    our largest C20 imported now show clearly that they do not belong to
    Corydoras arcuatus. C. arcuatus of similar size (about 4 cm long) from
    Peru look totally different, are regarded as large already in the trade
    and have, of course, the species-specific pattern.

    cannot exclude the possibility that C20 represents a juvenile stage of
    the so-called Super-Arcuatus from Brazil, a scientifically undescibed,
    very large (up to 8 cm) species; however, we do not think that this is
    very much likely.

    juvenile specimen (about 2 cm long) of Corydoras evelynae from
    Colombia, which we obtained as a sample specimen from the Rio Vaupes in
    May 2015 already showed the typical pattern of C. evelynae as described
    above. So it can be excluded that C. evelynae has a long-lasting
    juvenile pattern that differs from the adult pattern.

    cannot decide wether our new importations represent specimens of C20 or
    of a totally new species of Corydoras. In any way they are pretty
    members of the genus that have a pattern similar to that of C. evelynae,
    but a body shape that reminds one in the Corydoras-loretoensis-group.

    our customers: the fish have code 229542 on or stocklist. Please note
    that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Available in very small
    numbers only!

    Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

  • L102, Hypancistrus inspector

    4. March 2016

    Once more we could import the beautiful Snowball Pleco (Hypancistrus inspector, L102) from the Rio Negro in Brazil. The species can attain a maximum length of about 18-20 cm and is one of the largest species in Hypancistrus. However, our fish in stock are currently only 6-12 cm long. In the most current import we […]

  • Pseudomystus heokhuii

    29. February 2016

    This pretty species of bumblebee catfish was discovered and scientifically described only in 2008. We could import the species now for the first time ever. P. heokhuii becomes about 6 cm long and is a very peaceful species of catfish. Despite the fact that Pseudomystus heokhuii inhabits extreme blackwater habitats in the wild, where the […]

  • Auchenoglanis wittei

    10. February 2016

    Until recently only two species of Auchenoglanis were commonly accepted, namely A. biscutatus and A. occidentalis. This changed with the revision of Retzer (2010), who recognizes eight different species. In the Congo the genus is represented by Auchenoglanis wittei, which can be easily identified by the “reticulated giraffe”-pattern of the body. However, this is the […]

  • Corydoras imitator and C39

    8. February 2016

    Currently we receive imports of “Corydoras imitator” from the upper Rio Negro in Brazil. If one takes a close look on the fish it becomes obvious that hardly two specimens look really identical. Coloration is variable, as well is  the shape of the body. Some fish, for sure, are unplanned by-catches, for example C. incolicana […]

  • Loricaria sp. Rio Atabapo

    3. February 2016

    Finally we are able again to offer bred specimens of this Loricaria. It is the most beautiful species of the genus. Like all its relatives it is a mouthbrooding species. The males carry the egg-clusters along with them. For this they use the lower lip, which becomes much bigger during the breeding season, until the […]

  • Corydoras njisseni

    3. February 2016

    Finally we were able to import again the smallest and cutest of all the different “orange blotch” Corydoras from the Rio Negro: Corydoras nijsseni. This fish is a close relative of C. elegans. The coloration, which is the same in Corydoras adolfoi, C. duplicareus, C. imitator, C. sp. C39, C. serratus, and serveral other species, […]

  • Hara jerdoni

    27. January 2016

    Currently is the high season for the interesting moth cats (Hara). These catfish occur in India, Burma, and Thailand. The species are very difficult to tell apart, in many cases it is simply impossible in live animals. There are a few species that can be determined by a filament on the caudal fin, but most […]

  • Tatia musaica (= Cenromochlus orca)

    22. January 2016

    We were able to import again a small number of the most attractive of all driftwood-catfishes: Tatia musaica, the ninja-tatia. This beautiful fish attains a maximum length of about 5-6 cm. Like all the driftwood catfishes this species also has an internal fertilization. The male´s anal fin is modified for that purpose, similar as it […]

  • Corydoras cochui and C. habrosus

    19. January 2016

    These dwarf species of Corydoras have been confused quite a long time. Both species attain a maximum length of about 3 cm and a very cute, nice and lively aquarium fish. If one has the opportunity to see live specimens of both species together it may be hard to understand how they may be confused; […]

  • Corydoras CW 45 Lessex

    16. December 2015

    We can currently offer a very limited number of a new variety of the rare species CW 45. The fish was named “Lessex” by the exporter. We adopted that name, but we don´t know the meaning. CW 45 is a deep bodied species, similar to C. armatus. It differs from the latter by the bright […]

  • Rineloricaria lanceolata

    20. November 2015

    Currently we obtain very nice Rineloricaria lanceolata from Paraguay. This species of whiptail catfish is very variable in respect of coloration. Almost all colours from deep dark brown (almost black) to a light clay-brown can be observed. It was back in the 1980ies that a brick-red sport of whiptail catfish appeared in the former GDR. […]

  • Corydoras vittatus

    16. November 2015

    And here we have one more beautiful species of currently imported Corydoras. Corydoras vittatus – the specific name means “striped” – is one of the most variable species in respect of the individual pattern. The fish originates from Brazil. Formerly it was often regarded to be a subspecies of the also very variable species Corydoras […]

  • Hypancistrus sp. L66 King Tiger Pleco

    13. November 2015

    The King Tiger Pleco originates from the Rio Xingu in Brazil. The species belongs to the most popular plecos in the hobby. This fish attains a length of about 15 cm. Currently we can offer very nice German bred ones (4-5 cm long), which have a pretty and strongly contrasting black-and-white-pattern. Like in all species […]

  • Corydoras diphyes and Otocinclus mimulus

    4. November 2015

    Corydoras diphyes and Otocinclus mimulus are available irregularly in Germany and have been recently described by Axenrot and Kullander (2003). They originate from the tributary of the Rio Monday, a river flowing into the Rio Parana in Paraguay. This species was known, for quite a long time, as Corydoras flaveolus in the hobby; this species, […]

  • Unusual ornamental fish bred in Indonesia 2: Corydoras septentrionalis

    21. October 2015

    Corydoras septentrionalis is rather rare in the trade. It occurs in Venezuela and Colombia. The species is very similar to Corydoras ellisae from Paraguay. It differs from C. ellisae mainly due to the much longer snout and the colourless fin (with a spotted pattern in C. ellisae). We were a bit surprised to obtain that […]

  • Corydoras pantanalensis C5

    19. October 2015

    This species is one of the largest of its genus: C. pantanalensis can reach a total length of more than 8 cm! Now we finally were able once more to import these splendid pieces of gold in small numbers. Besides the impressive size Corydoras pantanalensis is also very interesting because the males develop during the […]

  • Parotocinclus cf. variola

    14. October 2015

    For the first time ever we were able to import this interesting dwarf suckermouth catfish. It originates from a only recently discovered region, namely the waterfalls of Cachoeira do el Dorado in the far northern parts of Brazil, almost at the border to Venezuela. This area has not been explored ichthyologically yet. Of all the […]

  • Hypostomus sp. LDA10

    14. October 2015

    The great rush for l-numbers is over, no doubt. But even at the highest level of the hype some of the species appeared only once or twice in the ornamental fish market. One of those guys is LDA, a species of Hypostomus with an extraordinary broad head. Obviously this species lives syntopically with the much […]

  • Batrochoglanis raninus Dwarf

    5. October 2015

    Batrochoglanis raninus Dwarf The genus Batrochoglanis was formerly placed in Pseudopimelodus. Batrochoglanis can be best distinguished from Pseudopimelodus by the shape of the caudal fin. Pseudopimelodus has a deeply forked caudal fin, Batrochoglanis only a slightly indented one. Currently five species of Batrochoglanis are accepted. We obtain occasionally specimens of that genus from Colombia, which […]

  • Mastiglanis asopos

    29. September 2015

    Catfishes in general often look quite odd. This is for sure true for this dwarf catfish, which was described only in 1994 in a new genus. The maximum length of this fish is about 6-7 cm without the caudal fin. The shape of the body is very elongate. The extremely long pectoral fin rays are […]

  • Hypoptopoma cf. psilogaster “sp. II”

    16. September 2015

    The dwarf catfish of the genus Hypoptopoma are close relatives of the much better known Otocinclus species. Both genera have a similar habit and a similar  way of life. Members of Hypoptopoma have a very typical position of the eyes. This gives them the advantage to be able to see what happens below them them […]

  • Corydoras aeneus Cuiabá

    16. September 2015

    The Bronze Cory is the most popular and most widespread Corydoras in the hobby. This stands in a strong contrast to the scientific knowledge about the systematics of that species. From a systematist´s point of view the Bronze Cory is among the least understood species of the genus. Currently only one species is accepted, which […]

  • Corydoras loxozonus

    7. September 2015

      This cory belongs to the most attractive members of the genus Corydoras and is also very easy to keep. One should only remember that C. loxozonus – it originates from the Rio Orinoco and its affluents – prefers higher temperatures. So the water temperture should not sink below 25°C for longer. Currently we can […]

  • Gagata cenia

    7. September 2015

    The Assamese Clown Catfish is the perfect choice for all aquarists that love lively species. This catfish attains a maximum length of about 15 cm, but matures at a length of less than 7 cm. The fish is a real energy pack. It can be hardly ever found resting for a minute, it is always […]

  • And once more: Corydoras CW49

    7. September 2015

    We reported about our current importations of the most beautiful Corydoras sp. CW49 and CW51 quite recently (see http://www.aquariumglaser.de/en/corydoras-sp-cw-49-und-cw-51_de_1694.html). Now we obtained again a shipment of that species, this time said to originate from a new collecting site. And see: now all specimens look like the other, all are “pure” CW49 phenotypes! The pictures accompanying […]

  • Bagrichthys macracanthus

    2. September 2015

    Currently we can offer a very seldom imported, unusual catfish from Southeast Asia (eastern Sumatra): Bagrichthys macracanthus. This catfish attains a maximum length of about 20 cm. In the wild, the species inhabits river portions with only very low current. Against conspecifics males are quite quarrelsome; kept by pair or in groups composed of one […]

  • Flyer-cats from Brazil!

    26. August 2015

    Recently we received a shipment of flyer-cats (Pseudolithoxus), which have been collected in the surroundings of Sao Gabriel do Cacheiro at the Rio Negro. At the first glimpse the fish look very similar to P. anthrax (L235) from Venezuela. But they are distinguished from the latter by the much larger white spots and the white […]

  • A brandnew Corydoras – Corydoras sp. aff. potaroensis

    26. August 2015

    Sometimes it’s hard to believe. If one reminds that currently 160 species of Corydoras are scientifically accepted, plus 159 C-numbers, plus 107 CW-numbers, it is more than likely that every newly imported Corydoras could be applied to at least one of these fish. But far from that! Last week we obtained Corydoras under the name […]

  • Leporacanthicus from the Rio Tapajós: L263 and L264

    26. August 2015

    received from Brazil two species of pretty carnivorous loricariids.
    Both originate from the Rio Tapajós, where they occur even syntopically.
    L264 has been described scientifically under the name of
    Leporacanthicus joselimai, whereas L263 still waits for a scientist to
    take a closer look on it.

    It is very unusual that two closely related species live in the wild together. Usually one species will dominate the other. But in this case it obviously works. Both L-numbers for sure represent species on their own, as both have been bred already successfully in aquaria.

    Both species attain a maximum length of about 15-20 cm.

    For our customers: the fish have code 26480-L 263-3 (L263) und 26480-L 264-3 (L264) on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

    Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

  • Cetopsis coecutiens

    Cetopsis coecutiens

    27. July 2015

    This species is legend. Cetopsis coecutiens becomes up to 40 cm long and is spread very far over South America – and feared! The animals are merciless hunters. Even when trapped in a fish cast they bite pieces out of their fellow captives. Even attacks on humans are reported. People living along the Amazon river […]

  • Ompok bimaculatus and O. pabda

    29. June 2015

    Ompok are medium sized catfish that reach a length of 15-40 cm. They are close relatives of the only central European species of catfish, the Wels (Silurus glanis). Ompok look quite similar to the Wels. In southern and southeastern Asia, Ompok are favorite food fish, despite the fact that they are comparatively small. They are […]

  • Nemapteryx nenga

    26. June 2015

    This beautiful “freshwater shark” reached us from India. Formerly the species was placed in the genus Arius. Like all these Arius-relatives Nemapteryx nenga is not a shark at all, but a catfish. N. nenga attains a length of about 30 cm and should be kept in large aquaria only. These “freshwater sharks” are animals that […]

  • L24 wurde beschrieben: Pseudacanthicus pitanga

    L24 has been described: Pseudacanthicus pitanga

    26. June 2015

    Another L-number has received a correct scientific description finally: L24. The beautiful orange finned cactus pleco from the Rio Tocantins is named now Pseudacanthicus pitanga. The specific name “pitanga” is from the Tupi-Guarini language and means “red” in allusion to the colour of the fins. The scientific paper also discusses the risks of using this […]

  • Corydoras armatus Venezuela

    26. June 2015

    Corydoras armatus belongs to the species of Corydoras which are known by scientists very long already. It represents the sixths described species of the genus. The original descriprition appeared back in 1868. The type specimens originated from Peru (Rio Huallaga). It is quite astonishing that the species appeared comparatively late in the hobby – in […]

  • Corydoras sp. CW 49 and CW 51

    25. June 2015

    Among the most attractive species of Corydoras that have been imported in the past years is the “New Panda” from Colombia. We obtained the first speciemens in 2010. There do exist two varieties of the species. One has a larger black spot that extends over the middle of the body down in direction of the […]

  • Kein Bild

    Glyptoperichthys joselimaianus: L1

    25. June 2015

    L-numbers are for many people simply synonyms for Loricariids. But one should remember that they have been cooked up only in 1988! L-numbers were given for species that have not been determined scientifically yet. The very first L-number, L1 (or L001, although nobody would have dreamed of hundreds of L-numbers initially) has been applied on […]

  • Corydoras: Top rarities from Colombia

    26. May 2015

    We obtained a number of sample specimens (only one specimen per species) of Corydoras from the Rio Vaupes in Colombia. Some of them are real rarities, others are better known already. One of the well known species is Corydoras osteocarus. This species cannot be confused with any other Corydoras. The species attains a maximum length […]

  • Ancistrus sp. L181 Rio Negro

    19. May 2015

    The many species of Ancistrus with small white dots are very difficult to tell apart. We recently obtained L181 from the Rio Negro in Brazil. The very same species has been given several L-numbers, eg L71 (from the Rio Tapajós) or L249 (from the Rio Trombetas and its affluent, the Rio Cuminá). Also extremely similar […]

  • Pseudancistrus sp. LDA 32/L259/L321 Rio Tapajós

    19. May 2015

    Currently four syntopically occuring forms of Pseudancistrus are reported from the Rio Tapajós. They differ from each other by minor differences in respect of coloration and proportions. L321 is the comparatively flattest of them, has small dots and a reddish seam at the caudal fin. LDA32 and L259 are a bit deeper bodied and have […]

  • Ancistrus sp. Black Rio Negro (L88)

    19. May 2015

    We received a good number of pure black Ancistrus from the Rio Negro. These have no clearly visible markings, except one: a deepblack spot on the basis of the dorsal fin. This somewhat unspectacular, but characteristic feature made finally the determation possible. Our fish belong to the species named “L88” or Anstrus sp. Black (the […]

  • Corydoras sp.

    12. May 2015

    The longsnouted and saddle-nosed Corydoras appear in the wild either solitary or in small schools. This is the reason why they are much more difficult to collect than the round-nosed Corydoras which most often live in very large swarms. This fact makes the longsnouted and saddle-nosed Corydoras much more expensive and also more desired by […]

  • Corydoras sp.

    12. May 2015

    Another extremely rarely imported Corydoras species reached us from Peru. The unusual popular name of the scientifically undescribed species is due to the coloration, especially the dark triangle in the neck. This reminds one very much to the odd type of headdress worn by Gustaf Gründgens in his legendary production of Goethe´s Faust, where he […]

  • Panaque Blue-Eye

    8. May 2015

    were able to import two large males of this top rarity. There is still
    an ongoing debate among specialists whether Panaque suttonorum (= P.
    suttoni) and P. cochliodon do represent the same species or not.
    However, in the most recent scientific revision, P. suttonorum is
    considered to be valid.

    our customers: the animals have code 275007 on our stocklist. Please
    note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Only two specimens

    Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

  • Corydoras crimmeni

    8. May 2015

    For the first time ever we can offer this beautiful Corydoras. It originates from the Rio Negro basin in Brazil. A bright green shine on the flanks of the body is very obvious, especially when the light falls from ahead on the fish. This species attains a maximum length of about 6.5 cm. For our […]

  • Denticetopsis seducta

    22. April 2015

    For the first time ever we could import this dwarf whale catfish from Peru. The maximum length of this tiny species seems to be around 5-6 cm. In contrast to the better known blue whale catfish, Cetopsis coecutiens, which is an aggressive predatory species, all Denticetopsis are competely harmless insectivorous fishes. This species has been […]

  • Synodontis ocellifer

    3. March 2015

    This is another catfish-beauty originating from Nigeria. Someone once said that this species of Synodontis can be characterized by three adjectives: peaceful, beautiful, and hardy. In fact S. ocellifer is one of the most peaceful species of Synodontis at all. The maximum length of S. ocellifer is about 20 cm. When they get older they […]

  • Leiarius marmoratus

    17. February 2015

    There are two species of catfish in South America that look like siblings: Leiarus marmoratus (called “Achara” by the natives) and Leiarius (formerly: Perrunichthys) perruno. Both species attain a length of about 60 cm, have the very same leopard pattern and the long, ringed whiskers. But there does exist an easily recognizable difference: Leiarius marmoratus […]