Fish Archive (2997)

  • Pseudacanthicus spec. Typhoon

    2. November 2007

    (2nd.Nov.2007) For the first time we can offer Pseudacanthicus spec. Typhoon. This extremely attractive Cactus Pleco comes from Brazil, its origin is kept as a secret, so that no information concerning the river were they have been caught can be made. In the appearance they reminiscent of Pseudacanthicus spec. “Titanic” L 273, the colour (black […]

  • Micropoecilia picta RED

    1. November 2007

    (15.Jan.2008) FINALLY in good quantities available: MICROPOECILIA PICTA RED. From now we will have this beautiful fish on a regular base in stock. We get it from our breeder by pair. A much better availability is now guaranteed. (Photo & Text R. Neunkirchen)

  • Caridina cf. propinqua /Orange Shrimp

    1. November 2007

    A NEW ARRIVAL of the week: Cardina cf. propinqua! This beautiful orange shrimp arrived yesterday. The latin name is Caridina cf. propinqua. We got a limited number of this extreme nice shrimp. Basically they are easy to keep, but if they will start to loose their colour, you just have to reduce the pH. This […]

  • Schistura pridii

    Schistura pridii

    19. October 2007

    (19.Oct.2007) Last week we received another new item: Schistura pridii. This beautiful small loach (grows up to 4.5cm) comes from Thailand. Exactly they were found in the upper Chao Praya Bassin in the Chiangmai province in the north of Thailand. They come from cool (18-24°C) & fast floating rivers, containing hard and alkaline water, which […]

  • Phenacogrammus cf. ansorgei

    12. October 2007

    (12.Oct.2007) Last week we received a real beauty from Zaire: Phenacogrammus cf. ansorgei. This species grows up to 8cm and was caught in the Lac Mai Ndombe. In the past this lake was called Lac Leopold II. This is a “blackwater” lake, this means all fish from there should be kept in a pH of […]

  • Sicyopus zosterophorum

    5. October 2007

    Actually in small numbers available: Sicyopus zosterophorum. This loach is coming from the Pinang river in the western part of Sumatra. Until now they were not imported in big numbers, so we do not know much about keeping them. But an experienced hobbyist should not be faced with big problems with keeoping this item.

  • Corbicula sp.

    27. September 2007

    From Corbicula sp., a maximally 3 cm long mussel, we can offer 2 different colour types. They are hermaphrodites, whose larvae do not, contrary to some other kinds of mussels, exhibit parasitical stages. Since they filter their food from the water, they clean it of suspended matters, bacteria and protozoa. So they can be called […]

  • Anentome helena

    20. September 2007

    mg class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-147928″ src=”” alt=”” width=”591″ height=”394″ /> From now available: the snail-eating snail ANENTOME HELENA. This item coming from asia, is perfect cleaning your tank from snails. The snail is finding her victims with her trunk. With a total length of about 1,5cm is this item also suitable for very small tanks, in […]

  • Barbus (Puntius) tetrazona BLACKFIN

    12. September 2007

    We got them! For the FIRST time in europe we have a small amount of german bred “Black Finned Tiger Barbs” (Kapuas area)in stock! This is the REAL Puntius tetrazona. In 2006, a privat hobbyist imported 8 pieces of this species. Mr. Dieter Bork bred a a small amount for us, which is actually available. […]

  • Demanietta sirikit

    10. September 2007

    Just last week we got a few pieces of the beautiful thai crab Demanietta sirikit! This crab lives in 50-100cm long tunnels near by the riverside. They are building their homes so deep until they reach the level of the groundwater. In the mating season they look for a partner. This happens during the rainy […]

  • Kein Bild

    Subscribe for our newsletter!

    31. August 2007

    As one of the main innovations you can subscribe to our newsletter from now on! No matter if you are our customer or “just” an ornamental fish hobbyist, who is interested in news around his hobby. Simply subscribe to our newsletter and you will be getting informed regularly (until revoked) with news and interesting facts. […]

  • Yunnanilus brevis

    17. July 2007

    They behave like barbs, scientifically however they belong to the loaches. Completely contrary to the bottom-oriented way of life of their relatives they populate the free water range as swarm fishes. Their homeland is Burma, where they live in slowly flowing waters and the boundary region of lakes. With a length of approximately 6 cm […]

  • Cardisoma armatum

    Cardisoma armatum

    16. July 2007

    From the coasts of West and Central Africa originates Cardisoma armatum. The bright orange colored legs form a strong contrast to the blue body and let this crab become an attractive ornament. With a carapax diameter of approximately 10 cm it does not belong to the smallest crabs, therefore a spacy tank has to be […]

  • stingray-babies

    6. July 2007

    July 2005: During the night from Sunday to Monday it was about time: We got three babies. About five weeks ago we had received a female from Pantanal River and we immediately noticed on arrival that this fish was not alone: It was pregnant. After five weeks now of intensive care, these three babies were […]

  • Cochliodon spec. var. marbled L 360a

    6. July 2007

    From the drainage basin of the Tapajos arrived a new, until now not imported loricariid catfish at our facility. Body form and yellow fin seams remind strongly of L 360, the body and parts of the fins however exhibit a veining atypical for L 360. In their maintenance requirements they might probably not differ from […]

  • Glyptoperichthys joselimaianus L 1, L 22

    6. July 2007

    Glyptoperichthys joselimaianus the “White Spot – Glycopterichthys” originates from the Rio Araguaia, one of the main tributaries of the Rio Tocantins in Brazil. There it inhabits different habitats, it was found e.g. on deadwood and also on flooded meadows. Natural water conditions (white water) do not have to be copied for maintenance, L 1 are […]

  • Panaque spec.

    6. July 2007

    June 2006: Just freshly arrived! Also for „old stagers“ there are again and again genuine surprises with us. In a shipment from Peru we received today several particularly delicate Loricariids, which represent a petite alternative to the frequently maintained Hypancistrus species. However their size of (50 – 70 cm) probably exceeds the possibilities of most […]

  • Garra rufa

    Garra rufa

    6. July 2007

    In the aquarium literature this fish species is known as “reddish suction-barbel” but in recent publication it has named “Kangalfish”. This plain looking fish is known for its use in the biological therapy against Psoriasis and other skin diseases. These fish nibbles the sick skin of the patients in a bath and not only eats […]

  • Notropis chrosomus

    Notropis chrosomus

    6. July 2007

    (21.Jan.2008) Rainbow Shiner, that is what they are called! We have this dream in limited numbers available. They are really easy to keep and grows up to 6cm. They do not demand special water conditions, but they should be kept in water which is rich of oxygen. Their origin is Northamerica. You can find them […]

  • Scardinus erythrophthalmus Gold

    Scardinus erythrophthalmus Golden

    6. July 2007

    March 2004: Just in time for the pond season this very attractive variety of the Rudd (Scardinus erythropthalmus) came to us. It is an excellent ecological algae destroyer for your garden pond. The Rudd is an endemic species for the whole of Europe and Asia up to the Aral Sea. It is a friendly schooling […]

  • Tetraodon pustulatus

    Tetraodon pustulatus

    6. July 2007

    TETRAODON PUSTULATUS was caught in Cross-River in Cameroon. External shape and behaviour of adult animals remind one of Tetraodon mbu. The maximum size is quoted with 36cm in literature. Young animals being kept together do not show any injuries so that it is safe to assume that they are not very aggressive. Tetraodon pustulatus has […]

  • Pelvicachromis spec. „Blue Fin“

    6. July 2007

    November 2005: From Guinea the import of a still undescribed Pelvicachromis species surprised us. This species seems to mediate within the genus Pelvicachromis between P. roloffi and P. rubrolabiatus, since it carries characteristics of both species. Particularly the name giving bright blue-green dorsal fin of females is noticeable. Maintenance in pairs is appropriate, in larger […]

  • Gymnogeophagus meridionalis

    6. July 2007

    If you search for a Cichlid for a society aquarium (120 l and up), G. meridionalis is almost unrestricted recommendable. Being a all eatingfish, it accepts every imaginable food, getting only approx. 10-12cm it is not growing too big and it also shows really beautiful colours. Besides it is not choosy regarding the water condition […]

  • Camptandrium sp.

    6. July 2007

    July 2006: Few days ago we could import a new attractive crab species. It belongs to the genus Camptandrium, the species is yet not determined. They originate from India, where they were caught on the banks of the Ganges river in the proximity Calcuttas. There they live in estuaries and a therefore a salt additive […]

  • Procambarus clarkii „WHITE“

    Procambarus clarkii „WHITE“

    6. July 2007

    Under the numerous color forms of the Red Swamp Crayfish is Procambaris clarkii „White ” at present very popular. They are tough tank inhabitants, easily to reproduct and possess a high reproduction rate. Procambarus clarkii does not place large requirements towards the water chemistry, a strong filtering is however necessary, since they have a strong […]

  • Danionella aff. Mirifica

    Danionella aff. Mirifica

    6. July 2007

    This species is the smallest representative of the carp family. It length does not exceed 1.5 cm. This fish comes from Myanmar (former Burma) and is imported only rarely. It is a typical shoaling fish and apparently lives in nature in large formations. Male fish attract the females for mating with clear croaking noises. These […]

  • Kein Bild

    Labiobarbus leptocheila

    6. July 2007

    Labiobarbus leptocheila is a up to 30 cm long barb originating from Southeast Asia. There it is found from the Mekong area over the Malayan peninsula to Java, Sumatra and Borneo. Typically for the genus Labiobarbus is the protracted dorsal fin, as well as through black marks on the scales formed longitudinal stripes. In their […]

  • Serrasalmus cf. marginatus

    6. July 2007

    From south Brazil we could import a further Serrasalmus species. Probably it is Serrasalmus marginatus, a final species diagnosis is not yet present. Their max. size lies clearly below 30cm. There are some reports existing about a successful maintenace in groups, but socialisation is always a little bit risky for such hazardous fishes and their […]

  • Pseudohemiodon thorectes

    Pseudohemiodon thorectes

    6. July 2007

    This catfish coming from Bolivia, belongs to the smallest of his relatives, measuring 13 cm maximum. It is mostly getting imported by travelling aquarium hobbyists. Regarding the water condition this kind is rather adaptable, as guide values of up to 400 µS/cm and a pH-value of 7.6 were measured. Approx. 25°C are quite enough for […]

  • Pseudoplatystoma corruscans

    6. July 2007

    The rarely traded largest shovelnose catfish Pseudoplatysoma corruscans originates from the Rio Sao Francisco in Brazil. This predator becomes quite large (approx. 180cm) and heavy (100 kg). They like to stay in groups and socialize well with rays, big charazins, cichlids or other catfishes. (Photo F. Schäfer, Text K. Diehl)

  • Pareiodon cf. microps

    6. July 2007

    This pencil catfish, a relative of parasitic the urethra of humans entering catfishes, is very rarely traded. The affiliation to the genus Pareiodon is rather clear, the species classification however is yet not clarifyed. As predators they should not be socialized with to small fishes. Due to their rarity no reports about their maintenance in […]

  • Hyphessobrycon pyrrhonotus

    Bleeding heart

    6. July 2007

    Rotrücken-Kirschflecksalmler, Hyphessobrycon pyrrhonotus This beautiful tetra of the group of the bleeding hearts (three scientificly known kinds until now) is the last one, which was discovered. It was only described in 1993 and is the smallest of the group. The males have a long stretched back fin and a very beautiful and remarkable red back […]

  • Nannacara sp. Essequibo

    Nannacara sp. Essequibo

    6. July 2007

    This fish was caught in October 2001 in a blackwater-river nearby Rockstone/Guyana. It is a peaceful fish which only grows up to 60mm. The males are more elongate than the females and have clearly visible spots in the dorsal and caudal fins. Water of following parameters was used for breeding and keeping them: 5°dGH, pH […]

  • Ancistomus sabaji L124 „Big Spot“

    6. July 2007

    Ancistomus sabaji – Hypostomus spec., Peckoltia spec.? A fish with many names! There is hardly another L number catfish where the confusion regarding the nomenclature is as large as with this species. This is a result of the generous allocation of numbers (L 75, L 124, L 301 and LDA 2) for this fish. One […]

  • Hypostomus luteus

    Hypostomus luteus

    6. July 2007

    From southern Brazil and northern Argentina originates the probably most beautiful representative of the genus Hypostomus. Contrary to many other loricariids they become more beautiful with increasing age, since the portion of the yellow body parts constantly increases. Their southern area of origin suggests a tolerance in relation to low temperatures. They can be can […]

  • Panaque spec. „New Royal Golden Thunder“

    6. July 2007

    September 2006: This week we succeeded in importing several of this beautiful new Panaque from Brazil. In their appearance they remind of L 27, are however flatter and slimmer than these. In addition they possess a larger mouth and their dorsal fin is smaller. These characteristics let assume that they originate from strongly flowing river […]

  • Awaous cf. lateristriga

    6. July 2007

    From the coastal ranges of the western Africa between Senegal and Angola originates the freshwater goby Awaous lateristriga. The animal introduced here reminds strongly of this species, whether it is identical to it could yet not be determined. With an overall length of approx. 30 cm Awaous lateristriga belongs to the larger gobys. In their […]

  • Gnathonemus longibarbis

    6. July 2007

    March 2007: From the environment of Lubumbashi, the second largest city the Congo comes Gnathonemus longibarbis to us. They were caught in close proximity to Bondaka and are probably for the first time in the trade. In nature they feed on water insects and their larvae, their final size probably lies at approx. 40cm. Since […]

  • Notropis lutrensis

    Notropis lutrensis

    6. July 2007

    The Red Shiner originates from North America from southern Illinois to South Dakota, Kansas up to the Rio Grande. This fish is suitable for the unheated aquarium or fish pond although in winter he might not survive deep frozen ponds and should be removed before the winter gets on its way. This representative species of […]

  • Channa maculata

    6. July 2007

    Channa maculata is a snakehead which origins of the border area of China and Viet Nam. It is there very common and offered on markets in large numbers, naturally as a food fish. In their habitat C. maculata lives in ponds, lakes and ditches, usually over sandy or muddy bottoms. With a final size of […]

  • Enneacampus ansorgii

    Enneacampus ansorgii

    6. July 2007

    The small freshwater pipefish originates from Western Africa, from Cameroon to Gabun and in the Zaire- and Ogowe River. These fish inhabit freshwater as well as brackish water habitats. Addition of sea salt (1-2 teaspoons per 10 litre of water) will therefore increase the vitality of these fish. This species, but actually all freshwater pipefish, […]

  • Eretmodus cyanostictus „Kigoma“

    6. July 2007

    Eretmodus cyanostictus is among the group of cichlids called gobies. Gobies only occur naturally in the surge habitat of Lake Tanganjika, which is the upper meter of the water at the shoreline. They unique in that their swim bladder is non-functional, meaning that when they’re not swimming, they drop to the bottom like a rock. […]

  • Acarichthys heckelii

    6. July 2007

    January 2007: At present we can offer particularly beautiful Acarichthys heckelii from the region around Santarem. These fish are characterised by an intensive yellow colouring of the body. It forms a beautiful contrast to the red eyes and their magnificent fin rays. Acarichthys heckelii has a large area of origin along the Amazon and the […]

  • Heros severus

    Heros severus

    6. July 2007

    Despite the fact that Heros severus is the type species of the Heros genus, this species is the most uncharacteristic representative of this group. This is mainly caused by its reproducing behaviour, which is mouthbreeding and untypical for Heros, because they are all substrate breeding. Also the coloration is different from the other members of […]

  • Satanopera acuticeps

    Satanopera acuticeps

    6. July 2007

    Normally the durable care of Satanopera acuticeps is only possible in soft and sour pH-value. But as it was finally successful to breed this eartheater inside the aquarium, it could be that the bred ones are easier to keep and even easier to breed. So far the breeding was possible furthermore only in soft (< […]

  • Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda

    Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda

    6. July 2007

    Horseshoe crabs are rightfully described as living fossils, because their ancesters populated the warm flat seas about 500 million years ago.The description of the horseshoe crab is misleading because their next relatives are arachnids and not the crabs. The Moluccan-horseshoe crab that is being presented, comes from southeast Asia and lives in coastal ranges from […]

  • Leptobarbus hoevenii

    6. July 2007

    Leptobarbus hoevenii the Cigar Shark or Mad Barb is a giant within the barbs. With a length of approx. 1 m and a weight of up to 10 kg the Cigar Shark already places a very special requirement: It needs a lot of space. For the maintenance of adults one should own a tank of […]

  • Pterosturiosoma microps

    Pterosturiosoma microps

    6. July 2007

    Pterosturiosoma microps is one of the regularly imported Loricariidae from Peru, although not in bigger quantities. Even though it is more impressing in colour by its soft black-grey, it can still arouse enthusiasm by its remarkable appearance and its impressive but graceful fins. But its steady nursing is not quite easy. Whereas the acclimatization probably […]

  • Sorubim lima

    Sorubim lima

    6. July 2007

    The shovel nose catfish is a classical appearance in the hobby. Even in the most common aquarium shops you can find this species as juveniles with a length between 8 and 10 cm. These fish are very appealing when they are small, but one should reconsider an impulsive buy here because these fish can grow […]

  • Copella meinkeni

    6. July 2007

    At present Aquarium Glaser can offer some species of splash tetras, noticeable by a magnificent colouring is particularly Copella meinkeni. Each scale of these up to 6 cm long getting species is marked with a red spot. C. meinkeni origins from areas north of the Amazon, where it occurs in the basins of the Orinoko […]

  • Schistura beavani (falsch bestimmt: S. scaturigina)

    Schistura beavani (wrong determined: S. scaturigina)

    6. July 2007

    This loach belonging to the family of River loaches (Baltoridae) originates from Darjeeling and Assam in the eastern Himalayan mountains, Northern India, Nepal and Bhutan, where it lives in fast streaming rivers. This is a peaceful species, which is suitable for a well-kept aquarium. This loach should be nurtured in a well filtered and aerated […]

  • Hypostomus sp. „Chaco“

    Hypostomus sp. „Chaco“

    6. July 2007

    A close relative of the well known common plecos, is shown at the time of the importation not fully grown yet. This fish can easily grow up to 30 cm in length. This pleco is a harmless solitude fish, very well suited for the cichlid aquarium. It is an animal who has a nocturnal way […]

  • Panaque spec. „Papa Ojo Chico“ L 90a

    Panaque spec. „Papa Ojo Chico“ L 90a

    6. July 2007

    With L 90a we can offer at present one of the most beautiful Panaque species. Especially the extremely long, orange colored filaments of the caudal fin are remarkable. In addition, the discrete black markings on the noble-grey colored body let them appear very elegant. With the purchase of these fishes their final size (over 30cm) […]

  • Channa pleurophthalma

    6. July 2007

    Channa pleurophthalma (Ocellated Snakehead) inhabit the lakes and rivers of southeastern Sumatra; Kapuas and Barito basins of Kalimantan. The colouring which can be seen on the young fish illustrated here changes with increasing age to iridescent, metallic blue. C. pleurophthalma can reach an overall length of 40 cm and requires a large aquarium (> 150cm). […]

  • Badis sp. Patao

    Badis corycaeus (formely: sp. Putao)

    6. July 2007

    This new, brown-red Badis was imported from the borderland of Myanmar and China. They can can be kept even in cooler temperatures and are easily satisfied. Also bred ones are already available. (Photos & Text D. Bork)

  • Haplochromis sp. Mburo Blacky

    Haplochromis sp. Mburo Blacky

    6. July 2007

    The “Mburo Blacky” is coming from Lake Mburo in Uganda. This species is undescribed until now and grows up to 12cm. It does not dig and do not eat plants, but it is rather agressive and therefor those fish need bigger tanks (1 meter in length and up) in which they can find places to […]

  • Demanietta spec. Laos

    Demanietta spec. Laos

    6. July 2007

    From the border area of Laos and Thailand origins the expressed beautiful fresh water crab Demanietta spec. „Laos“. They exist in different colour forms. Fresh water crabs need an aquarium with a land- and water part. Some branches or stones will offer them climbing possibilities. As omnivores they despise nearly none of the usual crab-food, […]

  • Sesarma spec. „Neon Face“

    Sesarma spec. „Neon Face“

    6. July 2007

    April 2005: These days we got a new crab species from Asia. The blue green irisdescent coloration of its face advised the name „Neon Face“. If further information is available, we will add it to our text.(Photo F. Schäfer, Text K. Diehl)

  • Danionella translucida

    6. July 2007

    Danionella translucida would have earned an entry in the Guiness book of world records. The largest measured individual was only 12mm long, thus acts it with this species around the smallest vertebrate anima. Apart from their extreme smallness the absence of sheds, as well as the high transparency of the dwarves are noticeable. They origin […]

  • Diskus Royal Blue/Rio Moju

    6. July 2007

    If an increase of beauty and charisma of the at 01.02.06 introduced Diskus variant Red Inferno/Rio Moju is still possible, then by the Royal Blues originating from the same river. When first seeing these fishes I remembered the headline of an old “aquarien magazin” article. In January 1972 Eduard Schmidt Focke a famous german discus […]

  • Cynops orientalis

    6. July 2007

    In its eastern chinese habitat the Chinese Fire Belly Newt Cynops orientalis inhabits small standing to slowly flowing overgrown waters. Females can get up to 10 cm long, the males remains with approximately 8 cm somewhat smaller. They can be kept predominantly aquatic, but a small land part with hiding places and climbing possibilities is […]

  • Hoplias macrophthalmus

    6. July 2007

    With Hoplias macrophthalmus we could import from Colombia one of the biggest predatory fishes of the Amazon river system. Contrary to the regular imported Hoplias malabaricus these arrive only extreme rarely in the trade. As an adult with a weight of over 40 kg and a length of more than 120cm they belong to the […]

  • Rineloricaria cf. Eigenmanni

    Rineloricaria cf. Eigenmanni

    6. July 2007

    This fish came in together with Rineloricaria sp. „Colombia“ is however slightly smaller. This beautiful species has a characteristic black stripe pattern on the length of the ventral side of the body, after acclimatization in the aquarium. Bristles are not very strongly developed. This species is uncomplicated concerning keeping requirements. The raising of the fry […]

  • Pseudeutropius atherinoides

    Pseudeutropius atherinoides

    6. July 2007

    The „shark cats“ of the genus Pangasius are highly seeked for aquarium fishes, because their swimming behaviour reminds one on a shark. Sadly all species grow very fast and none of the species stays smaller than 50 cm, some even reach 150 cm or even more. For some time now so-called „mini-pangasius“ are introduced to […]

  • Amaralia hypsiura

    6. July 2007

    January 2001: At present we can offer Amaralia hypsiura for friends of the extraordinary . This rarely dealt catfish attains full growth with approx. 15 cm length. It originates from the Amzon and there it feeds mainly, as gastric examinations of freshly caught fishes documents, predominantly the spawn of other fish. Fortunately they are not […]

  • Nannostomous espei

    Nannostomous espei

    6. July 2007

    Up to now this ornamental tetra is only known from western Guyana/Southamerica in the lower course of Mazaruni River. Full-grown fish reach a total length of approx. 40mm. When putting on spawn the females are getting much plumper. By using their dish-shaped anal fin the males fix the eggs to a substrate (e.g. bottom of […]

  • Hyphessobrycon bifasciatus

    6. July 2007

    The Yellow Tetra originates like its close related Von Rio Tetra from coastal rivers in southeast Brazil. With its pretty yellow basic colour it forms a beautiful contrast to it and other reddish characin species. As a schooling fish the Yellow Tetra should be kept only in larger swarms. Particularly in not too brightly lit […]

  • Nannacara spec. -Sourourou-

    6. July 2007

    From the Crique Sourourou in French Guyana originates this beautiful new Nannacara variant. We are pleased to be able to offer some offspring to you. According to information of an experienced Nannacara specialist their maintenance is unproblematic, even in middle hard water. The breed however succeeds only in soft and sour water according to their […]

  • Barbus barbus

    6. July 2007

    This endemic species can be found through Europe, from France to the Memel River, in England in the Thames and a few other rivers and in the Danube and its tributaries. During the breeding season the male fish have a cloudy secrete on the head with white nodules. The females are considerable bigger and rounder […]

  • Indostomus crocodilus

    6. July 2007

    This Southeast Asian dwarf will not grow larger then 3 cm. The gender difference is not very difficult to determine. During breeding time the females are clearly more filled around the belly. The males have brighter colours and the dorsal fin is black at the seam. The male fish shows guarding behaviour for spawn and […]

  • Hemichromis cf. cristatus „Benue“

    Hemichromis cf. cristatus „Benue“

    6. July 2007

    This beautiful cichlid comes from the Benue-river. At least the females grow up to 5cm, the males reach their maximum size with 7cm. Among themselves they are peaceful and they also can be kept with other fish. But there is a slightly rough behaviour, which is typical for all red cichlids. But much less than […]

  • Geophagus crassilabris

    Geophagus crassilabris

    6. July 2007

    Very large animals, up to 20 cm, came to us from Colombia. These beautiful fish came as well from the Rio Chacu. These eartheaters live in nature in a habitat of moderately flowing streams and rivers. Remarkably for this group of eartheaters is the way they breed their eggs, not as normally in the throat […]

  • Euryrhynchus amazoniensis

    6. July 2007

    April 2006: Now available again: Euryrhynchus amazoniensis a rare shrimp species from South America. The delightful pattern of points and stripes on their body justifies its English name Peru Zebra Shrimp. For a long-lasting maintenance the only 3 cm large getting species needs low pH values and soft water, since otherwise a certain susceptibility against […]

  • Sesarmops intermedium

    Sesarmops intermedium, Flower Crab

    6. July 2007

    This crab is known under the trading name “Flower Crab”. It will not outgrow 4 cm, measured by its carapace. These crustaceans have two large, red claws, which could weigh up to half the total body weight. In nature they feed mainly on algae and other organic material, which they catch with smaller pincers. The […]

  • Barbus hulstaerti

    6. July 2007

    August 2006: Last night we received a small jewel from the Congo basin. For the first time a somewhat larger number, of the more than 30 years for the hobby lost Butterfly Barb Barbus hulstaerti could be imported. The lively fish, reaches 4cm in length and fascinates by its wonderful colors. In their area of […]

  • Celestichthys margariatus

    6. July 2007

    Microrasbora spec „Galaxy “represents a new star in the hobby. Their magnificent colouring lifts it clearly out of the number of newly imported fish from Southeast Asia. It is surely the most spectacular discovery of the year 2006. About their origin exists only a vague knowledge, they shall be caught at the border area Thailand/Burma. […]

  • Diskus Semi royal, Rio Moju

    6. July 2007

    Like the introduced before Discus from the same area (Rio Moju) the “Semi Royal” variant shows a strong red coloration at the seam of their body and their fins. With them the wave pattern is nearly continuous distributed over the entire body. (Photo F. Schäfer, Text K. Diehl)

  • Hoplias malabaricus

    6. July 2007

    “Here's lookin' at you, kid,” – but be careful. Otherwise it could happen that it will be the very last what a tank mate will be looking at. Under these beautiful green eyes are not less impressive teeth that makes the wolf fish Hoplias malabaricus a feared hunter. The owners of these from Costa Rica […]

  • Hisonotus notatus

    Hisonotus notatus

    6. July 2007

    July 2006 From southeast Brazil we could import some rare pieces from the relationship of the popular Otocinclus species. In its homeland Hisonotus ornatus inhabits with weeds infested waters. It may not be kept too warm. 24°C probably represents the reasonable upper limit. The requirements for their maintenance do not differ from those of the […]

  • Rineloricaria melini

    6. July 2007

    As a further german bred rarity we can offer Rineloricaria melini at present. Our specimen of the probably most attractive Rineloricaria species have with 9 – 12 cm length already attained full growth and are of outstanding quality. Their origin is the area of the Rio Negro where they live in black water biotopes. Like […]

  • Bunocephalus sp. „Black/White“

    Bunocephalus sp. „Black/White“

    6. July 2007

    The banjocat new imported from Peru immediately attract attention due to their interesting colouring in contrast to other species of the same relation circle. Therefore some animals are almost unicoloured white while other specimens mainly show some irregular black markings. The care of this species does not differ from that of other relatives of this […]

  • Trichomycterus alternatus

    6. July 2007

    One of the in the aquarium most easy to keep pencil catfishes is Trichomycterus alternatus. This species, originating from the Rio de Janeiro region, reaches an overall length of for 10cm and can be maintained in aquaria starting from 60cm length. These very shy fish, reminding in their appearance of our in Europe native Stone […]

  • Hyphessobrycon cf. loweae

    Hyphessobrycon cf. loweae

    6. July 2007

    It was illustrated on the homepage of Canadian fish exporter “Below Water” and designated as “Kitty” Tetra (“a new Hemigrammus-species, caught in Mato Grosso in November 2000). It is presented as Hyphessobrycon loweae in the February/March-issue of “Aquaristik Fachmagazin & Aquarium heute”. According to Dr. Géry there are “good correspondences” with Hyphessobrycon loweae (Costa & […]

  • Hyphessobrycon sp. Blau-Roter Perusalmler

    Hyphessobrycon sp. Blue Red Peru

    6. July 2007

    Once again we could discover a new and very beautiful tetra at AQUARIUM GLASER several months ago. It should be another undefined tetra species (from Peru), probably a type of Hyphessobrycon. The fish were almost full-grown and the sexes rather sure to distinguish. We bought three pairs, which got used to our aquarium conditions without […]

  • Nanochromis sp. „Lezas“

    6. July 2007

    With Nanochromis sp. “Lezas” we can offer a further highlight of German bred fishes. As at the before introduced species this dwarf cichlid is hardly to be exceeded in colour and quality. Particularly noticeable is the strong red colouring of the dorsal – and the upper parts of the caudal fin. In dark, peat-coloured water […]

  • Schistura nicholsi

    6. July 2007

    To an unusually large about 200 species comprehending genus belongs Schistura nicholsi the Redtail Zebra Sand Loach. It originates from the Mekong basin in Thailand and Laos, where it inhabits fast flowing waters on a stony ground. This is to be considered during its aquarium maintenance. In order to ensure a high oxygen content and […]

  • Ancistrinae spec. L 189

    6. July 2007

    Several adult specimen of L 189 the wormline – Orinko catfish arrived with an import of L 257 Pseudolithoxus tigris. On this shown male, the odontodes on the head, breast and ventral fin are clearly visible, that absolutely states a belonging in the Pseudolithoxus group. Puberty is approximately reached at 7 cm, it’s end size […]

  • Hypancistrus spec. Xingu

    6. July 2007

    From lower parts of the Rio Xingu we received very high-contrasted Hypancistrus spec. Xingu. In their appearance they arrange between L 333 and fishes of the L 66 group. But they are clearly more flattened and stretched than L 333. From L 66 and their relatives (e.g. L 236) they can be distinguished by the […]

  • Peckoltia. spec. L 134

    Peckoltia. spec. L 134

    6. July 2007

    From the Rio Jamanxim (Brazil) comes one of the most attractive members of the genus Peckoltia. L 134 is very variably marked: as well as individuals with stripes there are also specimens with large round spots on the body. It is not known whether this difference in colouration denotes sex, but in at least one […]

  • Malpulutta kretseri

    6. July 2007

    September 2006: As German breds we can offer Malpulutta kretseri. These preciousnesses are very rare in the wild and therefore strictly protected in their homeland (Sri Lanka). There they inhabit soft and sour waters and therefore their keeping in aquaria can be somewhat difficult. Small, dimly lit species tanks with a lot of shelters are […]

  • Carassius auratus „Weißer Komet“

    6. July 2007

    At the first warm days of march humans get a certain urge to go outdoors. In the garden is exactly looked how everything becomes green and also the pond gets a first critical inspection and stocktaking. Who wants to supplement the fish population, can plan now and should include the white comet to its considerations. […]

  • Macrognathus aral

    Macrognathus aral

    6. July 2007

    This spiny eel originates from South East Asia, i.e. Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal up to Myanmar in their most southern distribution area. This fish is dawn and night active and will eat small fish. Therefore it should only be kept with larger tank fellows. In their natural habitat this species can reach a […]

  • Indostomus paradoxus

    Indostomus paradoxus

    6. July 2007

    This fish, which only grows up to approx. 30mm comes from Myanmar. Their habitat is the lake Indagwi. Due to their small size they can be easily kept in small tanks, but you should tend them in species tanks. These should sufficiently contain plants and tubes wich are 10-14mm in diameter. On the ceiling of […]

  • Dario dario

    Dario dario

    6. July 2007

    This species, which became well-known as Badis sp. SCARLET is still enjoying great popularity. This dwarf badis can be kept very well along with dwarf rasboras. It is is quite easy to keep and to breed, which was succesfully done several times already. (Photos & Text Dieter Bork)

  • Hoplarchus psittacus

    Hoplarchus psittacus

    6. July 2007

    This, by specialised hobbyists of large South American cichlid, well known species is only very rarely offered to the public. Our animals were imported from Columbia. The best way to take good care of these beautiful cichlids, which can grow up to 40 cm, is to keep them in large fish tanks with plenty of […]

  • Geosesarma sp. VAMPIRE

    Geosesarma sp. VAMPIRE

    6. July 2007

    March 2006: They are among us. Fortunately only in a small number: Vampire crabs! With a close look the horror will pack you, remind the ends of its shears very strongly of the carnassial teeth of vampires. At night one would like to meet them with their shiny red eyes in no case. Now in […]

  • Oreichthys crenuchoides (=spec. Hifin)

    6. July 2007

    This barb out of the relationship of Oreichthys cosuatis measures about 5 cm. They originate from northern India. This species is characterised by a pronounced sexual-dimorphism, the males are more larger than females, only them show the magnificent, flag-like increased dorsal fin. The fish tank should be decorated with dense patches of plants on the […]

  • Corydoras armatus „spotted“

    Corydoras armatus „spotted“

    6. July 2007

    April 2005: These beautiful animals where imported from Columbia. The literature however give Peru and Brazil as their place of origin. For more then 125 years ago these fish were described by Günther and since then hardly ever imported. The characteristic features of this catfish is the extreme long dorsal fin of which the first […]

  • Diskus „Nhamunda rosé”

    Diskus „Nhamunda rosé”

    6. July 2007

    Nhamunda Rosé is the trade name of a strain of the brown discus Symphysodon aequifasciatus axelrodi originated in the Rio Nhamunda (northern influent of Amazon, west the city Alenquer). Now again some Nhamunda Rosé are available. Characteristic for this variety is the partially laminar high red part of the brown primary colour. Thus they are […]

  • Hasemania sp. „Red“

    Hasemania sp. „Red“

    6. July 2007

    This small characin is a very attractive fish and a fast swimmer as well. It could be determined as a representative of the Hasemania genus, because it misses the characteristic adipose fin, which is one of the features that determine characins. Up to now we used to have only one species belonging to this genus, […]