Fish Archive (3041)

  • Copella meinkeni

    6. July 2007

    At present Aquarium Glaser can offer some species of splash tetras, noticeable by a magnificent colouring is particularly Copella meinkeni. Each scale of these up to 6 cm long getting species is marked with a red spot. C. meinkeni origins from areas north of the Amazon, where it occurs in the basins of the Orinoko […]

  • Hyphessobrycon bifasciatus

    6. July 2007

    The Yellow Tetra originates like its close related Von Rio Tetra from coastal rivers in southeast Brazil. With its pretty yellow basic colour it forms a beautiful contrast to it and other reddish characin species. As a schooling fish the Yellow Tetra should be kept only in larger swarms. Particularly in not too brightly lit […]

  • Hyphessobrycon sweglesi

    Red Phantom tetra, Hyphessobrycon sweglesi

    6. July 2007

    Until a few years ago Red Phantom tetra, Hyphessobrycon sweglesi was easy to identify, even though under the name of Megalamphodus sweglesi. Lately “Red Phantom Tetras” appear more often, which are very similar to it, but also show other characteristics. It stays (temporarily) unclear, if they are own species, subspecies or “local forms”. Interested hobbyists, […]

  • Nanochromis sp. „Lezas“

    6. July 2007

    With Nanochromis sp. “Lezas” we can offer a further highlight of German bred fishes. As at the before introduced species this dwarf cichlid is hardly to be exceeded in colour and quality. Particularly noticeable is the strong red colouring of the dorsal – and the upper parts of the caudal fin. In dark, peat-coloured water […]

  • Terranatos dolichopterus

    Terranatos dolichopterus

    6. July 2007

    May 2002: New arrival: german bred Terranatos dolichopterus, sailfin-killi (Aqualog “New World Killis, page 190 log-no: S27715). This fish comes from Venezuela, grows up to 5cm and should be kept in groups. The bottom of the tank should be peat, because they “dive” into the bottom when they spawn. (Photo F. Schäfer, Text K. Diehl)

  • Hypancistrus spec. L 340

    Hypancistrus spec. L 340

    6. July 2007

    Freshly arrived from Colombia: the Megaclown L 340. We can offer one of the most beautiful and at the same time most variable Hypancistrus “species” in very good quality. The animals already reached maturity, so that the outstanding contrast should remain. In their requirements for maintenance they do not differ from their Brazilian cousins, warm, […]

  • Leporacanthicus sp. „NEW“

    6. July 2007

    April 2007: We received a particularly beautiful easter surprise this week from Colombia. The representative of the genus Leporacanthicus illustrated here is probably the first and only specimen on the market. It reminds of the in the Orinoco occurring L 240 and L 241, as well as of Leporacanthicus cf. “Venezuela”. But its white spots […]

  • Scardinus erythrophthalmus Gold

    Scardinus erythrophthalmus Golden

    6. July 2007

    March 2004: Just in time for the pond season this very attractive variety of the Rudd (Scardinus erythropthalmus) came to us. It is an excellent ecological algae destroyer for your garden pond. The Rudd is an endemic species for the whole of Europe and Asia up to the Aral Sea. It is a friendly schooling […]

  • Enneacampus ansorgii

    Enneacampus ansorgii

    6. July 2007

    The small freshwater pipefish originates from Western Africa, from Cameroon to Gabun and in the Zaire- and Ogowe River. These fish inhabit freshwater as well as brackish water habitats. Addition of sea salt (1-2 teaspoons per 10 litre of water) will therefore increase the vitality of these fish. This species, but actually all freshwater pipefish, […]

  • Haplochromis sp. Mburo Blacky

    Haplochromis sp. Mburo Blacky

    6. July 2007

    The “Mburo Blacky” is coming from Lake Mburo in Uganda. This species is undescribed until now and grows up to 12cm. It does not dig and do not eat plants, but it is rather agressive and therefor those fish need bigger tanks (1 meter in length and up) in which they can find places to […]

  • Euryrhynchus amazoniensis

    6. July 2007

    April 2006: Now available again: Euryrhynchus amazoniensis a rare shrimp species from South America. The delightful pattern of points and stripes on their body justifies its English name Peru Zebra Shrimp. For a long-lasting maintenance the only 3 cm large getting species needs low pH values and soft water, since otherwise a certain susceptibility against […]

  • Devario assamensis

    6. July 2007

    Some of the about 35 Devario species are found regularily in aquaria, others like Devario assamensis are rather rare. Therefore we are very happy to be able to offer you for the first time german bred Devario assamensis. Here it is about magnificent colored, circa 10 cm long getting barbs, whose origin is eastern India. […]

  • Rasbora daniconius

    6. July 2007

    The slender rasbora inhabits a very large area in Southeast Asia. From the Malaysian peninsula to the Mekong and the Indus it occurs in the a variety of habitats: channels, ponds, flooded (rice) fields and slowly flowing rivers. Due to the enormous area and the adjustment to different waters types it can be assumed that […]

  • Platy variatus „Highfin Orange“

    Platy variatus „Highfin Orange“

    6. July 2007

    This Highfin Platy certainly belongs to the most beautiful new breds of the last time. The flowing transition from scarlet to yellow and its enlarged backfin makes it’s attraction. Since it doesn’t differ from other Platys in it’s keeping demands, it will certainly become a gain in der Aquaristik.

  • Pristobrycon maculipinnis

    6. July 2007

    April 2006: This week we got some very nice Pristobrycon maculipinnis. This rarely traded and in the fish keeping hobby almost unknown species is characterised by intensive red colored fins, as well as a pronounced examination of black markings over the silver shining body. Maybe it is the most attractive of all Piranhas, it originates […]

  • Pseudohemiodon thorectes

    Pseudohemiodon thorectes

    6. July 2007

    This catfish coming from Bolivia, belongs to the smallest of his relatives, measuring 13 cm maximum. It is mostly getting imported by travelling aquarium hobbyists. Regarding the water condition this kind is rather adaptable, as guide values of up to 400 µS/cm and a pH-value of 7.6 were measured. Approx. 25°C are quite enough for […]

  • Sorubim lima

    Sorubim lima

    6. July 2007

    The shovel nose catfish is a classical appearance in the hobby. Even in the most common aquarium shops you can find this species as juveniles with a length between 8 and 10 cm. These fish are very appealing when they are small, but one should reconsider an impulsive buy here because these fish can grow […]

  • Pseudeutropius atherinoides

    Pseudeutropius atherinoides

    6. July 2007

    The „shark cats“ of the genus Pangasius are highly seeked for aquarium fishes, because their swimming behaviour reminds one on a shark. Sadly all species grow very fast and none of the species stays smaller than 50 cm, some even reach 150 cm or even more. For some time now so-called „mini-pangasius“ are introduced to […]

  • Amaralia hypsiura

    6. July 2007

    January 2001: At present we can offer Amaralia hypsiura for friends of the extraordinary . This rarely dealt catfish attains full growth with approx. 15 cm length. It originates from the Amzon and there it feeds mainly, as gastric examinations of freshly caught fishes documents, predominantly the spawn of other fish. Fortunately they are not […]

  • Nannostomous espei

    Nannostomous espei

    6. July 2007

    Up to now this ornamental tetra is only known from western Guyana/Southamerica in the lower course of Mazaruni River. Full-grown fish reach a total length of approx. 40mm. When putting on spawn the females are getting much plumper. By using their dish-shaped anal fin the males fix the eggs to a substrate (e.g. bottom of […]

  • Hyphessobrycon cf. loweae

    Hyphessobrycon cf. loweae

    6. July 2007

    It was illustrated on the homepage of Canadian fish exporter “Below Water” and designated as “Kitty” Tetra (“a new Hemigrammus-species, caught in Mato Grosso in November 2000). It is presented as Hyphessobrycon loweae in the February/March-issue of “Aquaristik Fachmagazin & Aquarium heute”. According to Dr. Géry there are “good correspondences” with Hyphessobrycon loweae (Costa & […]

  • Aplocheilichthys katangae

    6. July 2007

    From the Katanga province of the Congo we recieved Aplocheilichtys katangae. These non seasonal killies have a large distribution area in the central southern Africa. There they inhabit shallow, overgrown brooks and ponds. Their maximum size is approximately 6 cm. They feed on small water insects and crustaceans in tanks they can be fed with […]

  • Yasuhikotakia lecontei

    6. July 2007

    From the watershed of the Mekong originates this circa 15 cm long getting loach. The name red finned loach is something misleading, since not all animals show this colouring in all stages of age. During their development they change colours and pattern. Young animals usually exhibit a pattern of stripes which disappears during ageing. In […]

  • Baryancistrus sp. L-81 HIGHFIN

    6. July 2007

    September 2003: This week we received from Brasil a really unique fish: L-81 HIGHFIN. Our supplier advised us to send this fish and it really was worth waiting….was it not?(Photo F. Schäfer, Text K. Diehl)

  • Hypancistrus spec. L 401

    6. July 2007

    This in the DATZ 12/05 introduced very beautiful Hypancistrus variant is at present in a small number available. The animals remind in their habitus of L 333 and with these are also occasionally confounded. In the figure they are more delicate, somewhat more stretched and reach only one overall length of maximally 12 cm, while […]

  • Liposarcus pardalis

    6. July 2007

    Liposarcus pardalis has enormous area of origin that enclosure nearly the entire Amazon basin. It is found in different waters types, herefrom results a large adaptability for the maintenance in aquaria. According to the size (> 40cm) enormous food quantities are consumed. In Southeast Asia they are bred in large numbers and so wild caughts […]

  • Spectracanthicus (= Oligancistrus) zuanoni L 354

    Spectracanthicus (= Oligancistrus) zuanoni L 354

    6. July 2007

    Spectracanthicus zuanoni L 354 originates from Rio Xingu and the Rio Iriri in Brazil. It has been described scientifically only in 2014 (see The fish belongs to the same species as L 20, with however clearly larger white marks, so that the design reminds of a black net on a bright background. The reddish, […]

  • Etheostoma fusiforme

    Etheostoma fusiforme

    6. July 2007

    October 2003: This week we received a limited number of Etheosoma fusiforme. These goby-like perches are also called Darters and originates from North America. Darter males inspire during the courtship with beautiful colors. During the summer months this species can be held also in the domestic garden pond. (Photo F. Schäfer, Text K. Diehl)

  • Micropercops swinhonis

    6. July 2007

    One of the most beautiful new fish species of 2003 is this goby, which is rather widely spread in China, Korea and Japan. Already in 1873 Günther described it under the name Eleotris swinhonis of Shanghai, China, but it made its way to our tanks only now. It can reach a maximum size of approx. […]

  • Synbranchus marmoratus

    Synbranchus marmoratus

    6. July 2007

    As a beauty in the conventional sense Synbranchus marmoratus can not be chracterised, but even the extraordinary has its attraction. At the moment we can offer beside swamp eels in „normal“ sizes a giant of approximately 1 m length. Of course a predator of this size should not be kept together with small „food fishes […]

  • Badis sp. Patao

    Badis corycaeus (formely: sp. Putao)

    6. July 2007

    This new, brown-red Badis was imported from the borderland of Myanmar and China. They can can be kept even in cooler temperatures and are easily satisfied. Also bred ones are already available. (Photos & Text D. Bork)

  • Hemichromis cf. cristatus „Benue“

    Hemichromis cf. cristatus „Benue“

    6. July 2007

    This beautiful cichlid comes from the Benue-river. At least the females grow up to 5cm, the males reach their maximum size with 7cm. Among themselves they are peaceful and they also can be kept with other fish. But there is a slightly rough behaviour, which is typical for all red cichlids. But much less than […]

  • Geophagus crassilabris

    Geophagus crassilabris

    6. July 2007

    Very large animals, up to 20 cm, came to us from Colombia. These beautiful fish came as well from the Rio Chacu. These eartheaters live in nature in a habitat of moderately flowing streams and rivers. Remarkably for this group of eartheaters is the way they breed their eggs, not as normally in the throat […]

  • Geosesarma sp. VAMPIRE

    Geosesarma sp. VAMPIRE

    6. July 2007

    March 2006: They are among us. Fortunately only in a small number: Vampire crabs! With a close look the horror will pack you, remind the ends of its shears very strongly of the carnassial teeth of vampires. At night one would like to meet them with their shiny red eyes in no case. Now in […]

  • Barbus jae

    6. July 2007

    The Jae barb is one rarely out of central Africa imported dwarf barb. With scarcely four centimeters of length they attained full growth and show an attractive red coloration on their fins. The red hue of the fins is more weakly pronounced with the females; their body exhibits predominantly beige-brown tones. In addition the females […]

  • Devario regina

    6. July 2007

    The Queen Danio (Devario regina) is a tropical fish belonging to the minnow family (Cyprinidae). Originating in India, Myanmar, Thailand, northwestern Malaya, and the Mekong basin it is quite rarely seen in our tanks. Other species often found in the same locality as D. regina are Puntius lateristriga, Rasbora paviei, various Poropuntius, Neolissochilus, Barilius, Nemacheilus […]

  • Corydoras weitzmani

    Corydoras weitzmani

    6. July 2007

    This is one of the most spectacular representative of the Corydoras genus recently imported. For us this is the ultimate Corydoras. Its closest relative is probably Corydoras panda. The body pattern is similar to the recently described Corydoras tukano. This species was caught by the authors in September 2004 in the riverine system of the […]

  • Erythrinus erythrinus

    6. July 2007

    June 2007: Last week we imported from Peru a small amount of probably the most beautiful of all wolf characins. A big advantage of Erythrinus erythrinus is it’s size, that stays with about 25 cm in a tolerable area. It doesn’t have excessive claims with water-chemistry. In it’s homeland, it lives next to small streams […]

  • Pterosturiosoma microps

    Pterosturiosoma microps

    6. July 2007

    Pterosturiosoma microps is one of the regularly imported Loricariidae from Peru, although not in bigger quantities. Even though it is more impressing in colour by its soft black-grey, it can still arouse enthusiasm by its remarkable appearance and its impressive but graceful fins. But its steady nursing is not quite easy. Whereas the acclimatization probably […]

  • Bunocephalus sp. „Black/White“

    Bunocephalus sp. „Black/White“

    6. July 2007

    The banjocat new imported from Peru immediately attract attention due to their interesting colouring in contrast to other species of the same relation circle. Therefore some animals are almost unicoloured white while other specimens mainly show some irregular black markings. The care of this species does not differ from that of other relatives of this […]

  • Trichomycterus alternatus

    6. July 2007

    One of the in the aquarium most easy to keep pencil catfishes is Trichomycterus alternatus. This species, originating from the Rio de Janeiro region, reaches an overall length of for 10cm and can be maintained in aquaria starting from 60cm length. These very shy fish, reminding in their appearance of our in Europe native Stone […]