Corydoras adolfoi and C. duplicareus

12. May 2015

new collecting season has started and we can offer both species wild
collected again – they belong without any doubts to the most beautiful
Corydoras at all! The problem of the correct determination of these fish
is still unresolved. Two phenotypes can be easily told apart: one with a
deeper body and a broad band over the back (duplicareus), and the other
more slender, with a thin band over the back (adolfoi). According to
the original description, in C. duplicareus the inner edge of the
pectoral spine should be serrated, smooth in C. adolfoi. In our wild
collected specimens of both phenotypes the inner edge of the pectoral
spine is smooth.

our customers: the animals have code 220203 (adolfoi) and 227603
(duplicareus) on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply
the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer