September 2006: As German breds we can offer Malpulutta kretseri. These preciousnesses are very rare in the wild and therefore strictly protected in their homeland (Sri Lanka). There they inhabit soft and sour waters and therefore their keeping in aquaria can be somewhat difficult. Small, dimly lit species tanks with a lot of shelters are […]
Fish Archive (3016)
Carassius auratus „Weißer Komet“
At the first warm days of march humans get a certain urge to go outdoors. In the garden is exactly looked how everything becomes green and also the pond gets a first critical inspection and stocktaking. Who wants to supplement the fish population, can plan now and should include the white comet to its considerations. […]
Macrognathus aral
This spiny eel originates from South East Asia, i.e. Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal up to Myanmar in their most southern distribution area. This fish is dawn and night active and will eat small fish. Therefore it should only be kept with larger tank fellows. In their natural habitat this species can reach a […]
Indostomus paradoxus
This fish, which only grows up to approx. 30mm comes from Myanmar. Their habitat is the lake Indagwi. Due to their small size they can be easily kept in small tanks, but you should tend them in species tanks. These should sufficiently contain plants and tubes wich are 10-14mm in diameter. On the ceiling of […]
Dario dario
This species, which became well-known as Badis sp. SCARLET is still enjoying great popularity. This dwarf badis can be kept very well along with dwarf rasboras. It is is quite easy to keep and to breed, which was succesfully done several times already. (Photos & Text Dieter Bork)
Hoplarchus psittacus
This, by specialised hobbyists of large South American cichlid, well known species is only very rarely offered to the public. Our animals were imported from Columbia. The best way to take good care of these beautiful cichlids, which can grow up to 40 cm, is to keep them in large fish tanks with plenty of […]
Geosesarma sp. „orange“
March 2006: The mandarin crab, a further still undefined Geosesarma species, reached us these days from Sulawesi. It is characterised by a very intensive red-orange colouring of the legs and particularly the claws as well as bright yellow eyes. Thus it represents a beautiful coloured contrast to the last week introduced vampire crab. Whether a […]
Barbus jae
The Jae barb is one rarely out of central Africa imported dwarf barb. With scarcely four centimeters of length they attained full growth and show an attractive red coloration on their fins. The red hue of the fins is more weakly pronounced with the females; their body exhibits predominantly beige-brown tones. In addition the females […]
Rasbora axelrodi
One of the jewels for experienced aquarists is Sundadanio (former: Rasbora ) axelrodi. The fish on the photo belongs to the blue-green form from Anjungan, Borneo.(Photo F. Schäfer, Text K. Diehl)
Corydoras baianinha
March 2003: Some weeks ago we received a few pieces of Corydoras baianinha. This extreme rare Corydoras only occurs in a little number of small streams in the south of Brasil. The population of Cordoras baianinha is very much in danger, because its living space was already largely distroyed by environmental pollution and forest clearing! […]
Diskus „Red Inferno/Rio Moju“
In the following pictures you see some impressions from our discus installation. Seldom could we offer a so large selection on magnificently coloured, perfectly acclimatized Discus. The animals originating from different areas are even in our facility hardly to exceed in colour splendour. Since all of them attained full growth, breeders can fast extend their […]
Astyanax jordani
The blind cave fish Astyanax jordani is a fish adapted to the life in absolute darkness. Characteristic for animals living in the dark is the missing of eyes, as well as missing pigmentation of the skin. It is assumed that Astyanax jordani developed from the seeing species Astyanax mexicanus. This could have happened by a […]
Hemibrycon spec. „Paraguay“
In the last years some quite difficult to classify new species of characins arrived from Paraguay. Usually they belong to the genera Creagrutus, Hemibrycon and Piabarchus. As a common characteristic a high swimming activity can be called for all species of this relationship. They need thus tanks, with a large free swimming area. Thus long […]
Microsynodontis polli
Microsynodontis polli is one of three poorly documented pygmy Synodontis species, the other two being M. lamberti and M. batesii. They origin from Western to Central Africa, M. polli is reported for the upper Niger in Guinea and Liberia. Their maintenance is no problem as long as the water is soft and slightly acidic, although […]
Callichthys spec. NEW
From southern Brazil we could import a probably new Callichthyid catfish species. The sexes can be easily differentiated on the basis the dark pattern at the head of the females. In their homeland they inhabit diverse waters types. As accessory air-breathers they can move over land if it gets necessary to reach other waters. Their […]
Hyphessobrycon columbianus
According to Weitzman this tetra, which was described only recently (Zarske & Géry 2001) belongs to the relationship of the “Rosy-Tetra-Group” (in the widest sense). In 1995 the first animals came to Germany, caught in a tributary of Rio Acanti, Columbia. All specimen, which are currently on the market are said to be descended from […]