10a. Catfishes: Corydoras & Co. (207)

  • Corydoras orcesi and C. pastazensis

    20. October 2017

    These beautifully marked species appeared only very occasionally in the aquarium hobby. Corydoras orcesi has been described from the Rio Tigre system in Ecuador. Initially it was described as a subspecies of the similar Corydoras pastazensis. However, so far no intergrades have been found and this makes it very likely that both are seperate species. […]

  • Corydoras burgessi

    18. August 2017

    Now the season for the very beautiful and much beloved orange blotch corys has started. There does exist a good number of different species and varietoies, all have in common a brightly shining spot on the neck. Depending on light this glows from yellow to almost red. This glowing spot helps the fish in the […]

  • Corydoras elegans “Peru”

    7. June 2017

    We received a small number of this pretty cory from Peru. It was shipped under the nice name „Corydoras Brilliante“. In fact the dark longitudinal band of the fish shines in a bright emerald green when the reflecting light comes in the correct angle, but all in all the fish is „only“ a local variety […]

  • Corydoras sodalis

    3. April 2017

    We received beautiful coloured Netted Corys. The species Corydoras sodalis is quite often imported, but mostly under the completely wrong name of Corydoras punctatus. The real C. punctatus originates from Surinam, occurs hardly ever in the trade and looks very similar to the well known species C. julii and C. trilineatus. A cory that can […]

  • Megalechis thoracata „Albino“

    24. March 2017

    The Port Hoplo Megalechis thoracata – maybe the synonym (now invalid) name Hoplosternum thoracatum is more familar to some readers – is one of the earliest aquarium fish at all. The fish has only one real disadvantage: the maximum size, which is about 15 cm (or sometimes even larger). However, the species has a comparatively […]

  • Corydoras fowleri / coriatae

    17. March 2017

    The very long snouted Corydoras fowleri has been described scientifically in 1950 on the basis of a single specimen. Since that it has not been seen for decades anymore. Only at the end of the 1990ies imports from Peru arrived. The imported fish proofed to be very variable in respect of coloration. It is still […]

  • Corydoras weitzmani WILD

    19. July 2016

    We received a shipment of beautiful, fully grown wild collected Corydoras weitzmani from Peru. The species is extremely rare in the trade. Our fish have a perfect condition! There were strong doubts not long ago that the species might not exist at all or that it has been extinct. This was due to the fact […]

  • Corydoras cf. semiaquilus Alto Blanco

    19. July 2016

    The number of Corydoras species can hardly be overlooked anymore. There are 218 species described scientifically, 159 C-numbers, and 122 CW-numbers currently known. However, some very distinct forms can be easily separated from this mass and for sure a new genus must be erected for these once a revision of the complete genus is made. […]

  • Another new Panda-Corydoras

    19. April 2016

    The “New Panda” from Colombia/Venezuela is a much sought for species by Corydoras enthusiats since the first importation in 2010 (see http://www.aquariumglaser.de/en/archiv.php?news_id=272). There have been given two CW numbers for the species (different species?), namely CW49 and CW51. Please see for discussion and additional pictures of both forms http://www.aquariumglaser.de/en/corydoras-sp-cw-49-and-cw-51_en_1694.html Now we were able to import again this beautiful species and this time – again – many of them look different: they have an enormous large black saddle spot compared with the varieties known already. So are these Corys another local variety or do these fish simply differ a bit in respect of coloration from year to year? Nobody knows… But one thing is for sure: the are real beauties! For our customers: the fish have code 240183 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

    Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

  • Corydoras sp. C3

    13. April 2016

    Shipments declared as “Corydoras deckeri” from Colombia are always subject of surprise. There is no scientifically described species C. deckeri, this name is pure fantasy. So sometimes Corydoras axelrodi, sometimes C. loxozonus, and sometimes the scientifically undescribed C. sp. C3 are shipped under that flag. This time we received the pretty C3. However, all three […]

  • An enigmatic Corydoras

    9. March 2016

    obtained corys from Brazil, which had been collected in the upper
    Amazon. The exporter had identified them as Corydoras evelynae. Indeed
    the upper Amazon is type locality of C. evelynae; this species has a
    dark band over the back, which is broken in pieces; under the dorsal fin
    is a broad, rectangular spot that looks quadratic when watched from
    above; the dorsal spine is dark; on the flanks are two thin, parallel
    running horizontal bands; the species has a dark eye-band (this
    description bases on the holotype specimen). Since the first
    description, which was made in 1963 on the basis of only one specimen,
    Corydoras evelynae is subject of many speculations and has become
    imported only very rarely.

    new importations show some similarities with C. evelynae, but also many
    differences. They look most similar to the fish that have been named
    C20 in 1994. The number C20 has been eliminated later, because it is
    thought to represent only the juvenile of C. arcuatus.

    our largest C20 imported now show clearly that they do not belong to
    Corydoras arcuatus. C. arcuatus of similar size (about 4 cm long) from
    Peru look totally different, are regarded as large already in the trade
    and have, of course, the species-specific pattern.

    cannot exclude the possibility that C20 represents a juvenile stage of
    the so-called Super-Arcuatus from Brazil, a scientifically undescibed,
    very large (up to 8 cm) species; however, we do not think that this is
    very much likely.

    juvenile specimen (about 2 cm long) of Corydoras evelynae from
    Colombia, which we obtained as a sample specimen from the Rio Vaupes in
    May 2015 already showed the typical pattern of C. evelynae as described
    above. So it can be excluded that C. evelynae has a long-lasting
    juvenile pattern that differs from the adult pattern.

    cannot decide wether our new importations represent specimens of C20 or
    of a totally new species of Corydoras. In any way they are pretty
    members of the genus that have a pattern similar to that of C. evelynae,
    but a body shape that reminds one in the Corydoras-loretoensis-group.

    our customers: the fish have code 229542 on or stocklist. Please note
    that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Available in very small
    numbers only!

    Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

  • Corydoras imitator and C39

    8. February 2016

    Currently we receive imports of “Corydoras imitator” from the upper Rio Negro in Brazil. If one takes a close look on the fish it becomes obvious that hardly two specimens look really identical. Coloration is variable, as well is  the shape of the body. Some fish, for sure, are unplanned by-catches, for example C. incolicana […]

  • Corydoras njisseni

    3. February 2016

    Finally we were able to import again the smallest and cutest of all the different “orange blotch” Corydoras from the Rio Negro: Corydoras nijsseni. This fish is a close relative of C. elegans. The coloration, which is the same in Corydoras adolfoi, C. duplicareus, C. imitator, C. sp. C39, C. serratus, and serveral other species, […]

  • Corydoras cochui and C. habrosus

    19. January 2016

    These dwarf species of Corydoras have been confused quite a long time. Both species attain a maximum length of about 3 cm and a very cute, nice and lively aquarium fish. If one has the opportunity to see live specimens of both species together it may be hard to understand how they may be confused; […]

  • Corydoras CW 45 Lessex

    16. December 2015

    We can currently offer a very limited number of a new variety of the rare species CW 45. The fish was named “Lessex” by the exporter. We adopted that name, but we don´t know the meaning. CW 45 is a deep bodied species, similar to C. armatus. It differs from the latter by the bright […]

  • Corydoras vittatus

    16. November 2015

    And here we have one more beautiful species of currently imported Corydoras. Corydoras vittatus – the specific name means “striped” – is one of the most variable species in respect of the individual pattern. The fish originates from Brazil. Formerly it was often regarded to be a subspecies of the also very variable species Corydoras […]

  • Corydoras diphyes and Otocinclus mimulus

    4. November 2015

    Corydoras diphyes and Otocinclus mimulus are available irregularly in Germany and have been recently described by Axenrot and Kullander (2003). They originate from the tributary of the Rio Monday, a river flowing into the Rio Parana in Paraguay. This species was known, for quite a long time, as Corydoras flaveolus in the hobby; this species, […]

  • Unusual ornamental fish bred in Indonesia 2: Corydoras septentrionalis

    21. October 2015

    Corydoras septentrionalis is rather rare in the trade. It occurs in Venezuela and Colombia. The species is very similar to Corydoras ellisae from Paraguay. It differs from C. ellisae mainly due to the much longer snout and the colourless fin (with a spotted pattern in C. ellisae). We were a bit surprised to obtain that […]

  • Corydoras pantanalensis C5

    19. October 2015

    This species is one of the largest of its genus: C. pantanalensis can reach a total length of more than 8 cm! Now we finally were able once more to import these splendid pieces of gold in small numbers. Besides the impressive size Corydoras pantanalensis is also very interesting because the males develop during the […]

  • Corydoras aeneus Cuiabá

    16. September 2015

    The Bronze Cory is the most popular and most widespread Corydoras in the hobby. This stands in a strong contrast to the scientific knowledge about the systematics of that species. From a systematist´s point of view the Bronze Cory is among the least understood species of the genus. Currently only one species is accepted, which […]

  • Corydoras loxozonus

    7. September 2015

      This cory belongs to the most attractive members of the genus Corydoras and is also very easy to keep. One should only remember that C. loxozonus – it originates from the Rio Orinoco and its affluents – prefers higher temperatures. So the water temperture should not sink below 25°C for longer. Currently we can […]

  • And once more: Corydoras CW49

    7. September 2015

    We reported about our current importations of the most beautiful Corydoras sp. CW49 and CW51 quite recently (see http://www.aquariumglaser.de/en/corydoras-sp-cw-49-und-cw-51_de_1694.html). Now we obtained again a shipment of that species, this time said to originate from a new collecting site. And see: now all specimens look like the other, all are “pure” CW49 phenotypes! The pictures accompanying […]

  • A brandnew Corydoras – Corydoras sp. aff. potaroensis

    26. August 2015

    Sometimes it’s hard to believe. If one reminds that currently 160 species of Corydoras are scientifically accepted, plus 159 C-numbers, plus 107 CW-numbers, it is more than likely that every newly imported Corydoras could be applied to at least one of these fish. But far from that! Last week we obtained Corydoras under the name […]

  • Corydoras armatus Venezuela

    26. June 2015

    Corydoras armatus belongs to the species of Corydoras which are known by scientists very long already. It represents the sixths described species of the genus. The original descriprition appeared back in 1868. The type specimens originated from Peru (Rio Huallaga). It is quite astonishing that the species appeared comparatively late in the hobby – in […]

  • Corydoras sp. CW 49 and CW 51

    25. June 2015

    Among the most attractive species of Corydoras that have been imported in the past years is the “New Panda” from Colombia. We obtained the first speciemens in 2010. There do exist two varieties of the species. One has a larger black spot that extends over the middle of the body down in direction of the […]

  • Corydoras: Top rarities from Colombia

    26. May 2015

    We obtained a number of sample specimens (only one specimen per species) of Corydoras from the Rio Vaupes in Colombia. Some of them are real rarities, others are better known already. One of the well known species is Corydoras osteocarus. This species cannot be confused with any other Corydoras. The species attains a maximum length […]

  • Corydoras sp.

    12. May 2015

    The longsnouted and saddle-nosed Corydoras appear in the wild either solitary or in small schools. This is the reason why they are much more difficult to collect than the round-nosed Corydoras which most often live in very large swarms. This fact makes the longsnouted and saddle-nosed Corydoras much more expensive and also more desired by […]

  • Corydoras sp.

    12. May 2015

    Another extremely rarely imported Corydoras species reached us from Peru. The unusual popular name of the scientifically undescribed species is due to the coloration, especially the dark triangle in the neck. This reminds one very much to the odd type of headdress worn by Gustaf Gründgens in his legendary production of Goethe´s Faust, where he […]

  • Corydoras crimmeni

    8. May 2015

    For the first time ever we can offer this beautiful Corydoras. It originates from the Rio Negro basin in Brazil. A bright green shine on the flanks of the body is very obvious, especially when the light falls from ahead on the fish. This species attains a maximum length of about 6.5 cm. For our […]

  • Lepthoplosternum pectorale – Dwarf Hoplosternum

    25. November 2014

    The Hoplosternum relationship belongs to the plated catfish and and is thus closely related to Corydoras & Co. Like these, they make good and interesting aquarium fishes. Sadly most species become quite large. So, the species of the genus Lepthoplosternum are the best choose for smaller tanks. The maximum size of the members of that […]

  • Corydoras sp. Tukano Longnose

    14. October 2014

    There are still species of Corydoras that are imported so rarely and in so low numbers that the fish stay unfulfilled dreams of most enthusiasts. One of the most attractive species of that group is for sure the “Tukanao Longnose”. Of course these animals are not rare in the wild in the sense that there […]

  • Corydoras amapaensis

    24. September 2014

    Finally we were able to import again a small number of the extremely rarely offered long snouted Corydoras amapaensis. The species is highly variable in respect of coloration. The sexes can be distinguished best by the shape of the spines of the pectoral fins, which are thickened and hairy in males. For our customers: the […]

  • Corydoras tukano

    15. September 2014

    Hard to believe but true: it took five long years until we were able now to import once more Corydoras tukano. Now this pretty fish is finally available again. We obtained very stable, beautiful animals. For more information and how to distinguish C. tukano from its close relative C. reynoldsi, please see http://www.aquariumglaser.de/en/fish-archive/corydoras-en/_en-5/ For our […]

  • Corydoras concolor

    20. August 2014

    We received really beautiful Corydoras concolor in a perfect size (md-lg) from Colombia. The sexually active males develop very pretty high fins. For our customers: the fish have code 226004 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

  • Aspidoras sp. C125 Red

    6. August 2014

    Yesterday we introduced to you the pretty Aspidoras taurus (see http://www.aquariumglaser.de/en/news/Aspidoras_taurus_en/). We received from the very same breeder for the first time the very nice albinotic red variety of Aspidoras sp. C125. The wild coloured variety looks quite similar to A. taurus, but the fish stays a bit smaller (4-4,5 cm). According to our breeder […]

  • Aspidoras taurus

    5. August 2014

    This pretty species of catfish is found only very occasionally in the trade. The species is not allowed to be exported from Brazil currently, so exclusively bred specimens are traded. We just received a small number of the attractive species from one of our breeders. Aspidoras taurus reaches a maximum length of about 5-6 cm. […]

  • Corydoras pygmaeus

    30. June 2014

    The Dwarf corydoras (Corydoras pygmaeus) belongs without any doubts to the most attractive and interesting aquarium fish for small tanks. This dwarf becomes only 2-3 cm long and is a somewhat untypical member of its genus, for most species of Corydoras are bottom dwellers; C. pygmaeus prefers to swim in the open water column. Interestingly […]

  • Corydoras robustus

    3. June 2014

    This cory belongs to the largest and most attractive species of Corydoras at all. They can reach a total length of 9-10 cm. Both sexes develop long, filamentous dorsal fins when fully grown. The males can be best recognized by the much longer ventral fins. For our customers: the fish have code 244106 on our […]

  • New, rare Corys

    27. May 2014

    We received recently a larger
    shipment of beautiful, fully grown Corydoras burgessi. The import
    contained some bycatches. A closer look on them showed that they
    represent species that have not been reported yet from the area of the
    upper Rio Negro (where C. burgessi is collected).

    CW 89

    Initially we
    thought that these fish would represent C 39, a heavily build fish that
    reminds in all other respects in C. imitator. But the black band on the
    back of C 39 runs exclusively above the middle of the body, while in our
    specimens this band runs through the middle of the body to the lower
    border of the tail as it is well known from C. melini. This feature fits
    to CW 89 that is, however, reported so far only from Colombia (Rio

    C 84

    What has been
    found in CW 89 is also true for C 84. Our shipment contained only four
    specimens of this charming, rund-nosed species. C 84 is reported until
    now also only from the Brazilian/Colombian  border (Rio Tiquié). The
    coloration of our fish differs hardly. Obviously CW 89 and C 84
    represent a species pair of a longsnouted and a roundsnouted species of

    C 140?

    We are not really
    sure about the identity of this beautiful “longnose-burgessi” that is
    represented by three specimens only so far. The body shape and pattern
    fit very well to C 140, but our fish have a bright shining orange spot
    (as in C. burgessi). This is not observable in the photos of C 140
    published so far. The “longnose-burgessi” is a very striking species.
    Possibly we will be able to import a larger number of them in the near
    future. We are sure that this beautiful fish is an enrichment for the
    aquarium hobby.

    For our customers: the Corydoras sp. CW 89 has
    code 216304 and the stocklist-name “melini longnose” on our stocklist.
    Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

    Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

  • Corydoras sp Super Arcuatus

    2. May 2014

    Finally we received again this gorgeous, rare species of Corydoras from the Rio Purus in Brazil. The fish become almost double size compared with the “common” Corydoras arcuatus. In any other respect both species can be handled the same: they are hardy and beautiful fish! For our customers: the animals have code 221855 on our […]

  • Corydoras sp. Manu5 (CW062)

    28. January 2014

    Currently we received a number of still undescribed species of Corydoras from the Madre de Dios region in Peru, among them the very pretty Corydoras sp. Manu5. The Rio Manú is the larger of the two headstreams of the Rio Madre de Dios. Corydoras sp. Manu5 has the CW-number 62. For our customers: the fish […]

  • Corydoras sp. Eder

    20. January 2014

    We obtained from the Madre de Dios region in Peru this extremely rare and beautiful long snouted Corydoras und the name of Corydoras sp. Eder I and II. From a zoological point of view both represent the same species, which is very variable in respect of coloration. In the hobby there are several synonyms for […]

  • Corydoras ellisae

    Corydoras ellisae

    15. January 2014

    A beautiful, but sadly only rarely available cory from Paraguay. This species is the long-snouted counterpart of the most widespread cory in the hobby, the Peppered Corydoras. Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

  • Aspidoras pauciradiatus

    11. November 2013

    Finally the season for this charming dwarf has started. The species originates from the Rio Negro basin and attains a maximum length of about 3 cm. It is an ideal tankmate for tetras, dwarf cichlids etc. For our customers: the fish have code 208704 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale […]

  • Corydoras Neon Stripe (CW9, CW10, CW14/23)

    Corydoras Neon Stripe (CW9, CW10, CW14/23)

    11. November 2013

    A group of scientifically still undescribed species of Corydoras from Peru has bright metallic stripes over the back and is thus called “Neon Stripe”. Some of these beautiful fish are currently in our stock. One of them is the “Neon Green” (CW9), which we can offer in small numbers as wild caught, another one is […]

  • Corydoras eques

    21. October 2013

    From the Brazilian state of Amazonas we received again a species of Corydoras, which is long known to science but almost unknown in the hobby: Corydoras eques. This unique and extremely colourful species was collected near Anori. This typical schooling Corydoras looks best when it is kept in blackwater. The bright orange band over the […]

  • Corydoras sp. aff. imitator C140

    9. October 2013

    We received beautiful large longnose-corys from Brazil. Most specimens have a nice red spot right above the operculum. This coloration has not yet been described so far for Corydoras imitator. For our customers: the animals have code 232305 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

  • Show Corydoras arrived!

    10. September 2013

    We received two very rare species of Corydoras from Brazil, which represent moreover two of the largest species of Corydoras at all: the “real” Corydoras narcissus (I), which can attain a maximum length of almost 10 cm, and Corydoras robustus, which can become even one centimeter longer. For the differences beween C. narcissus I and […]

  • Corydoras polystictus

    31. July 2013

    We received from Brazil the very rarely offered, beautiful Corydoras polystictus. C. polystictus inhabits the Rio Paraguay basin in Brazil, Paraguay, and Argentina. Corydoras polystictus is a deep bodies species, which likes to swim along with conspecifics. The spotted pattern varies in each individual. Maximum size reported for the species is around 4.5 cm. For […]

  • Once more: four Corydoras from Peru

    31. July 2013

    We want to prolong our small news series on wild collected Corydoras from Peru once more; we simply have so many beautiful species in stock! And here we go:

    Corydoras cf. sychri C97
    Magnificent, large animals, available only very occasionally and in small numbers. Code 247024 on our stocklist.

    Corydoras leucomelas
    An ideal cory for smaller community tanks; this species attains a maximum length of 4 cm only. Code 233503 (md) and 233504 (md-lg).

    Corydoras arcuatus
    A real classic and simply beautiful. We have two sizes in stock, among them some xlg-animals (photo). Code 222003 (md) and 222005 (xlg).

    Corydoras sp. C91
    This fish is scientifically still undescribed and a real rarity. Very attractive! Code 229603

    Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

    Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

    Further species of Corydoras from Peru

    31. July 2013

    Our last newsletter presented to you some Corydoras from Peru we currently have in stock. However, there are many more attractive species of that genus in Peru. Here are another four of them that can be currently recommended.

    Corydoras reticulatus – a very beautiful, deep-bodied cory with golden-green shine. Code 243504 on our stocklist.

    Corydoras leopardus xl – the long-snouted species, counterpart of Corydoars julii and C. trilineatus. Very nice fish! Code 233405

    Corydoras rabauti – this pretty species has been named in honour for the discoverer of the neon tetra, A. Rabaut. Code 243004

    Corydoras virginae (C4) – an extraordinary species with an extraordinary pattern, very attractive! Code 240604

    Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

    Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

    The cory season has started!

    31. July 2013

    All over Amazonia the season for Corydoras has started now. Currently we received a great number of wonderful and very rare species, which we want to present to you in the next newsletters. Let´s start with some especially remarkable species from Peru:

    Corydoras aeneus Neon Red Stripe
    This is probably a very colorful variety of the much sought after CW10. In “Red Stripe” the magnificent dorsal stripe seems to be more reddish instead of yellowish. Code: 221033

    Corydoras aeneus Neon Green Stripe
    This fish is available only a short time each year and in limited numbers only. Code: 221055

    Corydoras fowleri
    A fantastic, large Corydoras, very variable regarding coloration. Code: 229804

    Corydoras semiaquilus
    Very similar to Corydoras fowleri, it may be that both belong to the same species. Code: 244553

    Corydoras narcissus II
    Only seldom available and in small numbers only. Beautiful animals! Code: 237206

    Corydoras julii
    New season. fantastic fish! (we know: the Peruvian population belongs to the species C. trilineatus…). Code: 232505

    Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

  • Corydoras haraldschulzi

    10. July 2013

    Finally this beautiful cory, the long snouted counterpart to C. sterbai, is available again – in show size! For our customers: the fish have code 231505 on our stocklist. Available in limited numbers only! Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

  • Corydoras gossei and Corydoras seussi WILD

    14. June 2013

    Finally we were able to import once more the wonderful cory Corydoras seussi and its very rare, longsnouted sister species C. seussi. For our customers: the fish have code 230253 (C. gossei) and 230263 (C. seussi) on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Text & Photos: Frank Schäfer

  • Corydoras amandajanea

    3. June 2013

    This beautiful species of Corydoras is only occasionally available. It has a comparably pointed snout and becomes around 6 cm long. In its natural habitat this species lives in dark water. So it has only very few markings on the light colored body: the dark eyeband and a rectangular blotch right below the dorsal fin. […]

  • Corydoras sp. San Juan

    29. May 2013

    We received again this pretty and very variably colored Cory from Peru. It remains still an open question whether “San Juan” belongs to Corydoras napoensis, C. bilineatus or an undescribed species. The Corydoras-elegans-group, to which “San Juan” belongs without any doubt, is in need of revision. May this be as it is: “San Juan” is […]

  • Corydoras sp. San Juan

    29. May 2013

    The corys belonging to the Corydoras-elegans-complex are very variable in respect of coloration. Moreover they have a juvenile coloration that differs from the adult coloration, and the males have another coloration than the females. This makes them really difficult to apply to a described species. But the fish are very beautiful! Currently we have one […]

  • Corydoras aeneus “Puerto Maldonado”

    6. May 2013

    We received this beautiful colour morph of the Bronze corydoras that exhibits a lot of orange colours from Peru. It belongs to the “Gold Shoulder” group, which is sometimes named Corydoras schultzei; however, this name is currently considered to be a synonym of C. aeneus. The fish is very rare and available in limited numbers […]

  • Corydoras cf. kanei C142

    2. April 2013

    C142 is a very beautiful, peaceful and comparatively small species of Corydoras: it becomes around 5 cm long. It is said that C142 originates from the Rio Tapajos. Corydoras kanei is quite similar to C142, but the latter is distinguished from the former by the bright golden spots on the neck and the operculum. Such […]

  • Corydoras sp. aff. elegans C 126

    5. November 2012

    This is a further new species of Corydoras from the Madre de Dios region. The species attains a maximum length of about 4-5 cm. Males and females look very different. Whereas the males have a coloration similar to that of C. elegans, the females imitate the C. aeneus “Madre de Dios”. In contrast to many […]

  • Corydoras weitzmani WILD

    Corydoras weitzmani WILD

    22. October 2012

    We received a shipment of beautiful, fully grown wild collected Corydoras weitzmani from Peru. The species is extremely rare in the trade. Our fish have a perfect condition! There were strong doubts not long ago that the species might not exist at all or that it has been extinct. This was due to the fact […]

  • New Corydoras from Peru

    27. September 2012

    Corydoras sp. C91, male Corydoras sp. C91, female

    The pretty Corydoras sp. C91 is already a well known aquarium fish, although it is available only occasionally and very rarely. This species is a typical shortnose or roundnose Cory, which can be kept in the very same way as the common species Corydoras julii or C. trilineatus. The latter represent without any doubt the closest relatives of C91.

    Corydoras sp. C91 Longnose, female

    Corydoras sp. C91 Longnose, pair

    For the first time ever we were able now to import also the long snouted species that has the very same pattern as C91. Sadly we have no information where the fish have been collected. C91 is said to originate from the Rio Huallaga, which is an approx. 1.100 km long tributary of the Maranon, the larger of the two headstreams of the Amazon river. The longsnouted species imitating C91is a very attractive fish, that resembles much to Corydoras leopardus. However, the new species has a much more contrasting pattern in the caudal fin.

    Corydoras sp. C115/116, variety with caudal stripe, no shoulder spot

    Corydoras sp. C115/116, variety with caudal stripe and shoulder spot

    Corydoras sp. C115/116, variety without caudal stripe, but with shoulder spot

    Corydoras sp. C115/116, variety without caudal stripe and shoulder spot

    From the Rio Madre de Dios originates the saddle noses species C115/116. The Madre de Dios is also about 1.100 km long and is the largest tributary of the Rio Madeira. The Madre de Dios flows between the countries Bolivia and Peru. C115/116 also resembles much in C91, at least some specimens. For C115/116 has a very variable coloration, which is the reason that initially it was thought that it represents two different species. However, breeding the fish showed clearly that it is only one variable species (please see also http://www.aquariumglaser.de/en/corydoras-sp-c-115116_de_1043.html). Now we received for the first time ever very nice wild collected specimens that show the complete number of varieties: animals with and without lateral stripe and animals with or without a shoulder spot.

    Keeping all these new Corydoras is easy, but one should keep in mind that only C91 and the long snouted species are schooling fish in the closer sense, while the saddle nosed types rather prefer to live individually or in small groups.

    For our customers: C91 has code number 229593, C91 “Longnose” has code 229603, and C115/116 has code 225304 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

    Lexicon: Corydoras: from ancient Greek, means „with helmet and spear“. This refers to the strong armor and fin spines.

    Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

  • Corydoras aeneus Puerto Maldonado

    19. September 2012

    We received this beautiful colour morph of the Bronze corydoras that exhibits a lot of orange colours from Peru. It belongs to the “Gold Shoulder” group, which is sometimes named Corydoras schultzei; however, this name is currently considered to be a synonym of C. aeneus. The fish is very rare and available in limited numbers […]

  • Corydoras aeneus „Puerto Maldonado“

    Corydoras aeneus “Puerto Maldonado”

    14. August 2012

    We received this beautiful colour morph of the Bronze corydoras that exhibits a lot of orange colours from Peru. It belongs to the “Gold Shoulder” group, which is sometimes named Corydoras schultzei; however, this name is currently considered to be a synonym of C. aeneus. The fish is very rare and available in limited numbers […]

  • Dwarf Armoured Catfish from Paraguay arrived!

    21. February 2012

    We received beautiful, adult Dwarf Armoured Catfish (Lepthoplosternum pectorale). The current size of the fish is 4-6 cm. Wild collected specimens are only very occasionally traded.

    For our customers: the fish have code 259202 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

    Text & photo: Frank Schäfer

  • Corydoras virginiae

    28. December 2011

    Currently we have one of the most attractive species of Corydoras from Peru in stock. This species caused – along with some other species – the Corydoras boom that started more than 15 years ago. At this time C. viriginiae was still undescribed was called “C4”. This Corydoras is a schooling fish. Moreover it is […]

  • Corydoras sp. Neon Red Stripe

    28. December 2011

    Currently we have a top rarity in stock: the extremely rarely imported Corydoras sp. Neon Red Stripe! Until now we could offer only bred ones from time to time. These beautiful, wild collected fish are available only in very limited numbers! For our customers: the fish have code 221033 on our stocklist. Please note that […]

  • Rare species of Corydoras available again!

    9. November 2011

    Corydoras sp. Neon Goldstripe wild CW 10 from Peru and Corydoras eques from Brazil are finally available again!

    Corydoras sp. CW10

    Corydoras eques

    Photos: Frank Schäfer

  • Corydoras sp. C141

    Corydoras sp. C141

    5. September 2011

    One could term this beautiful cory also the long-nose schwartzi. Obviously the species has not been described scientifically yet. It is not known from which river the fish originates. Sometime C141 is confused with C. ornatus, but the latter has never a cream-white dorsal spine. C141 attains a length of about 6 cm. Code: 241724 […]

  • Corydoras schwartzi

    Corydoras schwartzi

    5. September 2011

    This good old fashioned, but still very beautiful cory originates from the system of the Rio Purus in Brazil. In contrast to the other species mentioned here the dorsal spine is only occasionally cream-white. The species belongs to the group of stout Corydoras with round noses. It can be quite easily recognized by the black […]

  • Corydoras guapore

    23. August 2011

    Sadly this charming cory is only occassionally available. We recieved once more a small number of the fish. For our customers: the species has code 230504 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Photo: Frank Schäfer

  • Dianema sp.

    8. August 2011

    The genus Dianema comprises currently only two valid species (D. longibarbis and D. urostriata), which are pretty easy to distinguish due to the very different coloration of the caudal fin. From Brazil we now received a third species under the name of “RED ITUXI”. Obviously the collectors in the field observed that the basic colour […]

  • Corydoras cf. bicolor

    23. May 2011

    This beautiful new Cory reached us from Brazil. The black- and-white pattern looks like in C. brevirostris whereas the bright orange-yellow mark on the back (right in front of the dorsal fin) looks like in the very similar species C. bicolor. However, both species do not appear in Brazil as far as it is known. […]

  • Brochis britskii and Brochis cf. splendens CW 35

    25. March 2011

    Two features distinguish the species of Brochis from those of Corydoras: firstly, the enormous size (up to 12 cm) and secondly, the high number of rays in the dorsal fin. While Corydoras have 7-8 rays in the dorsal fin, in Brochis this fin has 10-18 rays. Besides this both genera are distinguished by some externally […]

  • Corydoras polystictus PANTANAL

    15. February 2011

    In contrast to the typical variety of C. polystictus, which originates from the upper Rio Paraguay (state of Mato Grosso, Brazil), the Pantanal-variety has much smaller and more numerous spots. Aquarists specialized in Corydoras thus think it is possible that the Pantanal population represents a seperate species. However, even among the Pantanal corys a variation […]

  • Corydoras gossei

    10. September 2010

    Currently we have beautiful German bred specimens of Corydoras gossei in stock. This is a very lively species of Corydoras. It originates from the Rio Mamoré in Brazil. Wild collected specimens are hardly ever available. Corydoras gossei is a close relative of C. sterbai. However, due to the dark basic coloration in C. gossei the […]

  • Corydoras serratus

    3. September 2010

    The saddle-nosed Corydoras serratus from the upper Rio Negro in Brazil belongs to the most wanted species of Corydoras. Due to the fact that the saddle-nosed species of Corydoras are in general no schooling fish it is not possible to collect larger numbers of them in an economically senseful way. This and the fact that […]

  • Corydoras sp. Neon Goldstripe, CW 10

    11. August 2010

    There are many attractive and desirable species of Corydoras, but one would hardly describe many of the about 300 species known so far as colourful. One of the very few really colourful Corydoras is the scientifically still undescribed species Corydoras sp. Neon Goldstripe, that we were able to import again in larger numbers now from […]

  • Corydoras sp. “New Panda” CW51

    15. July 2010

    Corydoras sp. “New Panda” from Colombia is so far the most spectacular new importation of the year. Hans-Georg Evers, expert for Corydoras, guesses that the species may be found in the Rio Vaupes system, but still no assured information on that topic is available. It is very conspicious that the spot below the dorsal fin […]

  • Corydoras diphyes

    22. June 2010

    It has been quite a long time since we were able to import this pretty species from Paraguay, but now we managed it! Please click here for further information: http://www.aquariumglaser.de/en/fish-archive/corydoras-en/Corydoras_diphyes_en/ Text & photo: Frank Schäfer

  • Corydoras diphyes

    22. June 2010

    This Corydoras is available irregularly in Germany and has been recently described by Axenrot and Kullander (2003). C.dyphyes originates from the tributary of the Rio Monday, a river flowing into the Rio Parana in Paraguay. This species was described, for a long time, as Corydoras flaveolus which comes however from the Brazilian state of Sao […]

  • Corydoras orcesi

    26. May 2010

    This beautifully marked species appeared only very occasionally in the aquarium hobby. The fish has been described from the Rio Tigre system in Ecuador. Initially it was described as a subspecies of the similar Corydoras pastazensis. However, so far no intergrades have been found and this makes it very likely that both are seperate species. […]

  • Corydoras sp. aff. reynoldsi CW12

    20. April 2010

    Repeatedly we were able to import the longnosed Corydoras from Colombia that resembles the shortnosed C. reynoldsi. For the latter please check http://www.aquariumglaser.de/en/corydoras-reynoldsi–corydoras-tukano_en_1074.html. The longnosed species represents a species undescribed by science so far. Like all longnosed Corydoras this fish is somewhat variable regarding coloration. In contrast to the shortnosed species, longnosed Corydoras live more […]

  • Corydoras sp. NEW PANDA

    20. April 2010

    Last week we received for the first time ever this beautiful new Cory. Its fantastic black-and-white-coloration will make it without any doubts to one of the favorite species for Corydoras enthusiasts. Specialized aquarists already know the fish under the code CW51. More about this new entry here: http://www.aquariumglaser.de/en/fish-archive/corydoras-en/Corydoras_sp_New_Panda_CW51_en/ Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

  • Corydoras sp. C40

    20. January 2010

    This pretty cory comes from the Brazilian state of Rondonia. It is not possible to distinguish the fish from Corydoras griseus externally. However, Corydoras griseus comes from Guyana and between the collecting sites of both species are serveral thoundands of kilometers. So it was decided to wait until a scientist has researched the identity of […]

  • Corydoras sp. aff. armatus

    9. December 2009

    Some weeks ago we proudly presented to you this Corydoras species, which we were able to import for the first time ever (http://www.aquariumglaser.de/en/fish-archive/corydoras-en/Corydoras_sp_aff_armatus_CW45_en/ ). Now the fish haved settled and developed such a nice coloration that we feel you will enjoy another photo.Text & photo: Frank Schäfer

  • Corydoras sp. aff. armatus CW45

    4. November 2009

    For the first time ever we were able to import another species of Corydoras. This species is for sure scientifically undescribed. It reminds one a bit on C. armatus due to the extremely long dorsal spine, but C. armatus never has the golden spot on the back which is present in our new species. The […]

  • Corydoras eques, C. sp. aff. armatus and Corydoras duplicareus

    4. November 2009

      From the Brazilian state of Amazonas we received a species of Corydoras, which is long known to science but almost unknown in the hobby: Corydoras eques. This unique and extremely colourful species was collected near Anori. For the first time ever we were able to import another species of Corydoras. This species is for […]

  • Hoplosternum punctatum

    29. September 2009

    Plated catfish from the genus Hoplosternum are known in the hobby mainly from relatively large growing species, which can reach 15 to 20 cm in length. However, there also exist small species, like H. punctatum, which hardly grows larger than 7 cm. The natural distribution of this species is in Panama and in the rivers […]

  • Corydoras from the Rio Jamanxim – C. bifasciatus?

    25. September 2009

    From the Rio Jamanxim in the state of Pará, Brazil, we received for the second time now beautiful Corydoras catfish.  The Rio Jamanxim is a tribute to the Rio Tapajós. The first shipment of corys from there contained only long snouted animals, whereas the second shipment contained the shortsnouted counterpart. The new corys remind one […]

  • Corydoras longipinnis

    12. June 2009

    We were able to import a new Corydoras species from Argentina, namely Corydoras longipinnis. This species has been scientifically described as recently as 2007 by Joachim Knaack. The new species is a close relative to the well known Corydoars paleatus and reminds one somewhat of the longfinned sport of that species. In Corydoras longipinnis only […]

  • Corydoras sp. „Uruara“ CW037

    13. November 2008

    (Nov.13th 2008) This beautiful Corydoras is from Brasil, from Rio Uruara , which flows into Rio Curua Una south of the Amazonas to be exact. It was imported to Germany only in very small numbers. The more pleasant it is that bred ones are available for the first time. The catfish recall very much of […]

  • Corydoras sp. C 115/116

    16. January 2008

    (16.Jan.2008) This Longnose armored catfish was caught by Hoffmann & Hoffmann in Peru in a small canyon 50km away from Puerto Maldonado toward Boliva in 2004 and brought along legally. The very variable drawing, from monochromatically grey to big black spots on the sides of body (hence C115 and 116) is interesting. The breeding is […]

  • Corydoras sp. C 30

    6. July 2007

    Corydoras C 30, a scientifically still not described species, originates from the area of the Amazon delta (Federal State Amapa) in Brazil. In its appearance it reminds of Corydoras melanistius a further north in Surinam and Guyana occurring species. Like all Corys C 30 should be held not in a to small group (5 – […]

  • Corydoras sp. C 71

    6. July 2007

    August 2006: With Corydoras spec. C 71 we could import a further rare species from Brazil. They originate from the Rio Arua in the Federal State Para. With a final size of 6 cm they belong to the medium sized Corys. The requirements for their maintenance might be the same as for other Corydoras species. […]

  • Callichthys spec. NEW

    6. July 2007

    From southern Brazil we could import a probably new Callichthyid catfish species. The sexes can be easily differentiated on the basis the dark pattern at the head of the females. In their homeland they inhabit diverse waters types. As accessory air-breathers they can move over land if it gets necessary to reach other waters. Their […]

  • Corydoras armatus „spotted“

    Corydoras armatus „spotted“

    6. July 2007

    April 2005: These beautiful animals where imported from Columbia. The literature however give Peru and Brazil as their place of origin. For more then 125 years ago these fish were described by Günther and since then hardly ever imported. The characteristic features of this catfish is the extreme long dorsal fin of which the first […]

  • Corydoras baianinha

    Corydoras baianinha

    6. July 2007

    March 2003: Some weeks ago we received a few pieces of Corydoras baianinha. This extreme rare Corydoras only occurs in a little number of small streams in the south of Brasil. The population of Cordoras baianinha is very much in danger, because its living space was already largely distroyed by environmental pollution and forest clearing! […]