18. Toothcarps: Killis and Livebearers (298)

  • Xiphophorus evelynae

    21. October 2013

    This extremely seldom offered wild platy species is a close relative of X. variatus and has been described initially only as a subspecies of Variable Platyfish. X. evelynae lives exclusively in the Tecolutia River basin on the Atlantic slope of Mexico. For our customers: the animals have code 476528 on our stocklist. Please note that […]

  • Xiphophorus cortezi Rio Axtla

    7. October 2013

    Xiphophorus cortezi is another very rare species of livebearer in the hobby. We received a small number from a German breeder. This species has only a short sword, but a very beautiful large dorsal fin. For our customers: the animals have code 421222 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. […]

  • Xenotoca eiseni San Marcos

    1. October 2013

    Only once per year we obtain a number of very rarely offered Goodeids, bred by a specialized breeder. This year the shipment contained inter alia the probably most beautiful species of these interesting livebearers: the San-Marcos-population of Xenotoca eiseni. For our customers: the animals have code 476513 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively […]

  • Rivulus hartii

    10. September 2013

    We obtained this pretty killifish from a German breeder in small numbers. Rivulus hartii (the species has be placed in the genus Anablepsoides recently, thus the correct name is now Anablepsoides hartii) becomes comparatively large and grows to a maximum size of 11 cm. In the aquarium this rather peaceful fish can live up to […]

  • Xiphophorus variatus Rio Nautla

    10. September 2013

    We obtained in very limited numbers this beautiful local variety of the wild variatus platy (Xiphophorus variatus) from a German breeder. The Rio Nautla variety is a fish that occurs in the wild, not an artificial sport! For our customers: the fish have code 442983 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale […]

  • Nomorhamphus rex

    10. September 2013

    This species of halfbeak from Sulawesi (formerly: Celebes) has been described scientifically only last year (2012). It can be distinguished most easily by the coloration from N. ebrardtii, a quite similar species (see http://www.aquariumglaser.de/en/nomorhamphus-ebrardtii_de_1519.html). N. rex has yellow ventral fins, N. ebrardtii reddish-orange ones, N. rex has a red lower beak, the lower beak of […]

  • Nomorhamphus ebrardtii

    27. August 2013

    We imported very nice specimens of the halfbeak Nomorhamphus ebrardtii. This livebearing fish lives endemic (this means: exclusively there) on the island of Sulawesi, formerly known as Celebes. Here the species occurs mainly in smaller brooks. Maximum length of N. ebrardtii is around 6-7 cm. The bright orange-red fins are very striking as well as […]

  • Chromaphyosemion bitaeniatum LAGOS

    31. July 2013

    This beautiful killi is only very occasionally available as German bred. Currently we have some of these bred ones in stock. They are descendants from the population from Lagos (Nigeria). Our fish are large, full in colour and very pretty. This species is suitable for community tanks with peaceful, small fish (barbs, tetras, catfish etc.). […]

  • Guppy Neon Flame

    Guppy Neon Flame

    11. July 2013

    This guppy sport is a real wonder regarding the coloration. We obtain the fish from Sri Lanka. The basic type is a tuxedo, eg light anterior body, black posterior body. The caudal fin is of the sunrise type, which means that it is yellow at its base and becomes red towards the border. In each […]

  • Guppy Flamingo Gold Body

    10. July 2013

    Once more we can offer a brandnew, breathtaking beautiful sport of the Guppy. The anterior part of the body is metalic-golden, while the posterior part of the body, the caudal and the dorsal fin are flamingo-red. For our customers: the fish have code 418313 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale […]

  • Rare livebearers

    28. June 2013

    The wild forms of livebearers are hardly ever bred by commercial breeders, because the colorful artifical sports usually sell better. Nevertheless the natural coloured wild forms are very nice fish. We just received the charming Merry Widow (Phallichthys amates) and the Tiburon Limia (Limia tridens) from German breeders in small numbers.

    For our customers: the fish have code 278202 (Phallichthys amates) and 424873 (Limia tridens) on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

    Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

  • Guppy Albino

    21. May 2013

    One of our breeders has developed this unique and beautiful guppy sport from Magenta and Albino guppys. The fish are very healthy German bred ones! For our customers: the fish have code 419096 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Available in very limited numbers only! Text & photos: Frank […]

  • Oryzias mekongensis

    2. April 2013

    We received from Thailand one of the smallest species of ricefish. Oryzias mekongensis attains a maximum length of only 3 cm and is an ideal fish for so-called nano tanks. For our customers: the fish have code 339802 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

  • Micropoecilia parae Red Tiger

    4. February 2013

    Once more we obtained a number of this beautiful livebearer, M. parae. Micropoecilia parae represents a wild form of livebearing fish, not a bred sport. The fish are not close relatives of the guppys and cannot be crossbred with them. The females of M. parae can be recognized by the shoulder spot. For our customers: […]

  • Xiphophorus kallmani

    16. January 2013

    The Catemaco Swordtail is a splendid, large species of swordtail. Females can reach a length up to 12 cm! The wonderful metallic golden shine is species-specific and led to the alternative popular name “Brass Swordtail” in the hobby, long before the species has been described scientifically. For our customers: the fish have code 420162 on […]

  • Guppy Blue Jeans

    15. January 2013

    This is the latest sport of guppy, bred in South East Asia. Like the trousers, after which this guppy is named, it is an everlasting beautiful, powerful, dainty, and very robust fish. For our customers: the fish have code 418333 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Text & photo: […]

  • Nothobranchius guentheri

    13. November 2012

    Just in: wonderful German bred Nothobranchius guentheri. This Nothobranch reaches an age of about two years under aquarium conditions. For our customers: the fish have code 332502 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

  • Rivulus rubrolineatus

    Rivulus rubrolineatus

    29. October 2012

    This beautiful killifish originates from Peru. Currently we can offer this rare fish as wild collected ones. Rivulus are dwelling always near the water surface and especially R. rubrolineatus is a perfect aquarium fish for the upper region of a tank. However, one must cover the tank perfectly, for Rivulus use to change their habitat […]

  • Nothobranchius pienaari

    Nothobranchius pienaari

    5. October 2012

    Rachow´s Nothobranch (Nothobranchius rachovii) belongs to the most popular species of this genus. The fish is extremely colourful and exhibits a gorgeous behaviour while displaying and mating. Most aquarium strains of N. rachovii are descendants of specimens that have been collected in 1958 by E. Roloff near Beira in Mozambique. However, now and then also […]

  • Nothobranchius eggersi

    1. October 2012

    We received another two gems that belong to a magnificent genus, eg varieties of N. eggersi. N. eggersi “Blue” was collected at Ukuni, wheras N. eggersi “Red” has the collection code TSTS 2010/13. Both are gorgeous fish. Available in very limited numbers only! For our customers: the animals have code 330513 (red) and 330523 (blue) […]

  • Moema quiii

    Moema quiii

    27. September 2012

    Killifish, in general, are beautiful fish. Now we managed to import a spectacular animal from Peru, which has not only wonderful colours, but also an extraordinary size of about 11 cm. Sadly the single male was the only specimen our supplier was able to collect, but we hope for more specimens in the near future. […]

  • Platy Micky Mouse Red

    26. September 2012

    We received extraordinary nice and extremely healthy platys of this sport, which belongs to the species Xiphophorus maculatus. For our customers: the fish have code 443233 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Text & photo: Frank Schäfer

  • Chromaphyosemion bitaeniatum IJEBU ODE

    29. August 2012

    For the first time ever we have this wonderful killi in stock. Our specimens are German bred. The species attains a length of 4-5 cm. Available in limited numbers only! For our customers: the fish have code 305312 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

  • Xiphophorus hellerii MARLBORO WAGTAIL

    18. June 2012

    We have this extremely beautiful swordtail for the first time ever in stock. It represents an absolutely new sport that bases on the light-finned “Marlboro” (see http://www.aquariumglaser.de/en/fish-archive/livebearers-en/Xiphophorus_hellerii_MARLBORO_en/). Available in limited numbers only! For our customers: the fish has code 421233 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Text & photos: […]

  • Guppy Euro Moskow Blue

    12. June 2012

    Currently we have wonderful Guppys of the Moskow sport in stock. This variety has a black body with a blue shine. The latter flashes each time the fish swims. For our customers: the ish have code 419173 on our stocklist. Please note that we eclusively supply the wholesale trade. Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

  • Nothobranchius ruudwildekampi

    5. June 2012

    We have received a very limited number of a new species of Nothobranchius from a German breeder. The species has been decribed scientifically in 2009 under the name of Nothobranchius ruudwildekampi. For our customers: the animals have code 338223 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Text & photos: Frank […]

  • Pseudepiplatys annulatus CONAKRY

    23. May 2012

    This tiny and charming little jewel becomes only 3-4 cm long. Our animals are wild collected specimens of the sport known in the hobby as the 'Conakry variety'. Read more on the species here: http://www.aquariumglaser.de/en/news/Pseudepiplatys_annulatus_en/ For our customers: the fish have code 322003 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. […]

  • Pachypanchax omanolotus

    14. May 2012

    This beautiful panchax from Madagascar is only very occasionally available. Currently we could stock very nice German bred ones. For our customers: the fish have code 342202 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

  • Priapella olmecae

    10. April 2012

    Priapella olmecae For the first time ever we have this beautiful livebearer in stock. The genus Priapella currently comprises 6 described species, of which P. intermedia and P. compressa are found occasionally in the ornamental fish trade. All Priapella species are surface dwellers that live in the wild in comparatively strong current. Here they swim […]

  • Xiphophorus hellerii MARLBORO

    27. March 2012

    This brandnew, fascinating sport of the swordtail is a real eyecatcher. The basic colour of the fish is a shining, plain white. About two thirds of the body are jet-red. However, it is not easy to breed such beauties, thus the price is comparatively high, but these graces are worth every cent of it. This […]

  • Xenophallus umbratilis

    27. March 2012

    We have one of the rarest livebearers in stock. Only limited numbers are available! The beautiful fish reach about 4 cm (males) and 6 cm (females) total length. It is a very peaceful species. For our customers: the fish have code 475802 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

  • Guppy Endler Tiger

    22. February 2012

    Once more we received a brandnew, charming sport of the guppy. This time the fish belong to the Endler guppy strain, eg small, very lively, wild type fish. Delivered by pair! For our customers: the fish has code 419013 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Text & photos: Frank […]

  • Epiplatys dageti

    21. February 2012

    323522 Daget´s Panchax is an absolute evergreen. Currently we have two forms in stock: gorgeous bred ones that belong to the subspecies E. d. monroviae, and wild collected ones from Guinea, which are as beautiful as the former, but much more dainty in all parts of the body. The wild collected ones obviously belong to […]

  • Guppy King Cobra Sunrise

    21. February 2012

    This new sport of the guppy is characterized by its caudal fin coloration. This fin is yellow at its base and becomes deep red at the edges. Thus the name “Sunrise” is a perfect description of the fish. For our customers: the new guppy has code 418413 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively […]

  • Aphyosemion striatum

    21. February 2012

    Currently we have this beautiful fish bred by German breeders in stock. Sadly the killifish as a whole are often still regarded as sensitive, short living fishes that cannot be kept in community tanks. However, this is wrong. The Aphyosemion species that attach the eggs on substrates and hatch the eggs under water (in other […]

  • Platy “Coffee”

    30. January 2012

    This Platy is a very attractive sport. The body colour is plain blueish-white with sharp contrasting black spots. The eye shines in a beautiful blue. The intensity of the latter depends on the light. This new Platy represents in all probability a close relative of the “Bleeding Heart Platy”, which is a descendent of the […]

  • Guppy NEW Arctic Blue

    14. December 2011

    For the first time ever we have this beautiful new Guppy in stock. For our customers: the fish have code 418763 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

  • Fundulopanchax cinnamomeus

    14. November 2011

    Fundulopanchax cinnamomeus We are glad that we are able to offer more and more species of the colourful group of killifish from German breeders. New in stock: Fundulopanchax cinnamomemus. This is a very nice species that reaches about 6 cm in total length. The fish belongs to the large group of Aphyosemion relatives. The species […]

  • Rare wild type swordtails!

    9. November 2011

    Currently we received a limited number of several wonderful wild type swordtails from a German breeder.

    420143 Xiphophorus montezumae

    421253 Xiphophorus hellerii guntheri

    476553 Xiphophorus multilineatus

    476563 Xiphophorus nezahualcoyotl

    Photos: Frank Schäfer

  • Skiffia multipunctata

    9. November 2011

    One of our proofed breeders supplied us with a very nice collection of some Goodeids, which are very seldom available in the trade. However, we have only limited numbers in stock. One of the pretties species is Skiffia multipunctata. The males vary a lot regarding coloration, so a tank with Skiffia multipunctata is very intersting […]

  • Platy Leopard

    Platy Leopard

    18. July 2011

    Platys with black dots are known quite long already. Initially they were termed Salt´n´Pepper-Platys, later Moskow Platys. Our reliable breeder has now developed two extreme nice strains of black dotted platys, which we call “Leopard Platys”. The first variety has a blue-green body and an intensive red tail (including the tail fin). This variety we […]

  • Jordanella floridae

    Jordanella floridae

    11. July 2011

    It does not necessarily have to be a new species of fish to make us enthusiastic. This good old fashioned killifish is in fact part of our standard stock. Most often the fish are bred ones from Indonesia. But recently we were able to import very large specimens from Florida, the native home country of […]

  • Available soon: Aphyosemion dargei Mbam

    6. June 2011

    One of our reliable killifish breeders will be able to supply us with a small number of these Aphyosemion in autumn, which are by far the most complicated ones to breed. Luckily keeping these crown jewels among the ornamental fish is pretty easy as the three males we obtained for photographing purposes in advance show […]

  • Aphyosemion campomaanense

    10. January 2011

    For the first time ever we have this pretty killifish in stock. Our specimes are German bred. This up to 5 cm long fish originates from Cameroon. It has been described scientifically in 2009. The closest relative of this species is the well known Aphyosemion ahli. The easiest way to distinguish these two species from […]

  • Oryzias cf. woworae

    7. December 2010

    The ricefishes (Oryzias) are well known in the aquarium hobby. Currently 26 species are recognized scientifically. The latest described species is also the most beautiful one: Oryzias woworae was named only in 2010! Immediately after its description it was imported for the aquarium hobby and caused a sensation. We are glad to be able to […]

  • Nothobranchius cardinalis

    13. October 2010

    We have this beautiful nothobranch currently as bred specimens in stock. Nothobranchs are in general extremely beautiful fish, but this species is even more beautiful due to its deep red colours and the minuite size. The species is already known in the hobby for quite a long time. In Aqualog “Killifishes of the World – […]

  • Flexipenis vittatus

    13. October 2010

    Once more we are able to offer a beautiful dwarf livebearer that proofed to be a bit problematical in respect of breeding – not keeping! – in a long time sight under traditional aquarium conditions. However, under the open skies of Southeast Asia they breed pretty well. Flexipenis vittatus is also often placed in Gambusia. […]

  • Lucania goodei

    10. September 2010

    Once more we were able to stock another real gem among the aquarium fish: Lucania goodei. The Bluefin killifish originates from Florida and reaches a length of about 5 cm. Our specimens are German bred. In contrast to most other species of killifish this is a schooling species. To observe the harmless comment fights of […]

  • Xiphophorus variatus

    3. September 2010

    The Variable platyfish (Xiphophorus variatus) is represented in millions of home aquaria by uncountered cultivated forms. However, their wild ancestors – and there are a lot of different populations – are almost unknown even to the most experienced aquarists. As the specific name already suggests: each local population looks different. The place of origin of […]

  • Rivulus rectocaudatus

    3. September 2010

    The killifishes of the genus Rivulus represent the most species-rich genus of New World Killis. We received recently beautiful R. rectocaudatus from Peru, which are unique due to their amazing orange anal and caudal fins, as well as due to their orange scales along the body. Rivulus are not annual fish at all, but live […]

  • Moema cf. ortegai

    17. August 2010

    We were able to import astonishing large Moema cf. ortegai from Peru. The females are around 8 cm, the males around 12 cm long. This places them among the largest species of killifish known so far. The extremely large pectoral fins of the males are very impressive. However, the whole finneage of the males is […]

  • Aphyolebias peruensis

    27. July 2010

    This species from Peru represents one of the most beautiful species of killifish. It was known in the hobby for quite a long time under the name of Pterolebias peruensis. They are typical seasonal fishes. In the aquarium, they might become up to 1.5 years old, but in the wild they will never reach such […]

  • Guppy Venezuela Top Sword

    26. July 2010

    Since quite a long time we receive wild guppy types from one of our breeders. These wild types are much sought for, due to their brilliant colours, their lively temper and their perfect adaptability to almost any aquarium conditions. Under the name of guppy “Venezuela” recently wonderful fish in show size with top sword reached […]

  • Rivulus ornatus

    9. July 2010

    This tiny jewel among the fishes, which we were able to import from Peru recently, causes some confusion among taxonomists. It is possible that this fish represents a still undescribed species and will be named seperatly in the future. May this be as it wants, we are glad to have this pretty animal in stock […]

  • Aphyolebias schleseri

    24. June 2010

    A very unusual killi is Aphyolebias schleseri, which can be recognized by its unique sword. The species has been described only in 2003 and initially we thought it to be a new species of Micromoema. However, some members of the German killifish association (DKG) helped to trace the correct name. Once more: thank you guys! […]

  • Chapalichthys pardalis

    2. June 2010

    The Polkadot Goodeid, Chapalichthys pardalis, reaches a maximum length of 6.5 cm (males) and 7 cm (females). Its natural habitat are the waters of the pacific slope of Mexico, Michoacan province, Tocumbo district. In contrast to many other goodeids this pretty, livebearing species seems not to be endangered in the wild. In the aquarium, however, […]

  • Brandnew: Guppy Endler Yellow Half Tuxedo

    17. May 2010

    This week we were able to import a new sport of the Endler Guppy for the first time. Its bright contrasting yellow and black coloration will for sure excite the guppy enthusiasts. Regarding body shape and behaviour this new sport is a typical Endler Guppy (Poecilia wingei). This means it is a rather small fish […]

  • Phallichthys tico

    5. May 2010

    For the first time ever we are able to offer this top-rarity among the livebearers. The charming fish – males reach a maximum length of about 2.5 cm, females 4.5 cm – are restricted to the upper reaches of the river San Juan in Costa Rica and Nicaragua. No commercial fishing for ornamental fish does […]

  • Priapella chamulae

    8. April 2010

    We obtained a good number of this quite rare livebearer from a German breeder. Priapella are specialized fish. The best known species in the hobby is for sure Priapella intermedia. Like this species, P. chamulae has brillant blue eyes. Priapella are schooling fish that live near the surface in brooks. These conditions, eg keeping in […]

  • Nomorhamphus liemi

    Nomorhamphus liemi

    30. March 2010

      This wonderfully coloured halfbeak originates from the island of Sulawesi ( = Celebes) where it occurs in the southern half. In contrast to the closely related genus Dermogenys the upper and the lower jaw are approximately equally long (thus the generic name). In some species, however, is seems not so clear whether they belong […]

  • Poecilia reticulata Guppy Jamaica

    7. December 2009

    The guppy is one of the most important ornamental fishes. Besides the numerous cultivated varieties the wild forms become more and more popular in the hobby. We offer several of these wild forms, one of the most beautiful is the so-called Jamaica-variety. However, the fish are bred for us by professional breeders in Europe. In […]

  • Guppy Endler “Spotted Tail”

    11. November 2009

    The latest fancy guppy developed in southeast Asia reached us currently. The fish is a cross of Endler´s livebearer and the King Cobra guppy. The beautiful animals have the graceful figure and the great shoulder spot of Endler´s livebearer and the filigran pattern of the King Cobra. For our customers: the fish have code 419059 […]

  • Guppy Endler “Spotted Tail”

    11. November 2009

    The latest fancy guppy developed in southeast Asia reached us currently. The fish is a cross of Endler´s livebearer and the King Cobra guppy. The beautiful animals have the graceful figure and the great shoulder spot of Endler´s livebearer and the filigran pattern of the King Cobra. For our customers: the fish have code 419059 […]

  • Fundulopanchax sjostedti USA blue

    6. November 2009

    Killis represent the most colourful fish in the World. One of the most beautiful among them is Fundulopanchax sjostedti (formerly Aphyosemion s.). Initially this fish originates from Eastern Cameroon and Western Nigeria. This species belongs to the largest species of killifish. Males can reach a total length around 12 cm! The adult male depicted here […]

  • Nothobranchius foerschi

    9. October 2009

    Nothobranchs (genus Nothobranchius) belong to the most colorful species of freshwater fish. This is true at least for the males, as female nothobranchs are all more or less unicolored. Nothobranchs are typical seasonal fish. They outlive the desiccation of their habitat with eggs that can survive without water almost unlimited. Nothobranchius furzeri is world famous […]

  • Poeciliopsis prolifica – Blackstripe livebearer

    22. September 2009

    This tiny species of livebearer originates from northwestern Mexico. The males reach a maximum length of 2 cm, the females of 3.5 cm. At the first glimpse the fish look somewhat unspectacular, but no one who keeps the fish has regrets about it. The whole day through the males are after the females or fight […]

  • Xenotoca variata – Jeweled splitfin

    21. September 2009

    Only few species of splitfin (Goodeidae) have become established aquarium fish, despite the fact that they are perfectly suited for keeping and breeding in tanks. Many species are in danger of extinction in the wild, for they inhabit only very small areas and habitat destruction can easily wipe out complete species. Species conservation via breeding […]

  • A new Panchax from Manipur

    17. September 2009

    After the spectacular importation of the new gourami from Manipur (http://www.aquarium-glaser.de/en/colisa-cf-fasciata-_en_1115.html) now we were able to import a beautiful new Panchax from this state in northern India. Currently only one species is accepted formally within this species-group, eg Aplocheilus panchax. This species is distributed from China over great parts of India, Burma, and Indochina (Thailand, […]

  • Pseudepiplatys annulatus

    25. August 2009

    Currently we can offer wonderful bred Pseudepiplatys annulatus. This tiny species originates from West Africa, the fish we have in stock were bred in Southeast Asia. Maximum length of the male is around 3 cm, females stay even smaller. The species is completely peaceful against all other fish and an ideal choice for so called […]

  • Giradinus falcatus

    14. August 2009

    Aquarists usually think of the African killifishes of the genus Aplocheilichthys when they hear the term „lampeye fish“. However, there are also lampeyes among the livebearers! One of them is Giradinus falcatus. The shining eyes of the fish have the same sense as in their African cousins: they are used to keep the school together. […]

  • Beautiful new varieties of liverbearers arrived

    10. July 2009

    This week we received from specialised breeders in Asia five new, breathtaking varieties of livebearers. One circumstance makes this a little sensation: four of the new varieties belong to the species Micropoecilia parae, which is regarded as almost impossible to keep and breed over generations in aquaria.

    Three colour varieties of  M. parae display two horizontal stripes over the body. Between these stripes is another, brillantly colored stripe in red, yellow or blue. We offer these varieties assorted. This form has been described scientifically in 1909 as Acanthophacelus melanzonus. Thus the breeder has added the term „melanzonus“ to these three sports. Scientifically speaking A. melanzonus is regarded currently as a synonym of M. parae.

    The fourth  variety of M. parae has vertical stripes on the flanks, which are red and black. The females of all varieties mentioned exactly look the same.

    Last but not least we received a new selection of wild-type guppys which is named „Three Spots“ by the breeder. This ancient guppy type is also a real eyeburner and an ideal fish for any community tank with small and peaceful tankmates.

    Micropoecilia and guppy are not closely related and can never be crossed.

    Text & photos: Frank Schäfer
    Lexicon: Micropoecilia: means „small Poecilia“. Poecilia is another genus of livebearers. parae: means „coming from Para“. Para is a Brazilian state. Melanzonus: means „with black zones“ according to the two horizontal black stripes. Acanthophacelus: means „cluster of needles“; in respect of the microstructure of the male´s sexual organ, the gonopodium. Synonym: Synonyms are different words with identical meanings. If a species is named scientifically twice or more often, the eldest available name is the vaild one. The other name(s) are considered to be synonym(s) without validity.

  • Ilyodon whitei

    10. July 2009

    The genus Ilyodon currently comprises 4 or 5 species (the status of I. lennoni is under discussion). Like all livebearing members of the family Goodeidae (splitfins) they are restricted to the highlands of Mexico. Ilyodon whitei lives in the upper tributaries of the Rio Balsas on the Pacific slope of Mexico. The peaceful and elegant […]

  • Xiphophorus hellerii Platin Orange

    8. July 2009

    Xiphophorus hellerii Platin Orange: The latest sport in swordtails is this gorgeous variety. In swordtails exists an interesting gentic phenomenon. The gene for „albino“can be combined with body colours, if the body colours derive from a cross with platyfish. A real albino swordtail has red eyes and a whitish body. In the Platin Orange swordtail […]

  • Aphyosemion celiae celiae

    10. June 2009

    Killifishes of the genus Aphyosemion are among the most colorful fishes of the World. They become only a few centimetres long (in the case of Aphyosemion celiae: about 5 cm). Many killifishes are thought to be short living, delicate fish, aggressive towards other fish and difficult to maintain. A. celiae belongs to the species that […]

  • New Guppies available!

    17. September 2008

    From now in limited numbers available: beautiful strains of Guppies! Please note that you will get for all the strains the correct females.

  • Austrofundulus guajira german bred

    8. May 2008

    First time in stock in limited quantities: german bred Austrofundulus guajira. A real giant of the killi family: they grow up to 8-9cm. This is really one of the biggest killis of the new world!

  • Lamprichthys tanganicanus

    1. February 2008

    (04.Feb.2008) Currently in stock: Lamprichthys tanganicanus in excellent quality. As the name suggests they originally come from Lake Tanganyika where they inhabit the open water zone. Because they are very active swimmers, their brilliant azure-blue shimmers in constantly changing hues. With a size of 12 cm they are suitable for almost each Tanganyika tank and […]


    19. December 2007

    (19.Dec.2007) Also this new bred variety arrived here last week. Currently we only have a few pieces in stock, which are males only. The coloration “bleeding heart” – the deep red basic colour, which is only restricted to the below body half – can only appear at males for genetic reasons. The females cannot be […]

  • Micropoecilia picta RED

    1. November 2007

    (15.Jan.2008) FINALLY in good quantities available: MICROPOECILIA PICTA RED. From now we will have this beautiful fish on a regular base in stock. We get it from our breeder by pair. A much better availability is now guaranteed. (Photo & Text R. Neunkirchen)

  • Terranatos dolichopterus

    Terranatos dolichopterus

    6. July 2007

    May 2002: New arrival: german bred Terranatos dolichopterus, sailfin-killi (Aqualog “New World Killis, page 190 log-no: S27715). This fish comes from Venezuela, grows up to 5cm and should be kept in groups. The bottom of the tank should be peat, because they “dive” into the bottom when they spawn. (Photo F. Schäfer, Text K. Diehl)

  • Aplocheilichthys katangae

    6. July 2007

    From the Katanga province of the Congo we recieved Aplocheilichtys katangae. These non seasonal killies have a large distribution area in the central southern Africa. There they inhabit shallow, overgrown brooks and ponds. Their maximum size is approximately 6 cm. They feed on small water insects and crustaceans in tanks they can be fed with […]

  • Platy variatus „Highfin Orange“

    Platy variatus „Highfin Orange“

    6. July 2007

    This Highfin Platy certainly belongs to the most beautiful new breds of the last time. The flowing transition from scarlet to yellow and its enlarged backfin makes it’s attraction. Since it doesn’t differ from other Platys in it’s keeping demands, it will certainly become a gain in der Aquaristik.

  • Epiplatys bifasciatus

    6. July 2007

    September 2000: At the moment, we can offer the Epiplatys bifasciatus. These approximately 5-6 cm long growing killifishes come from Guinea in West-Africa. There, they live in small savanna-brooks and swamps. No big aquariums are required for keeping of this fish, they should notbe socialized with active species since they can then become quite shy. […]

  • Oryzias celebensis

    6. July 2007

    Oryzias celebensis the Celebes rice fish originates, as the species name indicates, from Indonesia where it inhabits the island Celebes. It lives in standing to slowly flowing waters which are heavily planted. As an approximately 5 cm large becoming schooling fish it needs a free swimming area and retreat possibilities, since rice fish occasionally tend […]

  • Poecilia caucana

    6. July 2007

    With an overall length of 3 – 5 cm the Cauca Molly (Poecilia caucana), originating from Colombia and Venezuela, belongs to the smaller living-bearers. Remarkably is the yellow – orange coloured dorsal fin and a violet metallically shining longitudinal line. The water equivalents (pH values of 8,2- 8.6, LF 360 and 420 Mikrosiemens/cm), based on […]